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The Arlington National Cemetery website has scrubbed dozens of pages on gravesites and educational materials that include histories of prominent Native American, Black, Hispanic, and female service members buried in the cemetery. Only White males remain.
Jfc. America has literally become the scum bucket of the world.
The south was always here, we just never let them take charge before.
This wasn’t something people voted for. Assholes took advantage of an election to cause as much chaos as possible in a nation that was apparently involved in every country imaginable and vital to many. It’s hard to constantly be told America is a shit bag when most of us are unable to make any changes and voted for completely opposite people.
That’s fair, except I didn’t say Americans were scum buckets. I said America was.
Since Reagan it has rolled downhill slow enough that many didn’t notice they were on a trip to hell. Now the world knows.
To be fair, the supporters of this regime 100% voted for this bullshit and it’s more than tiresome some people aren’t willing to get over the cognitive dissonance. It’s extremely dangerous.
This wasn’t something people voted for.
You missed where this was planned and documented for years? The guy’s a serial rapist and a felon. Point to us on the stuffed bear the part where any of this is surprising.
If they didn’t know this was what they were voting for (protest non voters included) then they are blind deaf and dumb.
This wasn’t something people voted for
Yes it is
Are you saying that people living in democratic countries are not responsible for the actions of their elected officials?
90 million people didn’t vote.
Yes they did. If you don’t vote you voted for this.
You can keep sticking to your guns about it being a legitimate government but you’re only hurting yourself with it.
The anti-racism of USA is so shallow that it can be erased in a few weeks by editing a few websites and painting a few walls.
I think what truly did it in was having a black president. The casual racists got so mad that a black man was president they became hellbent on destroying the country.
It’s quite sad.
He’s not even black, he has a white mother. We are so racist as a country, that having a half-black very articulate president pissed everyone off.
Many white supremacists believe in the One-drop rule. Basically, to them, if you have even a single black ancestor within the last three or four generations, you’re black even if you don’t think you are, and should be treated as such.
Obama didn’t even have the good grace to look white* so his ancestry doesn’t even matter. To them he was black.
* I am, of course, being sarcastic here.
I was gonna say that every human being has Black ancestors…of course, misunderstanding of that fact probably enables some racists
Yeah, and then the sensible, up-standing, God-fearing citizens turned themselves white through sheer determination. Anyone who’s still black is lazy and lacking in moral character.
- Some racist, probably
The south was so unimaginably racist that Hitler actually looked at Jim crow and thought it went too far and the German people wouldn’t tolerate it.
“Obama broke them” someone wrote. I thought it was hyperbole at first, but it makes sense. The process of turning the GOP into dumbfuck MAGAQOP started when he first became potus. The outrage over having a POC POTUS helped the process along nicely.
OTOH it’s also when the age of social media kicked off.
Firstly, many of them aren’t casual racists, they take it very seriously and train constantly, you need to respect their dedication.
Secondly, yes it broke them.
From their point of view we did it just to hurt and insult them, it was a declaration of total war and that’s basically how we ended up here.
Truly the majority don’t even realize they’re racist. They adamantly believe they’re not. They focus their hate on “illegals”, “thugs”, “welfare queens”, etc. When confronted by the fact that these are racist dog whistles they tend to get mad that you’d dare bring race into this and you’re the racist. They seem to actually believe that their beliefs transcend race.
It’s up to you to decide if you believe they are generally ignorant or wearing a mask. I tend to believe these people are ignorant based on my personal experiences. These people will have non-white “friends” (usually just acquaintances) or even have non-white family members that they do care for. But at the same time they’ll celebrate the death of a minority because they were a “thug” that deserved it. The cognitive disodence is amazing.
Truthfully we’ll see if these ignorant people are the majority or not shortly. The current administration is emboldening the racists so it’s only a matter of time before more go “mask off”
There are both groups, and some in-betweeners. I have known several actual white supremacists. They are who they are. They hold “church” and talk about how all this is to keep the white man down.
I’ve known plenty who are casually racist but are more “I just don’t like them” than anything organized. They believe some of it, but they expect things to work out because they’re white so they don’t organize.
I’ve known LOADS of people who are just ignorant. They live in a bubble where all they hear is about how the government is trying to give others a leg up and they’re jealous. Where’s their help? They grew up poor. If someone in their past benefited from slavery or oppression it was squandered. They have friends and family of color and genuinely love them. Some of them are white passing POC. They do tremendous harm out of ignorance and because they were lied to. That’s not an absolution, because they could go find the information, but an indictment of the media bubble that they’re in and some of the others they associate with.
That doesn’t just go for racists. Sexists and LGBTQIA bigots are the same.
Then to add insult to injury, a black FEMALE presidential candidate. Double whammy
You think it’s erased just from this, the fuck?
“Donald Trump hates veterans”
Who are the actual employees doing this and why are they going along so fervently? Like, I know an order has come down from on high but what middle manager told which low level employee to actually do this and didn’t just delay or interpret it as narrowly as possible? What the fuck is going on?
Their answer would be, “I’m just doing my job”. And I get it, but you gotta draw the line somewhere, right? Like before the ovens start up?
I just build ovens for a living, I didn’t think they’d actually use them.
“I vas only following orders!”
“just doing my job” isn’t really relevant when your job is literally destroying democracy to assist a fascist neo-nazi regime
Yes, quitting “in protest” is an option, but why do that when you can just collect a paycheck and be a shitty as possible at your job until you get fired?
“oh sure thing boss I’ll get right on this deletion thing” 6 days of fucking around on the fediverse later, websites still unchanged “oh yeah I’m working on it, top priority!”
I get fear of retribution if they figure out you’re doing it on purpose to sabotage efforts but like… How many people are actually bothering?
I can’t imagine someone in the firing squad trying to say “I was just doing my job”, it’s not the same thing as the guy working in the lunchroom. The only difference in my opinion is the firing squad kills people and the guy at the computer kills information, democracy, morality, common sense etc…
You can’t say you were just doing your job when your job is “destroy this information”
Yes, it’s “just a small part” but even the Great Wall of China is made of smaller bricks/slabs. The whole can’t exist without the separate pieces.
I’m a little rambly, apologies. I hope I’ve made a coherent point.
I can speak a little bit from an education perspective, like why a lot of universities are acquiescing to federal orders.
Right now, the philosophy at a lot of large universities is that it’s better to survive in some capacity to be able to educate young people (academic freedom is still allowed in classrooms, my university keeps insistently reminding faculty), than be shut down and shot and be unable to educate anyone at all. Also, they have thousands of employees relying on them for a paycheck to feed their families.
I’m still pissed at the loss of minority support systems. Students feel betrayed at the loss of gender neutral housing. There is righteous anger brewing. I’m part of the LGBT community, and seeing my community silenced as an organizational body and deleted from ongoing research boils my blood and makes me want to burn everything down.
But deep down, I get it. We have to keep educating youth about the true history of the USA, keep teaching them about how science works, keep exposing small town 18-year olds to other races and cultures to open their minds to empathy. If we don’t, we’ll have an entire generation that only has right-wing propaganda to teach them about the world.
Higher ed administration has a lot of weight on their shoulders. They of course side with minorities morally, ethically, and as human beings. It’s a really hard place to be in.
I’m wondering if this perspective is driving anyone in federal departments, as well.
People are legit afraid of not only losing their jobs but being sued and/or blacklisted from future jobs. Corporations are scrambling to figure out what new rules actually applies to them and are just doing the safe thing so their company doesn’t get sued or shut down. They are hearing that simple word searches are being used to focus on companies doing anything that sounds like DEI. In the military, we are being told not to use the word trans in any sense right now… even in technical terms like trans-sonic and trans-orbital. Because some jackass is just grepping for verboten words to find organizations to focus on. We have stopped celebrating Women’s History Month, Black History Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, etc. Those have absolutely nothing to do with DEI, but leadership here is so afraid of having the Eye of Elon pointed at them. They have thousands of people under their command, whose lives are their responsibilities. They don’t want to do this, but they are trying to protect their team.
It’s much like when a child has an abusive parent and does everything to avoid being noticed. They try to fly as far under the radar as possible so that the attention isn’t focused on them.
Famously when the nazis demanded obedience they did so not by making laws outright banning speech. They simply made sure that nobody in any position of power would risk drawing attention and behave accordingly “of his own will”
Its brilliant that a hundred years later people with access to any human in the world just… do the exact same shit Germans did.
From They Thought They Were Free, the Germans 1933 - 1945
[…] "I gave them French and English literature, more so than before, although to do so was one of those vague betrayals of the ‘new spirit’; still, it had not been specifically forbidden. Of course, I always said, to protect myself (but I said it in such a way that I hoped the students would see through it), that the foreign works we read were only a reflection of German literature. So, you see, Herr Professor, a man could show some—some independence, even, so to say, secretly.” “I understand,” I said. “Many of the students—the best of them—understood what was going on in all this. It was a sort of dumb-show game that we were all playing, I with them. The worst effect, I think, was that it made them cynical, the best ones. But, then, it made the teachers cynical, too. I think the classroom in those years was one of the causes of the cynicism you see in the best young men and women in Germany today.”
"Tell me, Herr Hildebrandt, what about [Shakespeare’s]Julius Caesar?”
He smiled very, very wryly. “Julius Caesar? No … no.”
“Was it forbidden?”
“Not that I remember. But that is not the way it was. Everything was not regulated specifically, ever. It was not like that at all. Choices were left to the teacher’s discretion, within the ‘German spirit.’ That was all that was necessary; the teacher had only to be discreet. If he himself wondered at all whether anyone would object to a given book, he would be wise not to use it. This was a much more powerful form of intimidation, you see, than any fixed list of acceptable or unacceptable writings. The way it was done was, from the point of view of the regime, remarkably clever and effective. The teacher had to make the choices and risk the consequences; this made him all the more cautious.”
Not just sued and put on a shitlist: Outright listed as an enemy of the state to the masses of fox news watching gun nuts.
“don’t want to do this but do it anyways” is such a great way to mount a defense a against hostile acts by the president
The Chuck Schumer school of resistance.
Welcome to America.
Oh boy I hope this is what finally brings down the price of gas, groceries, and I can afford to buy my first house.
Yeah you’ll just have to outbid blackrock.
Dear Luigi… the ceo of blackrock…
Tell me again how Mango Mussolini isn’t a white supremacist…
Man i just watched the 6888 movie recently and this makes me really sad. They had to fight that shit in WW2, got afterwards finally their recognition and now they get disrespected again. Some of them were burried there. Feel sorry for the still living members to see this happen and to see that this time the nazis are at home. I just hope we can stop this stuff happening in europe, having the US development as a big deterrent.
I’m currently listening to a podcast on the Sobibor Extermination Camp. The accounts are harrowing.
Before women were sent to the gas chamber, they’d be shaved so their hair could be used as lining for SS officers boots.
The first part of the series talked about how the Holocaust started out in small steps. Once the systems are put in place the genocide ramped up to what we think of it.
It went from segregation, to discrimination, to complete dehumanization, to genocide.
The episode follows a child that ends up getting sent to the Sobibor. Right before he gets put on the train he sees an old childhood friend that tells him “Soon I’ll see you on the store shelves as a bar of soap!”
Nazis deserved far worse than the fate many of them got. Suicide wasn’t nearly enough for these sick demented demons. They shouldve been tortured for their crimes against humanity.
It can happen anywhere.
Conservatives carefully considered the villain arc of the story and said, “Don’t mind if we do!”
if you’re a minority or woman who voted for trump, then i have less than zero sympathy
Remember their names for when they try to save face, but a business cannot survive without customers after all.
business cannot survive without customers after all
That’s a really funny thing to say about a cemetery for the military dead.
… the business of Arlington Cemetary?
Good job, magats. This is what they wanted and they’re probably dancing about it behind closed doors
Asian males once again forgotten.
They should really just remove everyone’s page. Bring 'em all back when the voting population smartens up.