All the libs will go back to brunch and sleepwalk for another 4 years. Harris will fail at everything she does and make life worse, especially for Muslims, and the left will be blamed for everything. The right will dig their heels in even more on reaction, yada yada, y’all know how this show goes.
Honestly, after that DNC, I legitimately crave nothing more than the complete and total dissolution of the USA and for all of it’s citizens to be put on trial for crimes against humanity
Yes, even myself
I don’t think I’ve seen a more congratulatory display of openly hating the poor and patting themselves on the back for genocide.
Dems you outdid yourselves.
Unlimited Tribunals on the United $$tate$$ of AmeriKKKa
no more half measures walter
Ur so brave
Thank you
I would like to be executed tbh, but i think ir’d be more logistically aound to firebomb us all
Also considering the current age of identity politics I think there will be a lot of really gross and cynical uses of her identity. The “👏more👏women👏faces👏of👏empire👏” meme will be played out in some of the grossest way possible win or loss. It will be “inspiring” that she wants to be a helm of the machine that makes everything worse. I think it’ll be uniquely bad for black leftists as I’m over 9000% certain that they will do the “If you ain’t votin’ for Kamala you ain’t black” thing.
I also think there will be a lot of weird “DISCOURSE©®™” on how black is too black or not black enough or too woman or not too woman enough sorts of discussions. There are LOT of reasons to hate Kamala, and I want to say here and now I hate her cause she’s an imperialist, a liberal, and just generally everything I don’t like about democrats. Not her identity.
I think we are going to see a lot people talking about how it’s either good or bad to be a bad bitch/brat (I don’t even know what that means and I don’t care enough about modern pop to figure it out)/girlboss when you’re tough on crime or immigrants or all the stuff we hate about imperialism.
(for the record I think it’s weird and perfectly shows how racist America truly is in that blackness sort of overwrites all other ethnic heritages and backgrounds because we hate it the most)
Lots of it in her speech last night.
She mentioned sexual abuse in her speech four times, including in a section where she proclaimed her unwavering support for a pro-rape country, and pretended that her time as a prosecutor was spent defending victims of sexual violence rather than protecting the perpetrators.
She’s also vice president to, at the least, a weird pervert and at worst a sexual predator
After this week I’m convinced they’re not winning. They’re too high on their own supply, it’s 2016 all over again.
I don’t get why hexbear has suddenly decided that kamala is going to win. Yes, she has a better chance than Biden, but it’s still basically just a coin toss.
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I think a lot of people aren’t factoring in the economic situation. Shits hard rn, a lot of people vote off that without having any form of coherent politics.
every four years the electoralism really comes on strong around here
The only interest I have in the electoral process in America is the bets I place on it. I currently got 20 on trump against some old lib
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and every time there’s a bunch of smug “why do you care so much” energy that doesn’t understand what electoralism even means. electoralism is directing the revolutionary party’s resources and energy into the electoral process. on hexbear, almost nobody is even advocating people vote a certain way on an individual level. discussion/analysis of the bourgeois elections =/= electoralism. we aren’t a political party that’s being derailed from important political activity by a preponderance of talk about elections. at most it’s just annoying
Electorlism is an addiction and should not be taken lightly. Vote for me and we’ll have a Vote Exchange on every corner, so you can safely inject the votes directly into your veins without fear of illness.
Electoralism is when I talk about elections and the more I talk about elections the more electoral I am
Lmao. People on this site still have no idea what “electoralism” means
Probably because Trump hasnt been funny for a while so we have lost faith in him, even tho the election will mostly be decided by who can mobilized their base more instead of going for the independents
They put his ass in the cube that’s why
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They’re kinda boosted by the fact that the dems just held a frothing fascist rally filled with Hitlerian raving
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yeah it’s still much closer than the dems are letting on. I’d guess that whatever the outcome, it’s gonna be pretty close to 50-50 just like 2016 and 2020.
The difference is that Trump seems to floundering now, and has been low energy in general lately, and many right-wingers are getting tired of the Trump movement, and would probably prefer to go back to the conservative equivalent of brunch. Which wasn’t the case in 2016.
Harris will fail at everything she does
She’s only failing if you think she’s trying to make things better
Yeah she’s succeeding at becoming president, that’s all that’s going to be accomplished by this campaign
She’ll also succeed at continuing to commit genocide
Kamala is actually doing an incredible service for the left, she is drawing the line between those in the west that can actually even be considered to be on the left and the so called left, the liberals, now exposing themselves as naught but fasicsts. This line being drawn is incredibly useful as long as the left sees and recognises it, and pivots their strategies away from trying to ally themselves with fascists. Knowing the impotency of the western left, i dont have high hopes tho
But do you have high high hopes
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You’re talking as if the US didn’t just have 4 years of Joe Biden.
it’s crazy how much it feels like nothing happened in the US in the last 4 years but it feels like China built infinity high speed rails, infinity nuclear power plants, infinity solar panels, started an electric car revolution, has a microchips industry that’s only 5-10 years behind (and I don’t feel like computers are much faster than 10 years ago in the US…), 1 genocide (RIP deserts), has several competing flux capacitor prototypes, will probably build a base on the moon and mars, has a theoretical bases for the constructing the world’s first matrix of leadership, can turn geese invisible, invented Kwisatz blockers, etc…
…meanwhile we only got something called “AI” whose best use-case is mass producing spam and misinformation.
several competing flux capacitor prototypes
I’m sorry? The time traveling device from back to the future?
Where we’re going, comrades, we don’t need roads.
I can imagine very soon a headline: PRC blocks tourism to USA, citing Prime Directive.
Honestly they should’ve blocked it years ago due to the threat of getting shot by some loon with too much lead in their tapwater and too much xenophobic newsmedia in their feed
China is going to have like three Sputnik Moments in the next decade. the west will shit its pants in terror
…meanwhile we only got something called “AI” whose best use-case is mass producing spam and misinformation.
And absurdly gigantic and slightly lopsided virtual titties, don’t forget that!
I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve been listening to the Democrats lately and it’s clear to me that Trump has been in power for the past 4 years. We gotta vote blue to get him out!!!
Remember to write in Joe Biden, they say he’s the only one who can save democracy
true, its his turn! Joe deserves his shot at the presidency after serving as vice president the past 16 years!!!
What left. Americas left has already been utterly destroyed at anything other than the hyper local level.
The only left that exists in the US is the one you build with your comrades and your community. Mutual aid will continue no matter who is in power and right now I’m afraid that’s the best we’ve got.
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Nope it’s organized Marxist party and labor movement, same as it always was and will be under capitalism
westoids twist and squirm to think of their own exceptionalism and why they don’t have to follow the only blueprint that has ever worked before
get in the party shinji
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Black panther party was a Marxist-Leninist Party. Generally when people say “dual power” in the west they aren’t talking about Marxist-Leninist parties
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I’m now pretty convinced that Trump is the harm reduction candidate. The best case scenario is Dems control Congress with Trump as President.
I’m not sure harm reduction is even possible in the confines of the American bourgeois electoral system
Not the normal way but perhaps through sheer laziness and incompetence
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The distant possibility of Official US Envoy to the DPRK Dennis Rodman serving in Trump Administration 2 would be kinda fun
I’ve had similar thoughts about 2020 in retrospect, except with accelerationism. The common sense was that accelerationists should support Trump over Biden, but Biden actually turned out to be the accelerationist candidate.
I’m starting to be convinced that we can’t predict shit about shit when it comes to electoral politics, other than the obviously correct take that this thing is on rails to fascism and WWIII at an unknowable time in the future regardless of who wins
yeah I really can’t think of anything that would actually be better under a Harris administration. Trans issues I suppose? And maybe reproductive rights? Although roe v wade was overturned under a dem administration so even that falls flat.
Harris would do nothing at a federal level to support trans or reproductive rights. Trump (or rather, his people) would probably try to pass more restrictions on both at a federal level but that would get tied up in the courts and would leave things in the same place they are now: states free to be as hitlerian as they want.
I’ve completely lost hope that capitalism can be defeated in time to take action on climate. Global collapse will do it in before revolution at this rate
It may end up being too late to prevent collapse, but it will never be too late to get revenge
Humanity will be victorious, communism is inevitable, it’s just too bad billions will burn in fire before it happens
This, this is my new fucking slogan
Beautiful <3
Well, then we not only expropriate the bourgeoisie of their capital, but also their water.
eatdrink the rich
The only hope seems to be the US eating shit in a world war it started, so that the rest of the world can move on without worrying about US approval
This is a very long process, and a world War would be the last straw for climate. If it has a similar time line as ww2, then even if 2024 is equivalent to 1932 or such, that would mean an end to the war around 2040 or 2050, so another 20 years of hyper emissions and ecological horrors resulting from the war machines, before there would be a chance for coordinated global action on climate so, again, the damage would be beyond devastating and possibly completely destabilizing for surviving nations, global socialist alliance or not
Ignore me I’m just dooooomin
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That seems highly optimistic
In fact it sounds exactly like the way people were talking in 1914
I think the destabilization is already baked in at this point, the question is which class will have the political agency do decide how the misery is distributed
China is making some big moves towards green energy that give me hope. Ironically I think US aggression has pushed them to seek energy independance at an accelerated rate. They also needed to point their massive productive capacity towards something new anyways since their urbanization efforts are slowing.
with all the shit im hearing out of the DNC its way less than certain she’ll even eke out the win now. all she had to do was shut the fuck up and let the nebulous difference between her, Trump & Biden do the work but now she’s sieg heiling away the volunteers and affiliate organizations.
Yeah I dunno, I’m noticing a sharp difference in reaction between my anarchist/marxist friends who are not into this, and everyone progressive to center who are ecstatic with slay queen/brat/memes are funny energy. I don’t think the left as such makes up enough people to cost her the election on its own.
I haven’t read anything that said volunteers are moving away from her since the speech. Could you post a source?
after telling the uncommited campaigners to go fuck themselves I don’t think Harris can rely on any of them to volunteer or endorse her campaign. idk if they’ll release a statement to that effect or not
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It would just be Obama 2.0 but without the charisma and probably with less competency given how terrible her 2020 campaign was. Which aligns with your description. Liberal status quo, identity politics masking social murder, back to brunch, and ascendant reaction as material conditions continue to proletarianize the public while no left outlets for political organizing can (yet) sufficiently capture the disillusioned.
Things will be pretty similar either way, though. Ds and Rs will trade off and govern the machine in ways that lead to the same conclusions. Libs will go back to brunch under D’s but that just means we can’t backseat drive them. But that doesn’t work very well anyways because we are too few. Our work remains, more or less, the same, and it comes back to organizing fundamentals.
Honestly, she already is, or maybe she’s the culmination of Biden’s disaster. Everything has been driven so distressingly far to the right.
I think a democrat that alienates the left is more radicalizing than a cartoonishly evil republican. Trump has unified all flanks of the democratic party against him. Biden held that together a lot more than I expected by being friendly with Shawn Fain, the NLRB, and Lina Khan. If Copmala isn’t going to make an effort to keep that going, the party will weaken like it did under Obamna, and the socialist movement will grow as the economy settles back into low and slow growth, stagnant wages, slow job creation, rising rents and healthcare costs, and booming asset and house prices. The right will get more radicalized too.