On Norwegian Google Maps
An anarchist here to ask asinine questions about the USSR. At least I was when I got here.
she/xe/it/thon/ꙮ | NO/EN/RU/JP
On Norwegian Google Maps
A 2022 survey says that nearly 9 in 10 Norwegians are willing to fight for their country — this is the highest share of any country in Europe, and the sixth highest share in the world.
…So unfortunately it seems Britain’s won this time.
Painlessly in my bed, in the warm embrace of a loved one, it would seem.
I heard about this game from Jacksfilms’ worst Christmas gifts of 2024 thing LOL
Looking forward to the sequels “True or Transphobic”, “Sooth or Sexist”, and “Actual or Ableist”
Fallout 3: Inuit Sign Language edition
The article says “She believes the crack is related […]” (emphasis mine) — so it could just be a coincidence.
TV2 just posted an article about a Tesla owner who (according to herself) had her car’s windshield cracked and was given a fake ticket — apparently a lot of Tesla owners are being given these fake tickets, but not many (if any) experience actual damage to their cars. Nevertheless TV2 presenting these drivers sympathetically as victims of a “witch-hunt” (hets) makes me want to play the world’s smallest violin.
The ticket reads,
Akershus County Municipality
Violation of ethical consumption duties: Use of a car produced by Tesla, which is owned by Hitler sympathizer Elon Musk.
Boycott Tesla!
Edit: Clarifying that the cracking actually being related to the ticket is questionable.
Honestly though the Joan of Arc quote on that page is hilarious to me:
Mais, fussent-ils cent mille Goddem de plus qu’a present, ils n’auront pas ce royaume.
[But even if the Goddams [i.e. Englishmen] numbered a hundred thousand more than at present, they will not have this kingdom.]
I dunno, just something about putting corrupted English vulgarity in the middle of a French sentence tickles me.
Sorry, you’ve misread the page, it’s actually claiming the exact opposite.
Etymology sections in dictionaries can be kind of confusingly phrased sometimes, so I’ll break it down:
also goddamn, late 14c.
This means that the phrase “God damn” has been around in the English language since the late 14th century.
from God + damn (v.).
This means the phrase actually is, straightforwardly, from the English words “God” and “damn”.
Goddam (Old French godon, 14c.) was said to have been a term of reproach applied to the English by the French.
This part is saying that Frenchmen supposedly corrupted the English phrase “God damn” into godon (and variants like goddam, goddem) as a derogatory term for Englishmen — apparently mocking Englishmen for being foul-mouthed or uncouth, i.e. that Englishmen say “God damn!” so often that it might as well be their name.
Hence French godan “fraud, deception, humbug” (17c.).
This is to say that that French-language derogatory term for Englishmen, about three hundred years after the phrase “God damn” first entered the English lexicon, came to take on a new meaning in French of “fraud, deception, humbug”.
“but” is a bigot’s favorite word!
Must resist temptation to see what the comment said…
Transphobia, just like any form of queerphobia, serves the maintenance of property rights and the reproduction of the workforce that generates billionaires’ wealth. This is where the antagonism comes from.
Also, please don’t call Elon Musk that.
I wish I could remember my rationale for it, though.
What’s wrong with Arsenal fans?
Edit: Incidentally, I was looking through old photos and found that I’d apparently made up a kanji for “gooning” a long time ago as a joke
If I were to live life as an animal, presumably meaning all my memories and consciousness and personality and sapience and whatever else get transferred to this animal… Then it’s gotta be a common raven, I’d think.
Ravens in the wild tend to live 10~15 years, but in captivity with ideal living conditions, ravens are believed to be able to live up to 50 years, the oldest verified raven reaching 44 years of age. And I can fuck with that. Ravens reach maturity at three years of age, and I’m in my early 20s, so let’s say I start my life as a four-year-old raven.
Ravens are also able to mimic human speech, and that’s really the main draw for me. There are other perks to being a raven, too, but that’s the big one. Like I’m sure there’s a lot of people who’d like to have a low-demand talking raven as a pet.
…You know what, fuck it, make me albino and send me to a mochi shop, I am ready.
What a fucking bastard.
Nettopp, nettopp. Jeg tror dette er vanlig for de fleste flerspråklige men blir ofte mer intenst for neurodivergente.
Det virker som du har en veldig interessant bakgrunn, kan du fortelle mer om språkene du kan, hvordan du vokste opp, hva forholdet ditt er til disse forskjellige språkene? Jeg er også nysgjerrig om språkdynamikken der du bor, mtp portugisisk og spansk og engelsk osv, og forholdene mellom disse.
Well, I should note that the situation for myself is that my mom’s first language is American English, and her second language is Norwegian, and my dad was the reverse, however both he and my mom mainly spoke English to me growing up. So I ended up growing up with both English and Norwegian, but because of the language dynamics in my family and in Norway in general, and because I was comparatively socially isolated for a long time, and because of various feedback loops, my Norwegian skills ended up basically “lagging behind” my English skills. This means that my idiolect in Norwegian has a number of prominent proscribed or eccentric features. So that’s something to keep in mind for when I put my Norwegian through this Swedish “filter” — that the Norwegian being filtered is itself already “Americanized” for lack of a better term.
Russian and Japanese are two languages that I have self-studied for a number of years. Neither of them are really up to the level I’d like, but I can still take pride in the effort I’ve put in and how far I’ve gotten, because even if my progress is slow compared to some learners, most hobbyist learners burn out and quit way sooner, right? Esperanto was one language that I tried to learn but quickly gave up on, but I’ve recently restarted learning that, and I hope and frankly expect that this time around I’ll make it to a much higher level, and it’ll become the fifth language I’ll say I can speak. And there are other languages still that I’d like to try my hands at eventually, and I’ve also been conlanging as a hobby for about a decade already, and languages are fuzzy things anyways, so just like anyone else I can sometimes understand individual words or sentences in languages I’ve never studied.
Can anyone provide a more thorough explanation of what exactly is going on? How did/could this happen, and what is being done about it? How will this impact federation? Are there any other domain names for Hextube?