Same here. I’ve been reading Steven King’s The Stand for like 2 years now😆
Same here. I’ve been reading Steven King’s The Stand for like 2 years now😆
Well you might want a separate account for NSFW for example
I use this approach sometimes and it really works. Provided it’s the erm… simple type of crowd that doesn’t ask too many questions lol. They’ll wander around and figure it out. If they do, congratulations😂
The name Lemmy grew on me lol. I thought Reddit sounded dumb af once upon a time too. In fact I still cringe at the thought of being called a “redditor.”
Wtf I did not know this crossover existed. How does Rick Springfield still look that good? I was not ready for his singing part lol. Also that’s the original Jesse’s Girl at the end?! AWESOME.
She was looking really thin in recent photos. Sad. May she rest in peace.
Thanks for doing that! It’d be helpful to have it in list form too, so we can help point people to instances based on location should they be interested:)
Yeah my bad, I thought postpartum psychosis was part of the DSM-5. I said “mental illness” thinking PPP was included. Was confused why all the downvotes til I looked it up lol
Needs to be assessed for drugs and mental illness.
I know that tastes good just reading those ingredients lol
Hello I’m on iOS! I just tried pretending to add a Feddit.org account and it’s letting me proceed as normal.
When you go to add an account, does it show a screen like this? Maybe instead of “pick server,” tap “log in” since you already have an account.
If that doesn’t work, hopefully someone else can help lol I’m not too tech savvy
That’s an album cover
Consequences of not getting the required vaccinations!
Gaines County has one of the highest rates in Texas of school-aged children who opt out of at least one required vaccine, with nearly 14% of K-12 children in the 2023-24 school year. Health officials say that number is likely higher because it doesn’t include many children who are homeschooled and whose data would not be reported.
Good times
Ditto. Wouldn’t be this big culture shock. You could just drive there, don’t gotta mess with flying. If you can get to Mexico, you can fly out anywhere else if you’d like. And like a lot of people, we already know basic Spanish from school. Wouldn’t be hard to pick up the rest. xD
My partner and I are already brainstorming what countries we would go to if in the future shit really hits the fan. I mean just as a hypothetical. Mexico’s up there. We could easily pick up and go, trouble is it’d be harder to get the rest of our family on board.
Me too. On Voyager you can add personal tags for people. It also displays how often you’re upvoting or downvoting each user account. Very helpful for keeping track of who’s who!
I like working in triage for this reason. Lots of autonomy, sure it gets busy but there’s also days with lots of downtime, plus you get to shoot the shit with doctors and pick their brain.
Beautiful panorama! Thanks for sharing