Oh, oh, oh! Thanks! I think I’ll click on it right now.
Ed. Damnit
deleted by creator
What the people who want to control us don’t want us to realize is that you have a lot more in common with the Chinese/Russian/Ukrainian/Mexican/Indian working class… Factory worker/programmer/hard-working house wife… Then you do with your own political leaders and billionaires. People with servants who don’t ever worry about bills. (Biden, Trump, Harris, Vance, Elon, Gates, Bezos, etc)… Don’t look at the foreigners as different and the enemy… Look at the Rich and the Politicians (who want us to blame the foreigners)
Yeah, but the smallest is also the largest… Because Pil-grams were also Puri-Tons!
Yeah, I just did.
How can you say something so controversial, yet so true?!
Bowie isn’t fantastic. Neither is Bill Murrey or Betty White. They are just people that have been grasped onto by social media and exemplified. It helps if they’ve died and get a “martyr” image too.
I mean some Bowie stuff is good, Life on Mars, Lets dance… But he’s just a British Melloncamp.
Next big Netflix Boxing Match… Chris Wright vs Elon Musk! Woot! (This one won’t be rigged for the highest money intake either.)
Lol. Awesome word play. I, for one, did not downvote you.
Warren Zavon Werewolves of London
Donovan Season of the Witch
(Personal fave) Bing Crosby The Headless Horseman
Frodo: You can have it if you want.
Lady Galadrial: And instead of a dark Lord you would have me AS A TOOTHLESS AND CHUBBY QUEEN!?
Wow… Legit. All you can eat too. Just stop back tomorrow.
Came here for this… I mean, he did say Eat Me. (Not like that, sicko.) This is my body, tastes like good crust bread.
He probably worked on it a bit before he died. Like ate a lot of Sage and Thyme at the last supper or something.
Tiny Tim: Mom, look at the Christmas Zeus! It’s almost as big as me!
My thought. In 500M years, you would be like the slime that crawled out of the oceans to the dominant life.
God Damnit.
Someone I grew up with.
Well, 79 ain’t too bad. And she did a hella job.
Thank you, Teri.
Damn. This actually makes me want to live in Belgium. If not for the billiards,then for the church bells. If not for those, then for the competitive pigeons… Then the cards. (In that order)
Just something to keep in mind. If someone is a dick to you, abusive or ruthless, or just hurtful… 90% of the time, it’s not you. It’s them. There is something broken in them that makes them mean, and needing to hurt. They are malfunctioning.
The last 10% of the time… Own it and work hard to fix it…
But hurtful people hurt, not because of you, but because they are damaged and want to hurt people, and that’s wrong.
Nanny Ogg is amazing, with Greebo and her scumple (made from apples).