Not reasonable, perhaps, but theoretically understandable. The escalating price of just about everything implies an increase in value that, in most cases, is not delivered. So some folks simply create their own perks — giving vent to rage or breaking traditional rules of social conduct (i.e., doing whatever the hell they want.)
If you feel you are paying VIP prices, you may well expect to be treated like a VIP.
Before the pandemic, I once saw a grown-ass woman grab shit from a toilet and smear it all over the interior and exterior of the bathroom of the CVS I worked at
And this was in a mostly upper crust fancy New England white people town too
Burger-Americans have never known how to behave
Three months ago, I was sitting in a toilet stall in Target. Through the giant gaping hole under the stall, I saw a man crack open a fresh bottle of iced tea, pour it on the floor, and then do it again since he deemed that he didn’t pour it enough the first time around.
Gringos are not okay.
Los gringos sta malo
Someone did this at a Skechers I worked at in college. There was shit on everything.
Yeah, I wasn’t getting paid enough to deal with it, so I just locked the bathroom, tied off the door leading to it with a garbage bag (that door didn’t have a lock on it) and left a sign saying “Biohazard: Do Not Enter”
Since I was acting manager at the time, I just called a cleaning company and paid them with the store account
Wasn’t gonna foist that off on the two teenagers working the floor that day
Good on you. The teenagers definitely weren’t paid enough to do that either.
I hear that and I just have to name some sort of mental illness as cause, though. There has to be a major interrupt in your processes to perform an action like that.
Pretty sure it was just because she was mad her prescription wasn’t ready yet
Perhaps it was a prescription for her mental health
this is why you make no excuses for the terror, the aggrieved petit bourgeois become completely unhinged
did she explain her goal with this action or was it just a flight of fancy?
She was screaming the whole time
Not anything sensible, just angry snarls