The imagery is compelling.
Elderly people slowly starving while watching game shows and calling an anonymous entity in the hope of salvation. Reminds me of a certain movie, though that one wasn’t even about politics, just addiction. One could argue that many people are addicted to outrage, misinformation, fear and hate today - maybe it’s not such a difference in the end.
Sure, it will be Biden’s fault. What do you think? /s
[…] CDU … I do think they might be stronger on the economy too
Hell no, their economic platform is basically “make believe”.
Not enough ‘X’
I can’t wait till the next dumbass gets into the White House and turns this pile of grabage off. Paying these idiots millions to power and run the hardware this pitiful excuse of a website runs on. And all we got for that money is some shit that is about on par as the shit you get from some O’Reilly book called “Building a Government Website Crash Course” with a Bald Eagle dying of bird flu on the cover.
Thanks, I needed that. Poetic.
Sure, that seems to be true at the moment. But the military won’t be the same in the (near) future, as purging the military is just another point in their Project2025. It’s authoritarian 101.
Already working on the “Clean Wehrmacht” myth, huh?
He deleted it from the internet though.
It’s only a real Nazi salute if it’s from the Nazi region in Germany. Otherwise it’s just sparkling hatred.
This country will choose the old reliable, i.e. we will vote stand still. Soon, we will be some kind of industrial museum theme park - the Pretzels are nice though.
Be excited, be, be excited!
Internet archive exists…
These people are as dumb as they are evil.
I’ve already unlocked the Pizza recipe. Nice!
Trolle werden trollieren (vermute ich mal)
I fucking hate living in a time where a breakthrough in media was achieved recently.
It always ends in tears. A lot of tears.
A cover of Black Sabbath’s “Supernaut”, by Al Jourgensen of Ministry’s side-project 1000 Homo DJs with vocals by Nine Inch Nails vocalist Trent Reznor.
Soon, comments will need more flags than a C compiler.