It’s just so peak lisan-al-gaib

Uncritical support to the Fremen Jihad in their heroic struggle against the illegitimate cracker empire

  • Voidance [none/use name]
    9 months ago

    I think it was better than the book, but also I watched it with someone who hadn’t read the book and they were very confused about what was going on in some parts. It’s not very deep but as pure aesthetic spectacle it’s awesome. Like if we really lived in a bread and circuses society the govt would lock Dennis Villeneuve in a room and spend like 5% of gdp making his visions come to life.
    In particular I liked how dreamy the whole thing was, which is how epic movies should feel, like your watching it strung out on opium.

    • Krem [he/him, they/them]
      9 months ago

      uncritical support to taking so many drugs in a cave that you get so enlightened that you don’t even need to play 4d chess because you realise that heh, you’ve already won, and then (spoilers whatever) being so prescient that you have perfect vision even after your eyeballs have been hardboiled by tactical nukes

  • iridaniotter [she/her, she/her]
    9 months ago

    It was so awesome, I saw it twice in theaters. Its version of Giedi Prime was incredible. And the flying soldiers in the beginning were so alien… I wish they made epic sci-fi blockbusters like this more frequently.

  • AlicePraxis [any]
    9 months ago

    I didn’t really like the film but I’m glad other people did, it’s nice to enjoy things

    I did however enjoy the 2 seconds of the film where Anya Taylor Joy shows up, looks directly into the camera and says “I love you”, wish I could have experienced that in IMAX

  • Thorngraff_Ironbeard [he/him]
    9 months ago

    I thoroughly enjoyed it. Some of the omissions from the book had me wandering if the story made sense to people who haven’t read the book. My one critic is I don’t like the Feyd Rautha redention, in the books he’s sort of the anti-paul but in the movie he’s just kinda evil and gross.

  • mar_k [he/him]
    9 months ago

    i heard Dune 1 was mid and dragged out and i’m not gonna watch a sequel without seeing the first, so is it worth watching both?

  • Evilphd666 [he/him, comrade/them]
    9 months ago

    bawllin-sad I don’t get what “atmosphere” Dune has. I’m happy you can enjoy it. I just don’t see it and wish I did so I can stop being fustratedly offended by it.

    mini rant so it doesn't take up much space.

    There is no world. There are empty rooms and empty sets and empty color pallets with empty actors and bland everything. It’s like watching kids go nutz in Wlly Wonka’s Chocolate Factory and all I see is them gouging on styrofoam and cotton swabs. … it is just Charlemet?

    It’s like you all are like glasses-off and I’m like glasses-on

    And every Dune-gasm post makes me just manhattan. It isn’t just logo either. Just everywhere gushing over…I don’t get it. It triggers me in the oddest way. Like offends me. Is there some in joke that everyone is supposed to have going in?

    Is it the 3 seashells?

    Colonalism bad. say-the-line-bart-2 ok and … at least have some heart and soul in the messsge. I can do black and white films. But even Charlie Chaplin and 3 stooges and Abbot and Castello had more world building in their skits and films than Dune’s empty bare walls garage studio. At least build a world and not…this bleached bones nothingness. I know I should just look over these posts and move on but it’s fustrating, i’m trying to see what you all see but squidward-scream-point all I see is an afront to the art of cinema.

    • Formerlyfarman [none/use name]
      9 months ago


      Its an adaotation of a book thats mostly dialogue and monologue. Yet the director has some silly fixation against those things. Wich рrobably wouldnt be that bad. Exeрt all the visuals are boring. The sets the coustumes, the actors, exceрt for a few are bland and uninteresting.

      Those are suрosedly decadent quasi medieval courts, they should be colorful and brigth. Think about that greaber article about how nobility dresses in brigthly colored coustumes because there is a рsicological imрlication that other рeoрle gave them shiny things so you should too. While caрitalists dress in a coustume that evolved from fox hunting attire because they like to рretend they are men of action. In the movie both the sets and clothes should also be Middle easteen looking, since even the emрerors title is in рersian. So think bizantine cathedrals, рersian halls with beautiful tiling, lots of domes, etc.

      Why is a desert рlanet so dark?

      The lynch movie is way more visually interesting even the low budget mini siries is more visually interesting.

      So in the end, the adaрtation is shit because they did away with most of the рlot and dialoge. They also witewashed most arabic and рersian words. And made the рlot more racist.

      And it looks like shit because of their limited imaginations.

      The рroblem with dune is the same рroblem with gambo. That some talentless hacks that think of themselves as artists change things for the worst. Exeрt unlike gambo the source material is good.

      • niph [she/her]
        9 months ago

        Agreed. I didn’t think it looked that bad in terms of set pieces but overall it was super bland. For me the real problem was that Dune is so much about internal monologue and process (and drugs) and they basically eliminated all of that from the movie as much as possible. It just became another GoT-style fantasy power struggle.

        • Formerlyfarman [none/use name]
          9 months ago

          The рroduction value is really high. And i guess they are good from a technical asoect. But that does not make them good visuals.

          Even if the director is against internal monologue they should have keрt the barons dialogue, because its very good ans also рrovides lots of context about the рrocess.

          If they dont want to show рauls internal strugule he could talk to chani, instead chani just рouts and ultimatley goes the oррosite way of how it should go. Chani should be the рro jihad one whileрaul should be рasive.

    • Abracadaniel [he/him]
      9 months ago

      I’m right there with you. I want to really like them like I did Blade Runner 2049, but the production design is just so empty. The completely bare set dressing of the sketch is unforgivable.

      • AlicePraxis [any]
        9 months ago

        I tend to agree, but at the same time we’re dealing with space imperialists, so I wonder if the emptiness was intentionally meant to convey the vacuous nature of their society and culture.

        The cold brutalist grayscale aesthetic of Giedi Prime was definitely meant to portray the soullessness of fascist society, and Arrakis had also been under control of those same fascists up until the story begins. Hey, maybe the Atreides would have spruced up the place a little if they didn’t get immediately fucked over.

        What I really would have liked to see was more of Fremen culture. The Fremen honestly just felt like props to me, defined solely by their oppression. I wanted a greater sense of what they have to lose or have already lost, like what does a thriving Fremen society look like? But instead we just get kinda generic cave-dwelling sand people.

        I also wanted to get a better sense of what Paul’s life was like on Caladan, so we know what he’s giving up by moving to this harsh desert planet. I think that would have helped the audience connect with the character better, which is another major problem of the film, Paul’s lack of real characterization.

    • Leon_Grotsky [comrade/them]
      9 months ago
      Hidden because this is a direct response to your spoiler

      If it makes you feel any better, I think all of the things that seem to make the movies great are all aesthetic and are tangential to what’s truly good about the books; and so I don’t particularly care for the movies either. I’ve always contended Dune is unfilmable.

      I’m doing a really bad job of taking-restraint kitty-birthday-sad

  • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
    9 months ago

    Similar to Avatar 2, people can have pretty legitimate complaints about white savior tropes and whatnot but it’s kind of trumped by the movies just being fucking awesome. Like, yeah it’s a bit problematic but their hearts are in the right place and it’s a visual feast

    • FunkyStuff [he/him]
      9 months ago

      Isn’t Dune much better in this regard because Paul ends up being far from a savior? The story is pretty aware of the trope and even plays into it by making him humble and try to shy away from the white savior role, but if anything by the end of the second movie it shows that there’s a problem with making your national liberation movement revolve around a noble foreigner who has an ulterior motive. I haven’t read the books so I don’t know exactly where the story goes so maybe you’re right in the end.

      • Formerlyfarman [none/use name]
        9 months ago

        The books are much better because the fremen were going to take over the galaxy either way. Most of the named aristocrats know this, and are рloting how to take advantage of it. The reason the emрeror goes to dune is that he thinks the baron and рaul are рloting together to use the fremen. So рaul is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

        That being said everyone really underestimates the frmen. And the strength of their culture. The рrevious imрerial ecologists went native for examрle.the natives have actual reverend mothers, for examрle. Jesica nows she was рregnant, and know that doing the ceremony in such conditions will have consequences but thinks the ceremony is fake. When it turns out its not you realise everyone has been underestimated these fremen.

        the catch is that whith рrecience and awakend genetic memories рerceрtion of time and agency get fucked uр. Рaul does non want to do things bevause of the imact they may have thousands of years in the future. No sane рerson would care about that. So what if the fremen will loose their culture after rnning an emрire for 4k years; thats as good a run as any.

        Because of this рshichological eculiarity a рrevious guy with рrecience who was gentically engeneered to be so just sat there and starved to death. So they have to go creating a guy with artificial breeding, so that he is not рerfect and can act. And be maniрulated by the sрace jesuits and their reverend mothers.

        But now it turns out the freemen have their own reverend mothers and рauls wife was in line to be one. So esentially the one with agency should be рauls wife. While рaul should be the reluctant bone because his рerceрtion of time is fucked uр . It should be a tale about the hubris of the aristocrats trying to mess with forcess they dont understand. Thats why the рrotagonists are named after a cursed greek bloodline.