Not reasonable, perhaps, but theoretically understandable. The escalating price of just about everything implies an increase in value that, in most cases, is not delivered. So some folks simply create their own perks — giving vent to rage or breaking traditional rules of social conduct (i.e., doing whatever the hell they want.)
If you feel you are paying VIP prices, you may well expect to be treated like a VIP.
Ok so we’re gonna talk about the effects that the alienating logic of capitalism imposes on us instead right???
>spends the last 3 or so decades advocating for the TOUGH RUGGED INDIVIDUAL
>a bunch of anti-social, hostile phenomenon propping up
Americans have forgotten how to misbehave, frankly. It’s always stupid bullshit like asking a target employee why they’re gay, and never anything cool like flipping over cop cars.
They should learn from japan. come on anime fans.
Decades of promoting anti-social behavior and packaging it as freedom has consequences. Shocking.
I’ve started commuting for my job again and I keep seeing truck drivers in fully loaded semi’s going 75mph it’s insane.
I think the stress from disease, low income, and climate is pushing people to their limit imo.
I have been saying this to my friends a lot. I commute about 60 miles a day…the amount of people I see driving like lunatics is just going up exponentially…and I cannot help but interpret it as a sign of the mental breakdown of society.
My wife is sick of hearing how I feel that we need to seriously increase the difficulty of obtaining a license for these monster vehicles and expand public transit. These things are out of control size wise and I feel like big vehicles should require additional licensing.
I agree. People are driving like freaks and I feel like I’m getting into near-accidents on a weekly basis now.
Also potentially the stress of owing a fortune on their truck that the shipping company sold them and for training. There are some really nasty, predatory practices in trucking that leave workers treading water and unable to get ahead without breaking rules to complete as many shipments as possible.
Yeah, I just don’t appreciate people putting other oppressed, working class people in harm’s way. Anyway, I’m just taking this all as a sign to try to have a good time and smoke cigars more often.
If I’m going out suddenly, then I’m enjoying my days like Fidel.
Unpopular opinion (for Americans in general) but I support a federal speed limit of 55mph, with that speed being only on separated highways like interstates. Max speed off-highway should be 45mph and only on wide and straight county roads. Change the penalty for speeding to a significant percentage of income with heavy enforcement and watch accident numbers go down by an order of magnitude. If people want to drive like suicidal (and homicidal) sociopaths, they should have to go to a closed track. I’d like to continue living after my car commute, which is the only option because a bus trip would take 3 hours and multiple changes (vs 25 minutes driving) and they don’t run late enough anyway.
That’s the thing, the speed limit for trucks is 60mph. This guy was speeding over the limit with two semi trailers full of wood pallets it was insane.
Not to mention 45-55 mph is a lot better on gas mileage and the lifespan of the car
We’re still not talking about brain damage from COVID huh?
Almost more disturbing is the drop at the beginning of 2020
I’m still pretty sure that’s from the mass layoffs. The mask off death cult shit didn’t kick in until after April or so. Media was still pushing a “flatten the curve” narrative until then.
Media was still pushing a “flatten the curve” narrative until then.
I know several recent public health graduates for whom the transition away from this and more broadly away from other mitigating policies was a radicalizing moment
Yeah, I’ve gotten a couple of short-lived sparks to pop up in people’s eyes when I’ve asked them when’s the last time they saw the news encouraging the flattening of the curve, but nothing’s ever caught fire. That was a while ago tho. I’m not even sure they remember that happened tbh. The lockdown and masking periods have been largely rewritten as failures among the populace, it feels like.
And after the housing crisis.
is there a “True Crime” podcast, but about this kind of staggering social murder?
Every business podcast, but it’s pitched as a good thing
True Anon ep 88 goes over this exact topic.
oh wait also that episode gave rise to the serf rant lol
“No, we are in 1320 motherfucker. You are a serf. Bitch, you live in Alsace. You are a peasant. You need to give your fuckin’ lord the grain. Your fucking children, you’ve had 15 children. You’ve never taken a bath. You’ve literally never. washed. your. penis. You’ve never used toilet paper. Motherfucker, you have worms. You are dying. You’ve had 40 children, 3 of them are alive. 2 of them are child soldiers in the Duke’s army.
Bitch, the greatest thing you can hope for is to die at the old age of 36. You fucking can’t read. You don’t know what TV is. If you were transported into today, you would be the worst gamer of all time. You don’t know shit. You literally probably don’t even know what the direction ‘left’ is. I’m sure some Medieval guy is gonna get mad at me for this, bitch I’ve been to the Renaissance Fair. I’ve eaten a large turkey wing, which the Juggalos call ‘bitch beaters’, which I think is problematic but a funny thing to call them.
Motherfucker, you gotta recognize where you are, and then you gotta get passed that. You gotta be unemotional. You can’t sink into this hole. You live in the oubliette. Your job is to crawl up the ladder, motherfucker. You live in the HOLE. You’re in the HOLE. You are a RAT. And the rat, when he’s in the hole gets fucked. People only throw trash in the hole.
You need to eat a body. And you need to carry the plague. And you need to carry a plague around this whole world, that will change this whole fuckin world. And all your enemies will vomit black bile and will choke on blood and will grow boils and die. But only if you get together with your other RATS. And you come up with some kind of super plague, to fuckin end your enemies and…
End. This. Nightmare.”
does this mean more people are disabled or more disabled people are being forced into work?
I’m afraid i don’t know. I’m still trying to figure out how the data is collected. I imagine it’s a combo of both, but distributed unevenly. I’d love to sit down with some of the data available and build a dashboard annotated with the dates precautions were rolled back in what area and whatnot. Just don’t have the time and money nowadays.
Before the pandemic, I once saw a grown-ass woman grab shit from a toilet and smear it all over the interior and exterior of the bathroom of the CVS I worked at
And this was in a mostly upper crust fancy New England white people town too
Burger-Americans have never known how to behave
Three months ago, I was sitting in a toilet stall in Target. Through the giant gaping hole under the stall, I saw a man crack open a fresh bottle of iced tea, pour it on the floor, and then do it again since he deemed that he didn’t pour it enough the first time around.
Gringos are not okay.
Los gringos sta malo
Someone did this at a Skechers I worked at in college. There was shit on everything.
Yeah, I wasn’t getting paid enough to deal with it, so I just locked the bathroom, tied off the door leading to it with a garbage bag (that door didn’t have a lock on it) and left a sign saying “Biohazard: Do Not Enter”
Since I was acting manager at the time, I just called a cleaning company and paid them with the store account
Wasn’t gonna foist that off on the two teenagers working the floor that day
Good on you. The teenagers definitely weren’t paid enough to do that either.
I hear that and I just have to name some sort of mental illness as cause, though. There has to be a major interrupt in your processes to perform an action like that.
Pretty sure it was just because she was mad her prescription wasn’t ready yet
Perhaps it was a prescription for her mental health
this is why you make no excuses for the terror, the aggrieved petit bourgeois become completely unhinged
did she explain her goal with this action or was it just a flight of fancy?
She was screaming the whole time
Not anything sensible, just angry snarls
Are there, like, numbers for this? Or are we just going along with some op ed person yelling at clouds because the vibes are right?
Or maybe people don’t like being treated like shit by a fucking airline?
vibes for sure
This longing to be a VIP (which is only a status expressed by purchase power) exposes the monstrous social fabric and social identity that capitalism creates for those ghouls.
wow, it’s almost like people start behaving more socially irresponsibly in a society where the base and superstructure heighten their social irresponsiblity
deleted by creator
A TikToker I watch had a good response video to articles like this
Basically, people are no longer afraid of consequences because we all feel like we could die randomly at any moment.
This is gonna make me sound like like a YouTube commenter but I think people are less afraid of someone beating the shit out of them. Not because society has become less aggressive or rugged or anything but because society has become increasingly recorded and your chances of getting away with assaulting someone if the cops can be assed to look for you are are extremely low.