After years of retail I’m an absolute grinch for most Christmas music that plays on the radio, but I still really enjoy just about all the hymns and church music despite not being religious whatsoever
Handles Messiah - yes please.
Same. Gloria In Excelsis Deo rips
Killer hymn.
Great pick! Just belting it at the top of my lungs, despite zero singing ability, so satisfying
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Jul i Svingen was one of NRK’s “advent calendar shows”, i.e. an episode a day from December 1st to December 24th. I think “advent calendar shows” are actually a phenomenon largely unique to TV in the Nordic countries, with limited success in Germany and the Netherlands as well.
In any case I never actually watched Jul i Svingen myself, but the song is generally very popular for Christmas playlists in Norway. So it’s sort of a cultural osmosis thing for me. The song blends folk music elements like the fiddle, with more Christmas-y sounds like jingle bells, with more modern elements, and all of these elements come together to create a very unique and cozy vibe I think.
Sent from Mdewakanton Dakota lands / Sept. 29 1837
Treaty with the Sioux of September 29th, 1837
“We Will Talk of Nothing Else”: Dakota Interpretations of the Treaty of 1837
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I like Sharon Jones’ It’s a Holiday Soul Party quite a bit!
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It’s not super xmas-y but I really like it.
Also any good Wassail-Ing songs.
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I like that one John Lennon made
Kris Kringle was a car thief by Wesley Willis
We Three Kings, but only if it has a rap section shoehorned in (Beach Boys and The Roches both have pretty good versions as well)
Also this Wynton Marsalis version:
Señor Santa by Y La Bamba
Silver Bells is kinda cozy.
Happy Holidays, you bastard - Blink 182
Mi burrito sabanero! It’s so catchy that I don’t mind having heard it a million times by now.
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