Good thing The Economy is doing so well right now, imagine how much worse this could be
I know they’d be misused by our current judicial system and end up being bad, but: shame based punishments. If white collar criminals getting a slap on the wrist also included being put in the stocks for a few days so everyone can tell them how awful they are I think that’d be an improvement
This is exactly what would get called into Speak Your Piece, just missing a “God bless” at the end
Goddammit, you beat me to it
One ply toilet paper is fine. There does exist super terrible one ply that is cheap and scratchy and rough, but #notalloneply
Being such a shit slumlord that Woody Guthrie wrote a song about him lol
Being the only industrial power not wrecked by two world wars, control of global finance, and a huge nuclear arsenal? Fucking fluke
Idk why but for some reason I think would have absolutely loved it, much to the chagrin of everyone else around him
This premise reminds me of Rosencranz and Guildenstern Are Dead, fun angle to rehash a well known story
There’s no world where the party replaces her until she’s in the ground though, we saw that with Feinstein. So the longer she’s laid up and suffering, the longer no one is using that office to do evil I guess?
Great pick! Just belting it at the top of my lungs, despite zero singing ability, so satisfying
After years of retail I’m an absolute grinch for most Christmas music that plays on the radio, but I still really enjoy just about all the hymns and church music despite not being religious whatsoever
So hilarious that the pigs put the snitch on blast too. Like they didn’t have to specify it was an employee, and yet they can’t help themselves apparently
I knew this place rang a bell lol
The George Costanza method used in a coup attempt is
Gallium in Ukraine/Russia, Slovakia as well as the UK lol, and Germanium in Russia and Northumberland
Whoever named these needs to check a map next time!
Multiple boomer family members have commended my partner and I for living minimally as if it’s a fucking choice we made instead of the harsh reality we have to endure because of large societal forces we cannot escape