Just go the vote, and make sure your family and friends go to give their votes.
I’m not local, I cannot vote over here, but had seen multiple times in modern times voter suppression has been a big deal, it’s easier to make you not to bother to vote than change your mind who to vote.
I had worked brexit UK, where people voted it due they weren’t happy about the PM. As it was good time to vote against him. Without thinking what brexit actually was. So use your voice by voting. What do you wish the future of country will be in this new era.
I know German has issues, as every Europe union contries. If the problems are easy to solve they would have been solved already, don’t belive one tag line promises.
I’m just wanna say, as a fellow user. Just go to vote.
I’m an American. Germans, please don’t do to yourselves what we did. Keep AfD as far from power as possible.
Please go vote, Germans! We are in pain and it’s going to get worse. Don’t be stupid. Look at us and see why it’s so important for you to go vote.
The AfD will likely get about 20% (I haze it, but its the reality we live in), but what is also great is, that our leftist party will get about 8%. They won’t be in the government, but they for sure will annoy the hell out of them. They will also pressure the more left leaning parties to not do everything our conservatives want to do. They also promised that they want to push to forwards to the so called “Mietendeckel” (rent lid) to end the raising of rent prices which means more stability for about 46% of people. I am optimistic, that they can do this. They have completely rearranged themselves and skyrocketed from about 2.5% a few months ago to now 8% in the polls. We didnt have so many members in the left party in 15 years. The left party has also been responsible for the crarion of the minimum wage in Germany without being part of the government.
Even tho that the government will be ass, I hope for our left party do actually change something. Even tho we aren’t part of the government we already won this election.
Good luck from Spain, a friend of mine is in Berlin with your party, has worked very hard theses days, and hopes you can get a good result. Go ahead!!!
That’s exactly what I’ll do tomorrow.
One exception: if you plan to vote AfD… Maybe don’t vote.
If you want to vote AfD you should put a Hakenkreuz. This way the vote is counted twice.
And don’t forget to sign the paper with your full name
and send the paper to the Verfassungsschutz…
No no no, but if you vote AfD it is very important to sign your vote
Lots of politicians would be jailed, if it would be that easy …
Or for the CDU. They are the ones that will enable the AfD to rise even more and I am already betting, that if nothing changes fundamentally, they will work together with them in 4 years.
I doubt anyone on here would vote AFD
as a fellow reddit user
But yeah its not just a privilege but a duty to vote.
Fixed. Funny how that post got removed on any reddit subs. I had tried to figure out why was that. Like just mod removed. And nothing else.
deleted by creator
make sure that none of your voting locations are using starlink internet access
? Germany is old-fashioned and when it comes to elections I’m happy that we’re sticking to pen and paper. And actual humans doing the counting.
On a sidenote - Starlink isn’t that big in Germany. I don’t think I’ve ever read/heard about any public authorities using it.
Yeah, voting is essential.
But don’t worry about starlink, the German voting process happens on paper sheets. The voter has to be identified before the vote. Then all votes get counted by hand and multiple times, submitted by fax and telephone.
We had electronic voting, but it was gone as fast as it came. I voted electronic once in a local election in the early 2000s
Please do vote, Germany. Learn from the US and reject this evil disease
I would, but it’s 16 hours early.
Do I have any hope for a progressive government? Do I have hope that anyone but Merz becomes chancellor?
No, too many old men in this country for that.
But damn it, I have 1 vote to cast and cast it I will, giving it 100% to a party I tolerate. Not voting is voting for the end result, and the AFD doesn’t deserve 1% of my vote, let alone what percentage they end up at.
Warning: Bad design, but instead of arguing over the top part, which definitely has some considerations that make it a bit more complicated, my main concern is the bottom part.
It’s not enough that my vote is thrown away if I don’t vote, but put in a blender with all the other non-voters and then distributed in part to the very parties I do not like.
Look at last parliamentary election in CZ.
By increasing attendance by few percent we got rid of communist party which was in parliament from 1945…
I was arguing to non-voters who adopted a “my single vote doesn’t matter” perspective. A single vote in a country is never a few percent.
If people already know and trust that their vote can add up with others to a few percent here or there, they would already go and vote in our system I feel.
When I think about it it may had exactly opposite effect, so much parties stayed under the 5% threshold that 1 000 000 votes didn’t mattered.
Yes you read it right 1/10 of our country’s votes fell through without making any difference. (The ratio is probably worse because not everyone is eligible to vote).
well, except if someone votes for a party that gets less than 5%. it’s a bit similar with the US elections, when democrats would have won, if ppl didn’t vote 3rd party for unrealistic reasons.
Yeah, but throwing out some splinter groups to make a stable government possible is necessary after all, we remember Weimar - though we should not have that threshold at 18 seats by percentage or 3 direct mandates.
On the other hand, I disagree on blaming the democrat loss on third party voters. Third party votes stayed roughly the same compared to 2020 (+0.5 million, not all towards left), while 6 million democrat votes were lost. Democrats simply did not get enough people to the booths with their campaign.
Actually you have two votes
Unless I vote for a winning independent local candidate, then my second vote is annulled.
But this isn’t about the exact mechanism of German elections. I say colloquially I have 1 vote to cast/2 crosses to set.
Other way around, if an independent wins then second votes are annulled. If a party candidate wins they’re put on the top of the list of people from that party who’ll get into parliament when percentages are turned into seats.
You can vote early…
AfD declared class war… on the working class. So if you don’t go and vote, there’s a big risk of that coming to you.
please don’t fuck up like us americans just did. I mean I did not but ugh, an aweful lot did.
*November 2024* Germans to Americans:
- Don’t fuck up as we did in 1933
*February 2025* Americans to Germans:- Don’t fuck up as we did in November
Hungarian here, please, don’t repeat our mistake from 2010!!!
The media might say that things are bad, but looking bad, the media exaggerated a lot of things. They tried to report as much crime committed by Roma as it was possible (even remembering the anniversaries of some of the cases), and so on. Then we had to realize “Roma crime” was on the decline, and Fidesz dismantled the laws that were responsible for the very decline (raising the mandatory school age to 18, now it’s lowered to 15). “Fear leads to hatred, and hatred leads to destruction.”
Unless you were planning to vote for afd. Then you should kys.
Follow dear leader’s example
Please go vote. Don’t join the US and Russia axis.
I have already voted per mail weeks ago
Und wenn ihr’s irgendwie einrichten könnt: bitte keine Nazis wählen. Danke.
I recommend HAKON’s classic Youtube Video “How to tie your shoes without accidentally voting AfD”
I’ll do my job! 🫡
but had seen multiple times in modern times voter suppression has been a big deal
Voter Suppression isn’t really a thing in Germany. You are automatically registered to vote, and absentee voting is also really easy. Fill out a form online, get the ballot per Mail and return it with a postage-already-paid envelope
Sorry, but as someone who had their vote suppressed this time due to impossible short mail voting times (and this not being the first time) I have to sadly disagree. If you live abroad and not somewhere close to an German embassy, voting is usually not feasible without a lot of time and money involved. And without residency in Germany you are also not automatically registered for voting.
That’s not voter suppression, it’s a risk you take when moving outside of Germany. The German state can’t guarantee that you can easily vote if you move outside of its jurisdiction.
It affects all kinds of people depending on mail in vote this time including some that live in Germany. The federal voting commission has even explicitly warned about it.
As there is a strong correlation between mail in votes and progressive voters, and it was the CDU that enforced this faster than actually possible election, it is a classic case of voter supression.
And that is only the tip of the iceberg. There are a lot of other subtile ways in how the German government suppresses votes from people that are not living in the same small German village the last 20 years or so.
Voter suppression is not some big conspiracy, it is about people not caring enough to improve something because it ultimatly benefits them to keep it as it is.
including some that live in Germany.
No, the ballots were sent out on February 6th. That’s plenty of time.
Source : I voted by Mail
Talk about being priviledged without actively saying so 🙄
Then explain me the privilege. I don’t see it
That is typically the case with priviledge 🙄
Do you have a better system in mind? Care to expose it?
There is a lot of potential for digitalisation of the process even if you don’t want the final vote to happen digital.
That do be true.
People who live abroad permanently shouldn’t be able to vote anyways. Also Dual Citizenship shouldn’t be allowed
If you live abroad and not somewhere close to an German embassy, voting is usually not feasible without a lot of time and money involved
Well if you moved abroad permanently then that’s a tradeoff you need to accept. DHL Express isn’t also that expensive (50-200€)
You coudn’t even get the documents to vote in time as the government surely doesn’t use DHL Express, and DHL Express also doesn’t cover a lot of places.
And it effects anyone that moves abroad temporarily for more than 180 days.
But anyways, I have the feeling that it is pointless to discuss with someone that is openly suggesting anti-constitutional and borderline racist things here.
What is Borderline Racist about my comments?
I don’t think people should vote, who don’t have to face the consequences of their vote.
It’s the same things with Turkiye which citizens don’t want Erdogan, but most Turkish Citizens living abroad vote for him. In Hungary and other autocracies it’s the same thing.
I want a fast path to citizenship for people who want to live permanently here, or EU Citizens who moved to another state.
But if you take up a citizenship of another state you should loose the German one, unless you have a good point and apply for an exception. That’s how it was a few years ago, and there is nothing unconstitutional about it
What is Borderline Racist about my comments?
The old citizenship laws left millions of people who were born and raised in Germany, who went to school here and who pay their taxes here, and who have never had a home other than Germany without equal rights. So saying you oppose the reforms that finally allow these people to fully participate in our society isn’t a great look.
I also wrote that I want a fast path to citizenship for those people, I just said I didn’t like the part of the reform where you don’t have to give back the citizenship anymore when you pick up another
I want a fast path to citizenship for people who want to live permanently here, or EU Citizens who moved to another state. But if you take up a citizenship of another state you should loose the German one, unless you have a good point and apply for an exception. That’s how it was a few years ago, and there is nothing unconstitutional about it
You said that dual citizenship shouldn’t be allowed. Do you think that someone applying for German citizenship should be forced to renounce any other citizenship in order to receive a German one? Because that’s what the law used to be. And many people had and have reasons for not wanting to give up their original citizenship that went beyond the sentimental (not that pure sentimentality is not a valid reason).
German citizen are german citizen. There are no second class German citizen with lesser voting rights. Suggesting otherwise is clearly unconstitutional and about on the same level as AfD “remigration” plans, especially when you explicitly mention holders of two passports that typically tend to have an immigration background.
If you want to die on that hill, then I guess that’s your opinion.
But if someone emigrates to Switzerland or the US to make more money and pay less taxes and becomes a citizen there, I think it’s fair for them to return their German Citizenship and don’t have a say anymore in how this country is run
What is not fair in my opinion is making decisions without having to deal with the consequences
Comparing this with Remigration Plans is completely out of place in my opinion
Right, because there are a few rich people that probably don’t bother to vote anyways, we should strip a substantial part of the German citizens of their voting rights?
I think people had a bit old fashioned view of voter suppression. It has been nowdays more pushing certain messages to certain people. I was more ref about the modern ways online, like what happened during brexit. Just search “cambridge analytica + voter suppression” To simple way: spd voters get bombarded about how spd has fucked them years and years, green voters get bombarded how green part don’t do their jobs. To make image that they don’t deserve your vote anymore. Or it’s better to send message by not voting at all. And as this all happens online, based people’s own Internet history, it’s not visible to outsiders. There was few damn good documentaries after brexit how that worked. It’s just using social medias data to send personal message, using adds, promotions, or just algorithms push, based people’s data.