Rich coming from a guy who owes his entire career to writers. I hate this smug piece of shit
People still listen to this washed up dipshit?
Older libs in my family do. His takes basically define conservative democrats, ie the people who think it’s fine for gays to get married but also think they need to shut up.
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That both sidsing shit is the most frustrating thing ever. My friends like that. Big JP, Ben Shapiro, Russel Brand type guy. We work together on an ambulance so we spend most of our day alone together, leading to plenty of political conversations. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard the “but both sides” bs. Knowing full well I’m an anarchist too lol, like bruh. Yeah it’s both sides (sometimes) but you’re being disingenuous and completely missing the point. Sorry to bombard you but I literally just got off shift and Oliver Anthony was the culture war bullshit topic of the day lol
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Yyyyyyep. He came from an upper middle class family and doesn’t think white privilege is a thing or that a few people having all the money isn’t a bad thing. His stance essentially boils down to “both sides are bad, progress is good but the left does it wrong and I have no idea what ‘correct’ progress would look like so nothing should be changed”
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I dont think they do. He just still runs his mouth regardless
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I hate that theyre not the same size
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If communism happens and we end up having some kind of “The Running Man” style tv show where chuds and former billionaires have to fight death matches in an underground labyrinth, we should totallh throw Bill Maher’s ass in there.
New Rule: if you’re one of the woke writer’s Guild elites who rejected my pitch for Breaking Bad 2: Full Measure Consequences, Tagline: “you’ve seen him Break bad, now he’s Breaking Evil”, instead of whining that netflix isn’t giving money you don’t deserve, open up your fancy ivy league dictionary, and look up the definition of the word “Irony”.
Breaking Bad 2: Full Measure Consequences
Half and half measure
Full Measure Consequences
Fantastic 2011 PS3 title
i wish nothing but terrible things to bill maher and hope he eats shit sooner rather than later
He’s the walking embodiment of the smug liberal elitist that literally everyone hates. Amazing he still has a career.
I got a special hatred for the “I use to be left leaning, but now they’ve gone too far!” type liberals
And the last time he leaned left was when marijuana was counter culture.
He got some street cred for getting banned for basically doing Hasan’s “America deserved 9/11” bit but like, RIGHT AFTER 9/11 and getting the show he had cancelled I think.
That said he was like, agreeing with Dinesh D’Souza at the time apparently? Lmao didint even know that guy existed back then.
Using words for their impact and not their meaning was as popular back then as it is now and if I recall correctly he got fired because he did a monologue about how the terrorists weren’t cowards, which was one of the things in the bullhorn at the time. He might have also talked about blowback but the thing everybody cared about was the coward thing.
Yeah in the statement he said “We’re cowards for throwing missles” which was spot on but I dont think thats the part that upset people.
watch the new Tim Heidecker office hours with Ted Armisen. He does a parody character of Bill Maher for the whole duration and nails it.
Ted Armisen
am I a lib for disliking Fred Armisen?
weirdest looking, unfunniestdude of all timeedit: I take that back, i forgot we were in a thread about Bill Maher
for some reason he just has a funny aura to me
like just seeing his face primes my brain to laugh
but he certainly seems to be polarizing in this regard
thought he was hilarious on Barry
That scene in Barry with his incredibly odd facial expressions was fucking hysterical.
his on-screen persona is to just be aggressively inoffensive and let that be funny. I don’t think it worked that well on snl but portlandia was good for him cause there was lots of space for mild whimsy. him and carrie sleeping in separate child-sized beds is like stuck in my mind
saw him do a musical comedy set as part of a rock concert last year and he killed it, and before that I wasn’t a fan
tbh snl is where comedy goes to die
Damn this is good
Tim’s a genius
his Rogan one might even be better
I didn’t even know about these weird Maher interviews until I saw this video
He speaks to the heart of affluent liberal suburbanites.
he’s the smuggest of smug libs and conservatives love him lol.
American Piers Morgan
thats the best insult I’ve ever heard. One of the few times an insulting comparison feels equal both ways too
They’re incredibly similar assholes. Maher would 100% be a tory shithead if he were born in the UK. The fact that he is supposedly ““left”” in America is a huge marker for just how right wing the dems are.
Some so called left wing Dems literally were republicans during the Reagan years
Maher gets liberal cred for being against hyper religious conservatives when he first got famous, but of course now that the culture has shifted a bit he’s mostly against “cancel culture” meaning anyone not cishetwhite but he clings to that party affiliation because he knows the Republicans would never accept him.
Nobody is owed cheap or free labour either, but these smarmy smuglords never seem to talk about that quippy gotcha.
“If minimum wage goes up, I won’t be able to afford to keep my business going” ok? Is there a law that says you have to have a business?
It’s called capitalist freedom, look it up when you have the chance. That means workers have no rights and businesses have the freedom to fuck them over as much as they want.
Oh yeah I know, it’s the goog old quote with “rich and poor alike have the freedom to starve.” - Or is there some deeper theory to it, which should be known?
It’s just the cognitive dissonance that is very obvious with that specific argument, which has always struck me as odd
Bill Maher is straight up a conservative who considers himself progressive because he smokes weed and fetishises black women
And cuz he’s an aThEiSt
Don’t call yourself an atheist if you don’t support a four olds campaign against christianity
God I saw this clip of him interviewing Marianne Williamson, he was complaining about “elite Ivy League schools” (never mind he went to Cornell) and how they’re brainwashing school children these days. Marianne pushed back that kids aren’t being taught by Ivy League professors, and his response was “yeah well those professors are training the teachers.” Motherfucker thinks every public school teacher went to an Ivy League.
He also bemoaned that modern universities don’t allow for independent thinking and non-conformity, then in the next breath complained about students talking back to their professors. Like, which is it asshole, are students pressed into conformity or are they too free in questioning authority?
God, it would be so funny if someone went on his panel show and, after one of his tirades, asked him, “So, when did you become your dad?”
That’s the core of boomer
, they’re terminally stuck in the mentality that they’re never the “old people” and so they see anything that goes against their worldview is “the man keeping them down.” There’s zero self-awareness that they’re “The Man” now.
What false consciousness does to an mf
he’s a millionaire. nothing “false” about it.
Not for Bill Maher but for his audience, you gotta be pretty deep into the cope hole to laugh along at that drivel.
I see this all the time in the business world when it comes to succession planning. One’s refusal to face mortality becomes a refusal to train one’s replacement, and more importantly, neglecting documenting how one does one’s job. I just left a job after just a year where I was being trained to take over a retiring boomer’s job, but she’d documented nothing at all for about 20 years, and yet expected me to do things exactly the way she had done them, no deviation, no questions answered. It was highly stressful. I was just burned out.
I don’t normally get involved in generational wars. Sorry, working class boomers reading this! No war but the class war! But those among your generational cohort who rose to management positions in the business world consistently display this pattern.
No war but class war. But as someone raised by shitty boomers, somethines you need to release a little generational anger, as a treat.
It would be so funny if someone went on his panel show and, after one of his tirades
I can’t remember the context but wasn’t Bill owned by Ben Affleck of all people on his own show once? I think it was when Mahr had said something Islamaphobic as usual?
Motherfucker thinks every public school teacher went to an Ivy League.
how much could a banana cost michael, $10?
Personally I dont see why Bill maher is owed a living of any kind. A genuinely worthless individual
Well the strike is making it clear that nobody is owed cheap writing either, Billy. Also, if the comparaively tiny A24 can afford their demands without issue or resistance, there is no excuse for companies like WB, netflix, and the like.
no more half measures walter
The Boondocks really nailed how much of an annoying smug little shit Bill Maher is with their representation of him in the show10+ years ago.
Why, why did I read the comments on that video?
never read the comments on a boondocks video, media literacy is far too dead for that show.
You have people simping for Uncle fucking Ruckus in half the comments sections, it’s bad folks.
satire is dead
The worst is meeting actual uncle ruckuses in the real world. Lots of them own construction companies, and companies in other traditionally white dominated fields of work/ownership, in South Africa. Motherfuckers quoting apartheid presidents on WhatsApp statuses 💀. (True story sadly).
god, me and my brother call my dad uncle ruckus, but hes not that bad. he at least believes racism is real he just thinks hard work an integrity and god can overcome all.Because he “made it to america, and lives the american dream” the funny thing is that he doesn’t know, that we know he was an illegal immigrant for like 10 years. so much for trusting in the system.
I am 102% unsurprised, with a 2% margin of error.
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in the re-education camps chuds will have to pass an English/ media class given by ME and analyzing that episode will be their final exam.
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each chud gets their own bully
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I don’t think some people have the critical thinking skills to understand the show. The whole episode is about how leftists were indifferent/did not like Obama and got shit for that, and about how many people got caught up in the “hope and change” nonsense. But I think that just flew over their heads.
Oh my god. I’m so glad I did read them! Every single one of them—up to and including Bill Maher himself voicing his character—doesn’t realize that THEY ARE THE PUNCHLINE OF THE JOKE!
This emoji may as well be Maher:
I’ve got some news for you
Lmao its literally the same image was this the source material you used?
was conceived of in my mind in a dehydrated vision
The specter of bill Maher haunts you
actually the arms are crossed in the other direction
I wish I could see what the emoji was called my phone. 🫡
it’s “smuglord”
you can usually long press and it’ll tell you
holy fuck lmao
It couldn’t matter less if the demands are polkadot dumbass fuckshit bastard shit fuck. You need them and they don’t need you. Nobody needs you as a capital owner. They shouldn’t even be asking you; you should be in a gulag somewhere smoking weed with your cool re-education teacher learning what’s really important in this life
Kid named Nobody: