Giving you options for links because I’m comradely like that:
Invidious 🧅: http://c7hqkpkpemu6e7emz5b4vyz7idjgdvgaaa3dyimmeojqbgpea3xqjoid.onion/watch?v=erSvAGrg6Zg
Piped 🧅: http://piped2bbch4xslbl2ckr6k62q56kon56ffowxaqzy42ai22a4sash3ad.onion/watch?v=erSvAGrg6Zg
uncritical support for the DPRK in its heroic struggle to liberate occupied Korea from the genocidal American empire
Edit: I’ll also add this here from a deeper comment because many aren’t getting it.
We can help neurodivergent comrades with tone indicators.
And, the DPRK jokes are beating a starving horse. Other instances already think everyone here is only a pseudoleftist cult follower.
Either some finesse or subtleties to joke variety or then some indicators on blatant wacky shit posting could be helpful for people.
You’re in the wrong place, bucko.
I’m the spectre which haunts lemmy, never in a wrong place
Edit: another joke idea: is there going to be a wall to keep the “illegals” like me out?
(It’s a joke making fun of right-wingers and how federation works)
I’m sure the material needs work
Joking about building a wall to keep “illegals” out isn’t funny.
Maybe it would fly on a conservative forum.
No one is illegal.
That is my comment’s point. No one is illegal so I highlighted that with the quotes because the original context was keeping people out, as in a wall.
It would not fly on a conservative forum because it makes fun of them.
Fuck off. You’re trying to say that because we don’t want actual chuds on our silly internet forum (and many of us are fed up with libs too) that we’re exactly like right-wingers who are currently putting fucking sawblades in rivers so immigrants drown. Do you see how these two things are rather different? It’s not a funny joke and never would be. There’s zero potential here and you’re an asshole.
If you disagree with “there are no illegals” then I’m sorry to say I’m not the asshole here
No sarcasm here, friend
is there a setting that removes the libs? FUCK they’re annoying
anyone with an @ in their name is most like to be a shithead
Not our lemmygrad comrades, though
shithead reporting for duty o7
Comrade, on this site we support the red, white, and blue
Yeah I support the red, white and blue star spangled banner
genocide supporter!
Reddit moment
Tone indicators are not “reddit,” they help neurodivergent people
I’ve edited it to just be making fun of them for thinking that any support for the DPRK could only be ironic, rather than for them using “/s?” to do that
And the DPRK jokes are beating a starving horse. Other instances already think everyone here is only a pseudoleftist cult follower.
Either some finesse or subtleties to joke variety or then some indicators on blatant wacky shit posting could be helpful for people.
It’s not a joke.
What the fuck?
We are actual leftists.
Yeah I know there are leftists here, and I also understand why some instances can’t see it behind the edgy veil
Being pro North Korea isn’t edgy. It’s supporting a heroic people in their anti imperialist struggle against the United States.
I get the feeling you believe this is ironic support, probably because you believe nonsensical American lies about their victims.
Genocidal empires tend to lie.
Can you point out the edginess for us, specifically? It looks to me like you have some preconceived notions about actual socialist countries having committed irredeemable atrocities, and thus you’re dumbfounded as to why a very inclusive leftist forum like ours would support them. It looks like the conclusion you’ve reached to square this contradiction is that our support for these countries is not genuine, and that our outward admiration for them is just us trying to offend people.
But that conclusion couldn’t be more off base. Our support for these countries is genuine. Instead you should look more closely at your preconceived notions of these countries, because that’s the faulty premise at work here. If you are from an
type country, then your perspective on this has been utterly warped by the ongoing century long atrocity propaganda campaign that the west has wrought against socialist countries.
That goes double for the DPRK specifically. Everything you hear about that country in mainstream western news isn’t just severely biased, it’s more often than not outright lies. During the Korean War, the United States’ horrific bombing campaign destroyed literally every building more than one story tall in the entirety of the DPRK. The United States literally killed off a double digit percentage of their population. Then the US and the rest of “the international community” (see the emoji above), worked tirelessly to economically cripple the DPRK with sanctions to halt their recovery from the war. It’s so fucked that I can’t help but laugh when western liberals are so self unaware that they wonder why the DPRK hates the US so much and why they’re putting so much effort into building a stockpile of nuclear weapons.
If I missed the mark here, then I’m not sure what else you think is r/the_donald like about us besides the fact that we can be crass and rude at times.
What part of “uncritical support for the DPRK in its heroic struggle to liberate occupied Korea from the genocidal American empire” do you think is a joke exactly?
Maybe we should begin prepending “Unironic,” to the meme.
I don’t like the implication anyone here could say it ironically
When talking to libs I guess.
was added.
Poggies, now I can make this
Ackshually the le redditor moment is the the_donaldification of this instance. Some day the critical mass won’t get the parody anymore and it will be just a gargle of The One Joke attackhelicopterlibrulsnowflake changed to chinalibrulstalin
Did narwhal bacon midnight stay funny? Not really
Question yourself, why do you use donaldification, do you mean the sub? If so do you think the social interactions here are like there? Beating down against marginalized people in the imperial core with heavy slurs and racism which promote violence in the authoritarian core?
If you want to refer to the way communication is done, in a not serious tone, with elements that actually connect to people (like the old chapo subreddit did), then you have to ask yourself why you are against an effective presence of the working class on the net.
If you are just finding the humor edgy then that is another matter, but the first two - which you opened up due to your choice of words - make me think that there is more to it. I feel as if there is a moral component you value highly. Is that so?
Remember how t_d was a tongue in cheek in-joke in the beginning until it grew and actually drew in users that actually were all in with the cult without a hint of self awareness and became what you described?
That path is too easy to accidentally replicate and IT will be a negative effect for the working class on the net. Regular prole scrollers won’t get “stalin is good because he’s handsome” even though we might have a taste for edgier humor
Think critical, friend
Regular prole scrollers
Will get it, since we are having enough critical points and mega threads as well as theory discussions.
That path is too easy to accidentally replicate and IT will be a negative effect for the working class on the net
Yeah I differ in that estimate. A variety of places for the working class will be more effective than small closed groups of critical school theory nerds (which had like 90 years to come up with functional organizing).
Well the war isn’t over, so you could still join Kim.
Doesn’t seem like they need any help tbh
I’m joining the war on North Korea…on the side of North Korea!
uncritical support for the DPRK in its heroic struggle to liberate occupied Korea from the genocidal American empire
no more half measures walter
nice, good for them, juche stays winning
Born too late to live in communism, born too early to live in communism, born just in time for WWIII Brinkmanship baby
they cool, every other instance is questionable at best lately.
You really think they “Unveiled” their first nuclear attack sub? This is the first unveiling of their nuclear attack subs.
I was waiting for the synthwave edit but Al Jazeera beat them to the punch
Shame it’s not nuclear, hopefully soon that will change and the subs will catch up.
The DPRK’s nuclear industry got fucked over in the 90s when they agreed to work with America and then surprise! the agreement fell apart. So yeah hopefully they figure out how to do nuclear reactors on their own or with help from China or Russia.
Rare north korean l.
The fuck is nuclear attack submarine?
I assume this means it’s capable of launching nuclear ICBMs
As opposed to what? Nuclear defense submarine?
Nuclear powered subs is a thing, right?
Yes, but i have not seen submarines refered to as attack submarines. Nuclear-carrying or capable
SSNs are also called attack submarines.
SSBNs are the big guys who carry large quantity of nuclear warhead ballistic missiles whose job is to lay low, stay hidden to maintain a first/second strike capability.
SSNs are the small guys who are fast and agile out on a hunt for enemy submarines. They also have limited capacity to launch cruise missiles on naval and land targets. Also known as the “fast attack subs”.
The Soviets/Russians also have SSGNs which are in between the two and capable of carrying long range guided cruise missiles, whose job is to stay hidden and then launch a large salvo of cruise missiles capable of overwhelming the enemy fleet’s defense.
Then you have the SSKs - the really small guys, the diesel-electric attack subs that operate on batteries and are extremely quiet but have limited range. They are usually built for littoral (coastal) defense rather than blue water naval power projection.
Oh? I thought that was the term for these sorts of subs, I think it is to differentiate them from spying submarines that don’t carry weapons?
I’m guessing our subs are nuclear capable, because we’re the good guys, and their subs are nuclear attack subs, because they’re the bad guys.
Nah it’s a specific class of naval submarines that are designed to attack other subs and ships, powered by nuclear reactors, like the US’ Virginia class that’s supposed to be exported to Australia, part of the AUKUS deal that scandalized France
I really doubt that’s a nuke.
you doubt North Korea has nuclear missiles?
if north korea has so many nukes when why haven’t they destroyed the capitalist hellscape of the united states? czech mate, communard
Nukes aren’t real. If they were so powerful, how would we have videos of them? Also there’s no way China has over a billion people. The entire human population of Earth is a billion, tops. And since America has 300 million, it’s the largest country in the world - not China or India.
(real conspiracies I have seen)