This is not the time to offer your criticisms of the health-insurance industry
Somebody already did that for us lmao
Hitler dies
This is not the time to offer your criticisms of the Nazi party
Hitler dies
writes op ed about suicide prevention
The natural human reaction to all of this is to first be horrified that a husband and father of two children was murdered.
This is just bad faith
I would simply not put my family in the position of having a cheerable-when-killed father
“Liberals hate this one-step process to being a family enjoyer”
This guy murdered countless parents and spouses by denying them healthcare for his own financial gain. But you won’t find any libs clutching their pearls over that.
tbf… I’ve seen a LOT of libs just as gleeful about this as non-libs.
In fact, this event has wrought an interesting unified voice from all sides of the aisle in the US: Everyone (Except the oligarchs or their henchmen) are happy about this.
This guy when they hanged Mussolini: But he was a loving father!
He was kind to people within his circle of empathy
The natural human reaction to a tragedy like this is overtaken as a an aspect of human nature takes over the id and the ego: sheer, unfathomable glee. The tragedy being that you’re supposed to look sad but you will have to explain through the biggest grin of your life that you are, in fact, upset but you just ate some fizzy candy.
The natural human reaction to all of this is to first be horrified that a husband and father of two children was murdered.
I had never heard of Brian Thompson before today, and it’s entirely possible that he made some bad decisions. It is not possible that he deserved to be murdered, because nobody deserves to be murdered. And the level of seething resentment some people seem to have of wealthy people is deeply unhealthy. Socialism is always motivated by envy and often brought about by violence. If there is some kind of organized effort to target CEOs with violence to win applause from the public, that ought to fail because the American public would be repulsed by it. All of us need to be repulsed by this murder. Basic human decency and a commitment to a free society demand it.
It’s amazing that they can say ghoulish shit like this and then wonder why people applaud their deaths.
People aren’t jealous of the wealthy, they rightfully celebrate their deaths because Health Insurance companies are responsible for the deaths of millions
The more rich monsters like this pretend otherwise, the more resentment will boil. Not because of bitterness or envy, but because of logical self-preservation instinct.
Basic human decency is when lifesaving insurance claims are denied because profit is more important than human life, apparently?
basic human decency means me personally winning the free market
Removed by mod
Pretty telling that he’s already condemning socialism in his little hand-wringing piece about a CEO getting killed.
They’re circling the wagons
Makes me giddy to see them so scared. They’re terrified by the possibility of the people’s power.
They’re worried about the lack of apologies.
I wonder what the CEO of the Social Murder Factory was motivated by.
“Yes I do envy the nice things socialist countries have and would like some for myself, wouldn’t you?”
socialism mentioned
that ought to fail because the American public would be repulsed by it
yeah I’m not so sure about that lmfao, has this dude seen the internet today?
those people arent part of the american public because they dont own enough stocks
Socialism is always motivated by envy
Lmao fuck off, I don’t want billions, or even multi-millions. I just want to live with dignity. I don’t want to face starvation, being without work, I want a roof over my head that doesn’t cost a kidney every week. It’s not fucking envy, you slimy piece of shit liberals. I don’t envy the ghouls who run our society.
Yeah I’m envious of the oligarchs. They get to fuck around as they please and never have to worry about not having their material needs met. The rest of us get to worry about whether we can afford groceries, growing old or having teeth. If this is not supposed to fill you with a deep sense of these fuckers getting more than their fair share on your behalf, then what is?
that ought to fail because the American public would be repulsed by it
clearly not lol
nobody should ever be killed ever, but especially not rich people because they never commit atrocities and the dirty poors are just jealous of our cool lifestyles
I want to spit in this man’s face
What I want to do to this man’s face is legally actionable so I won’t mention it
Any number of other people could have been caught up in it.
This was not random violence
Pick one.
The lady who was standing right next to him walked away unscathed, without the shooter even looking in her direction. I think it’s pretty clear that only a single person could’ve been caught up in it.
The only way more people would have been caught up in it is if a cop had been standing across the street and just started firing wildly
Hey now, it’s never too late for the cops to start an uncontrolled shootout in their wild goose chase for this guy. Plenty of UPS drivers to kill
Remember when the LAPD was searching for
and they shot at completely uninvolved people - twice
We’re lucky, really, that no squirrels came out a-knocking acorns off the trees at the same time. It would’ve been mayhem.
Dude was a good shot. Those bystanders were safe.
Better shot than most cops, tbh.
Really fosters the revolutionary spirit, knowing how people would respond to a revolutionary act
United Healthcare Customers
“The dude had a point”
Can you imagine if this guy went on to just start shooting CEOs across industries and vanish without a trace…the hero we truly need right now
I hope he gets away, even if that means he never does another one
i hope he trains more people in how to do this. a hit squad that only kills CEOs is the vanguard we need
Death to America
There appears to be some confusion about this online, so here it is plain and simple: Murdering corporate executives is evil.
“Beheading monarchs is irredeemably evil” - some bootlicker during the french revolution, probably.
I am just gonna start making fun of bootlickers like they are monarchists from now on
It is not possible that he deserved to be murdered, because nobody deserves to be murdered.
Surely this man has condemned Israel’s string of assassinations (and the genocide)
He literally called it a “supposed genocide” (warning: chud shit)
Bit idea: Calling this ghoul’s death a “supposed” murder.
There’s no way to be sure it was the gunman’s bullet, in fact it was probably a bullet fired by the CEO that malfunctioned.
Capital was using him as a human shield
“CEO struck by projectile in downtown”
Look, we all know murdering CEOs is evil.
What my take presupposes is: what if it isn’t?
This was not random violence by a disturbed individual or street crime in an unsafe neighborhood. This was a targeted hit that someone had to pay for and plan in the center of one of the world’s most vital business districts.
“This wasn’t some lowly poor person or someone in a less deserving country. This was here in the rich part of the US!!!”
God fucking dammit, who the fuck even writes that
Dominic Pino, more like crybaby whino
i sent him a mean email
Jorkin’ dpino
damn i wish i had been creative enough to think of something like that
Dominic Pino
He looks like he will declare himself interim president of some country tomorrow. WTF
Post pino
I’m willing to bet he’s got a childhood psychic weakness to Domino Penis like Eve Fartlow’s.
There were two “Reigns of Terror,” if we would but remember it and consider it; the one wrought murder in hot passion, the other in heartless cold blood; the one lasted mere months, the other had lasted a thousand years; the one inflicted death upon ten thousand persons, the other upon a hundred millions; but our shudders are all for the “horrors” of the minor Terror, the momentary Terror, so to speak; whereas, what is the horror of swift death by the axe, compared with lifelong death from hunger, cold, insult, cruelty, and heart-break? What is swift death by lightning compared with death by slow fire at the stake? A city cemetery could contain the coffins filled by that brief Terror which we have all been so diligently taught to shiver at and mourn over; but all France could hardly contain the coffins filled by that older and real Terror—that unspeakably bitter and awful Terror which none of us has been taught to see in its vastness or pity as it deserves.