So what’s your alternative? Do nothing as Russia invades country after country and hope that they’ll stop before it’s our turn?
Hi! :)
Nazis, tankies and terrorist justifiers can kindly fuck off.
So what’s your alternative? Do nothing as Russia invades country after country and hope that they’ll stop before it’s our turn?
Okay, that’s bad UX. There should be an error message telling a user what happened and why the verification failed. “Verification link expired.” “This email address is already in use.” Etc.
ETA: I’m aware that you can’t really do anything about that directly, but this is still an issue that should be raised with the developers.
If they’d be willing renounce their claims to Taiwan and allow democracy in Hong Kong and Macau, maybe I could see that. Until then, same shit in more outwardly rational packaging.
Yes. Unsolicited dick pics are sexual harassment, regardless of who you’re actually sending them to. Also, I wouldn’t put it past people running scams like this to try and use your dick pics for blackmail.
Kommt auf die Definition von “Geschlecht” an. Biologisch? Nein. Sozial? Gegebenfalls durchaus ja.
Not always. In East Germany the (protestant) churches were some of the few places where organised resistance against the dictatorship was possible.
Real I’m 14 and this is deep vibes.
Nobody’s gonna stop you from doing any of that. Well, maybe from singing in public but that’s less about skill and more about not disturbing others by being loud and obnoxious.
You said that dual citizenship shouldn’t be allowed. Do you think that someone applying for German citizenship should be forced to renounce any other citizenship in order to receive a German one? Because that’s what the law used to be. And many people had and have reasons for not wanting to give up their original citizenship that went beyond the sentimental (not that pure sentimentality is not a valid reason).
What is Borderline Racist about my comments?
The old citizenship laws left millions of people who were born and raised in Germany, who went to school here and who pay their taxes here, and who have never had a home other than Germany without equal rights. So saying you oppose the reforms that finally allow these people to fully participate in our society isn’t a great look.
Yeah, and all that actually does is strengthen the AfD by making their talking points socially acceptable.
That’s not voter suppression, it’s a risk you take when moving outside of Germany. The German state can’t guarantee that you can easily vote if you move outside of its jurisdiction.
Well, I certainly do look at him in wonder.
Well, keep saying it because you’re right.
Most kids are excited to go to school for the first time. Then school crushes that enthusiasm.
What if you told this girl you want to try to be friends, but please make an effort to not be so hot when you’re hanging out together. No makeup, her least flattering clothes
So basically “don’t be yourself and walk on eggshells around me at all times”. That’d make me just not want to be around you, even as a friend. Friends don’t do that. Do not ask her that.
Adding: that request would make me feel not just uncomfortable but actually unsafe.
Two minutes (and you’re being very optimistic here, for someone who isn’t technically inclined it’s almost certainly going to be more) of required reading on a subject that’s just not even remotely interesting to 99% of people eliminates basically all non technical people. Because they just don’t care enough to devote that time. If that’s the user base you want, that works out, but I’d like people here who can hold a conversation about something other than Linux and Star Trek. It’s honestly kinda boring here.
/r/retrogaming’s definition doesn’t work anymore now that there are multiple generations that grew up with video games. Just because it doesn’t feel retro to the 40 year old who remembers playing the PS2 as a teenager doesn’t mean it’s not retro. The PS2 is absolutely a retro console, and the PS3 is very much getting there.
Ja, aber alleine halt nicht ausreichend. Klar ist die Sturmflut im Wohnzimmer Scheiße, aber kein Wohnzimmer zu haben weil du dir die Mieten nicht mehr leisten kannst, wenn du auch regelmäßige Mahlzeiten willst halt auch. Und auf diese Situation bewegen wir uns zu. Fokus rein auf den Klimawandel geht an den tatsächlichen Problemen der Ärmsten komplett vorbei.
Edit - und das sage ich als Grünen-Wählerin.
Even during the World Wars the defence industry wasn’t wholly nationalised.
37% of Rheinmetall’s shares are owned by NA investors, none individually control more than 6%. And no, Rheinmetall wasn’t founded by Nazis. It predates the Nazis by decades, the company was founded in the same year Hitler was born in. And even if it was, why would that matter today? The company is not owned by the people who founded it. It’s not even owned by their descendants (who still would not be the same people).
They are also NOT selling to both sides. I’m not even disputing that they wouldn’t, they might well want to, but they literally can’t. They’re not allowed to and that is enforced.