And why do you like it so much?
So anyway, I love those dark maples with the leaves that are so blue they’re almost black in certain light. I call them goth maples.
Oh wow it’s about as close as you can get
Japanese Maple. Had one by the front door of the house I grew up in. Reminds me of my childhood home.
Oh the colors
They’re just so beautiful!
Plus birch beer is awesome
People used to make all kinds of stuff from the bark, too
And from the wood. It’s a hardwood but it’s often used where softwoods would be. Baltic birch plywood is some excellent stuff.
Didnt the Vikings use birch tar to make their wooden ships watertight? Awesome tree!
Willows. They feel so incredibly relaxed, like they just don’t give a shit.
Bending in the wind like a ballerina
Weeping willow trees. We had one at my childhood home. When it was sold, the new owners tore it out. I was very sad.
Don’t worry, it’s back. Those things refuse to die.
I am fairly certain there are no trees on the property anymore. I don’t know what they had against trees, but they tore out everything!
I used to live in a rickety flat that had a single old creaky staircase to get up to the front door, and a little grassy terrace area. Only I really ever used the grassy bit. The stairs had a pohutakawa tree growing essentially right through them, making walking up or down them hazardous. Especially when drunk.
I would not classify that period of my life to be “happy” by any stretch, but that tree signified being “home.” It was like the guardian to my space. A physical barrier between me and the shitshow that was the rest of the world at that time. An almost literal gatekeeper (many people were too scared to walk up the stairs lol)
Added bonus, year end holidays, and the height of summer were vividly and brightly different thanks to the red needles they drop everywhere around that time.
It wasn’t until the landlord told me he was planning to have it cut down, and I had an almost physical reaction that I realized how much I loved that tree. I managed to convince him not to have it cut down until after I’d left.
Both the tree and the flat are now gone. A multi million dollar new build is there now.
I’ve read 500 page novels that have touched me less than these 5 paragraphs.
Thank you for sharing this story.
Both the tree and the flat are now gone. A multi million dollar new build is there now.
SO PISSED AT THIS. God the company men…
Love me a magnolia tree
That shade
Everything about the Gingko tree is pretty cool
It really is a cool tree, but man, having to walk near fallen gingko nuts every day during the autumn is kind of torture.
The walnut tree. Its leaves are dense so it casts a cohesive shadow, perfect for shelter from the sun. I LOVE how it smells, especially when developing walnuts, and green walnuts are entirely unique in how they taste!
Not too expensive.
About three fiddy?
*tree fiddy
Weeping Willow!
Being the most common tree in America doesn’t make the sycamore any less awesome.
They’re big and their canopy is lush. Their limbs are all twisty and knobbly. They’ve got huge leaves that sound amazing blowing in the wind or crunching underfoot. The colloquialism for their seedpods is hilarious and the pods themselves are almost as cool as sweetgum seed pods.
Just some great trees all around.
Scots pine
Mango tree!! 🥭🌳
It’s big, it provides plenty of shades, it’s unassuming, and most importantly it has mangoes!!
This is a really great answer. Concise, listed, and checks all the boxes. Kudos.
Apple tree, cause cider beer is amazing (the dry stuff like Strongbow)