How the hell did the character get so viral? I’ve tried watching the skits several times to see if maybe I’m missing something, but for the life of me, I can’t seem to see it. Is everyone just biased because it’s Tom Hanks? Or is it actually hilarious, and I’m just struggling to understand the humor? Fall/Spooky season is my absolute favorite time of year, but am I just a buzz kill?
I don’t get Tracy Morgan. His jokes don’t seem that funny to me. He’s extremely repetitive. I don’t understand him. Then, one day I heard a comedian on a podcast describe him as a complete genius. He said Tracy’s trick is he tells a joke that may be funny, maybe not funny, and you’ll give him a little laugh. Then he repeats the joke ten times. It’s no longer funny. You’re just tired of hearing it. Then he repeats the joke ten more times, and somehow through the power of alchemy, it’s now run full circle and is the funniest thing you’ve ever heard every time he says it. I think this skit has that same energy.
I have five words for you:
Kristen Schaal is a horse.