How the hell did the character get so viral? I’ve tried watching the skits several times to see if maybe I’m missing something, but for the life of me, I can’t seem to see it. Is everyone just biased because it’s Tom Hanks? Or is it actually hilarious, and I’m just struggling to understand the humor? Fall/Spooky season is my absolute favorite time of year, but am I just a buzz kill?
My wife and I watched it when it aired, and we found it hilarious. It’s the absurdity of it. Should I know who this guy is?
“Any questions?” “Yes! Several! I mean, he has a middle initial now?”
The skit is absurd, the pacing works well, and everyone involved is clearly having fun as there are multiple close calls on breaking character. It is funny because of how it doesn’t make sense, a couple of characters are also aware of it not making sense, and then they get runaraound answers when they try to figure it out.
No comedy bit lands for everyone though.
Yeah, I know it doesn’t. I just genuinely don’t find it funny. I do appreciate the breakdown though, makes sense why people aside from me would like it.
Pretty sure Tom Hanks himself has mentioned he doesn’t understand why it’s so popular.
I personally really enjoy how David and the skeletons either can’t out won’t elaborate on the parts of their whole thing that the people are confused about. There’s just something funny to me about how it doesn’t seem like they’re intentionally being obtuse. They’ll gladly answer the vague question of “and the skeletons are…?” with the equally vague “part of it!” with a big smile, as though it was a perfectly fine and helpful answer.
I don’t get Tracy Morgan. His jokes don’t seem that funny to me. He’s extremely repetitive. I don’t understand him. Then, one day I heard a comedian on a podcast describe him as a complete genius. He said Tracy’s trick is he tells a joke that may be funny, maybe not funny, and you’ll give him a little laugh. Then he repeats the joke ten times. It’s no longer funny. You’re just tired of hearing it. Then he repeats the joke ten more times, and somehow through the power of alchemy, it’s now run full circle and is the funniest thing you’ve ever heard every time he says it. I think this skit has that same energy.
I have five words for you:
It feels so real in how disappointing the experience becomes for the straight characters. That would be my reaction if I went into that thing to be frightened, and I get David S. Pumpkins instead. By the way, you’re not alone as I read years ago that Tom Hanks doesn’t get it either.
It’s a well-constructed skit – unabashedly silly, with just the right amount of ironic detachment. I love how after Pumpkins shows up, the couple just coolly analyzes the regular monsters that were making them scream moments before. The music is ridiculous, Tom Hanks demeanor is ridiculous, the dancing is ridiculous (with a dash of sexual weirness at the end). And it comes full circle with him genuinely scaring them in the end.
I do think that them doing sequels and trying to spin a mini-franchise out of it was stupid though.
Didn’t know what this was so looked up the video
Both absurdity and repetition can be funny and the sketch has both in uncomfortable number.
I find it a bit grating, but I think that’s the point. And the sketch writers were clearly aware there was something (deliberately?) off about the whole thing which is why they make overt with DSP’s catchphrase.
You are not a buzzkill, I think. This skit had a couple of things going for it:
- Halloween can always use more “mascots” and this is one.
- I admit that I originally didn’t like this skit, but my brother-in-law did, and I like him, so after watching it I always think of him until eventually it became something I genuinely liked.
- I quote lines from this skit to my SO all the time, so it’s become kind of embedded into my life.
- SNL during this time wasn’t very funny to me. I think that since SNL sucked during this time, even moderately funny skits ended up exploding in popularity just because they weren’t the usual onslaught of comedians stumbling over their lines and ruining jokes. Weekend Update was pretty funny, though.
So in short, my friend, it’s not really funny. It was a moment, and you may have missed it. But let me say this, I think you’re cool for kicking off Spooky season…
… Almost as cool as DaViD ESS pUmKiNs!
Sometimes humor is hard to explain. This sketch probably struck some chord with a fad for “random” things at the time, and maybe hasn’t aged very well.
While the internet was of course influential in 2016, my recollection is that people weren’t nearly as jaded and cynical as they are now in the post-truth, post-pandemic world.
We’re constantly bombarded with memes, jokes, and other distractions…so perhaps people are not so easily amused now as they were almost a decade ago.
However, I do remember some folks being confused, annoyed, and unimpressed with it back then, too. But enough people were tickled by it to want to share it with everyone. And I do think Hanks brings a certain bizarre charm to it that not many comedians can pull off.
2016 is well after 9/11/2001… People where already very I jaded on the Internet.
I suspect you where just too young to be jaded yourself yet.
Very little of SNL is actually funny. Celebrity jeopardy comes to mind
It’s funny because it’s bigger than a normal hat
Everything Tom Hanks does is gold
Even the David S. Pumpkins Halloween Special?