He literally called it a “supposed genocide” https://archive.ph/Bzn6e (warning: chud shit)
Catholics have a VP, right?
Actually yes, the Camerlengo! He normally has the responsibilities of a treasurer, but he’ll step in as acting sovereign when the Pope dies.
Yeah obviously the president of the US and the Senate couldn’t possibly be controlled by Democrats, because otherwise they would have the absolute ability to remake the supreme court. It’s too bad, gosh it sucks that we live under the control of Republicans who control every arm of the federal government.
The followup:
“Sure I made it up, but isn’t it scary that the dumbest people on planet earth believed it???”
Isn’t that Dukakis?
TL;DW: It was a complete catastrophe which unsurprisingly lead to its abrupt shut down. The promise for the hotel was a two day event of “interactive storytelling” and escape-room-esque activities in a luxury environment; instead, the interactivity never seemed to work, the activities were boring even to children (when they were functional), and a tiny room with bunk beds certainly didn’t justify the $6,000+ price tag.
Since no one else will, here it is to ruin the fun:
Biden has been president for 4 years. Can you give me exactly one (1) thing that he’s done for the left in that time period?
I thought it was like a meme but it’s literally a still from the interview. That’s the CTO of OpenAI saying she’s not sure what data was used to train the models lmao.
on suicide watch after learning Argentina doesn’t “use capitalism”
If the democratic party was at all interested in the opinion of the general public (which includes you and me), they would at least run some primaries and go through the motions of a western liberal democracy. Instead, they’ve decided to rerun 2020 on the hope that the bold message of “He’s not Trump” will work again.
The election is in eleven months - if Biden loses the fault lands squarely on the democrats for covering their ears and saying “lalalala” any time someone suggests maybe actually doing something resembling democracy. Or hey you can continue to pre-blame the left for an election that hasn’t happened yet and accuse us of actually being conservatives, certainly that will convince us to line up behind Genocide Joe.
What part of “uncritical support for the DPRK in its heroic struggle to liberate occupied Korea from the genocidal American empire” do you think is a joke exactly?
think a lot of people take issue with the framing of it all as an artificial coup without popular support because that implies there’s no one in Ukraine who wanted… to be in the EU and aligned with the US.
I think that implication mistakeningly conflates the protests with the resulting coup. The protests had real popular energy behind them and spotlit grassroots leaders (until the western-backed literal Nazis took center stage). The coup pushed those people and their interests aside in favor of whoever Victoria Nuland favored.
Could just be me but this leads me to a page to download rednote, it’s all in mandarin tho so I’m just guessing based on the icons. Some other links in this thread lead to the actual app for me