Some middle-aged guy on the Internet. Seen a lot of it, occasionally regurgitating it, trying to be amusing and informative.

Lurked Digg until v4. Commented on Reddit (same username) until it went full Musk.

Was on (dying/dead) and (mysteriously vanished). Now here on

Really hoping he hasn’t brought the jinx with him.

Other Adjectives: Neurodivergent; Nerd; Broken; British; Ally; Leftish

  • 1 Post
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2024

  • The problem is, it’s probably true that a greater than average proportion of certain minorities find themselves in legally questionable circumstances more of the time. This is because they’ve always been treated poorly, and had to adapt to survive.

    And now those communities have generational problems and familial mental health issues because the fundamental base of their society and community has been damaged, leading to a vicious cycle of maltreatment and increased criminality.

    In general, the solution is rehabilitation, not imprisonment. But it’s going to have to be a multi-generational multi-community effort, because for any specific criminalised individual, there’s no guarantee that one person can be rehabilitated; they might be too far gone.

    Don’t get me started on the ham-fisted idea of taking children from affected families and raising them away from “bad influences”. It sounds like a great rehabilitative step on paper, but the evidence shows that it’s almost always the wrong thing to do. And it’s usually a convenient way to destroy families, community morale and culture foreign to those who would take the child away, anyway.

    I mean, ideally it would be nice to rewind the clock and get all colonial Europeans out of the Americas (and elsewhere) so that the damage never happened in the first place, but those ships have long since sailed. Literally and figuratively.

    The real reason that none of this is being fixed is that it’s cheaper and easier to simply lock up those who fall foul of the law. There’s racial profiling in there too, sure, but that’s all part of the cheap and easy part.

    A real fix needs time, money, intelligence, compassion and effort, and those are in woefully limited supply. Sometimes deliberately so.

  • Any conclusions drawn from a child’s personality can’t necessarily then be applied to a parent. Hannah Montana Linux was ultimately a Debian, but it was so far from stock Debian that the comparison makes no sense. The same, I assume, applies with the Arch-derivative that runs on Steam decks. We’re not in Arch-kansas any more, Toto.

    The closest to “Windows with nerdnip” is probably Linux Mint, but even then that’s a fairly unkind comparison.

    I use LMDE, btw.

  • Out-crazy them. Turn up at 12:20 and be ready by 12:25. Shout at them for not being ready when you are. Then when they start turning up at that time, move back to 12:10. Then 12.

    And then when they’re turning up and ready at 12, go back to 12:35 and tell them you don’t know what they’re talking about, you’ve always started at that time, it says so in the official documents and you’ve never varied. Tell them they’re crazy.

    I mean, hey, if you’re going to quit anyway, might as well have some fun before you do.

  • Schwa is a vowel, so it would be the long e, not schwa on “the”.

    A possible exception is when the following word begins with a long e, and people might actually break the rule to make it clear where one word ends and the other begins. Or rather they insert a glottal stop before the vowel sound - I believe this is called “hard attack” - and since a glottal stop is technically a consonant, that allows the rule-break.

    That is, something like “the eel” could go either way, but there’d be a very obvious glottal stop before “eel” if the speaker chose the schwa version of “the”, and they would have made that choice for clarity, to avoid sounding like they’d said “theel”.

  • The Fediverse is also a sewer of both overt and covert Antisemitism

    Is this a problem unique to the Fediverse, or is this a case that it’s more rampant here? Or does it only seem like it?

    My feeds are fairly well curated, or perhaps you might say “blinkered”, so I don’t see a lot of it. Or maybe I don’t see what’s right in front of me, which is why I ask, since you definitely see it better than I can.

    (This is not an attempt at a bad faith argument; I’m firmly anti-anti-Semitism, and I’m not saying it’s not there. Frankly, I’d be surprised if there wasn’t any. Anywhere there’s people, their prejudices generally follow.)