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4th times the charm, right?

  • 2 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2024


  • No, you’ve gone too far in the other direction now. The protests can work. Your other comments show that you seem to think it has to be all or nothing, but Just because it’s not bankrupting Bezos in one fell swoop, doesn’t mean it’s pointless. If we even make a dent in their metrics, they’ll notice.

    My issue here is that everyone seems to be misinterpreting me as whining about not wanting to participate because I’m gonna miss my show. When what I actually said, in effect, was “Damn, I’m gonna miss my show. Oh well.”

    The fuck is wrong with the threadiverse today, gods damn!

  • No, you come on. You’re are misrepresenting what I actually said. If you actually read my post, you’ll see that I plan to participate in the boycott regardless. I made a throwaway comment about how it would be “mildly inconvenient” that I’d miss the opening, but also that I would do it regardless.

    So what, I’m not even allowed to acknowledge that Prime has stuff I’m interested in? I have to boycott it, and deny that it holds any value whatsoever?

    That’s bullshit. It’s entirely possible to both acknowledge that there are decent Amazon produced shows AND think that the company is evil as fuck and want to boycott them.

  • I have quit sugar, caffeine, nicotine, weed, and am trying to get my alcohol consumption under control.

    Sugar was almost automatic. I just don’t have much of a sweet tooth, so consciously avoiding sugar was really easy. I can’t say I’ve noticed much of a difference since, although overly sugary things like Coke now taste disgusting, and I can immediately tell when something has been sweetened with sugar, even if it’s really subtle. It’s like a 6th sense. You’ll be surprised at the stupid shit people put sugar into. Pickles, mustard, tomato sauce… these things do not need sugar!

    Caffeine had the most intense withdrawal effects. The caffeine headache is unlike any other headache I’ve ever had, and I’m a migraine sufferer. The brainfog was horrible too. Coming out the other side is great though. Plus having a coffee from that point on is a fucking glorious experience.

    Nicotine took me years, and I wouldn’t have accomplished it without switching to vaping first. I’ve written about this before but that makes it sound easier than it was. There were many many many failed attempts before I put down the vape for good. This one has had the best benefits though. You don’t realise how good breathing is until you’re fully quit for a while.

    Weed was really not my choice. I really really overdid it, and I now can’t touch the stuff. I’ve tried, and it’s always a terrible time. I just withdraw inwards and become an anxious, paranoid mess. What’s worse is it takes me days to recover as well. Doesn’t matter how little I have or how “no really this weed is super mellow dude” it is, I consistently have a bad time now. I miss this one the most. I used to really enjoy what it was like in the beginning.

    Alcohol is my fucking kryptonite. I cannot get it under control. I think my only option at this point is really to go teetotal. it’s not really bad enough for me to what to be so drastic with it though. I’m not an angry drunk, I don’t spend more than I can afford on it, it’s not really negatively affecting my life… I just drink too much and too often, and I worry for my health.

  • OK so I think you might be joking but in case you’re not:

    1. “They don’t need to understand DEs” and “Please teach people.” Well which is it? is it intuitive or does it need to be taught? It can’t be both

    2. That was just an example. Your solution doesn’t solve the problem I’m describing as a whole and I think my point still stands. Search might be common to most DEs but that doesn’t change the fact that they all work slightly differently, and if you want to know how to do something that can’t just be searched for, you need to know what DE you’re using. Which means knowing what a DE is. Not to mention, a user coming from a Mac wouldn’t think to just hit super anyway. It’s cmd + space there.

    3. It’s not the “proper” way, it’s just “a” way. There is no “proper” way do to this kind of thing. I would even argue that it’s not even the “best” way because you’re not learning how to navigate your OS/DE if you do it that way.

    This is exactly the kind of facetious bs “ugh, it’s not hard, just rtfm, noob” response the op is talking about