Anarchist answer: They’re both unisex - bees for pees, birds for turds.
Do I have to hold my pee while I’m pooping until I can get to the other bathroom?
You don’t already?!??
Hmm… You might be onto something here
Yes, this establishment’s blacklist.
ngl I’d shit in the bees stall bc the other one probably nasty af
Bees have a stinger, and “bird” has been a slang term for a woman (like, what, 1920-1950s?).
Regards, I agree that’s needlessly vague, and just about to the point of useless.
Odd that so many people are coming out the woodwork to say they didn’t know Britons fairly often call women birds.
I’ve heard dame used more often than bird myself. Honestly, not sure I’ve actually heard bird used… it’s like a vague sense of “I think I knew that… right?” and my brain shrugs back.
The only bees with stingers are the female ones, though.
Fine, Bs represent bra size so that’s the women’s room, and a cock is a bird, so that’s the men’s room.
Any way you slice it, these signs don’t help.
A tit is a bird though
So is a Booby
I give up I’m going to go piss in the kitchen
Dishes done.
Birds have peckers
Just look for the one with a line (queue) outside.
Or be fair and pee half in each.
Or be chaotic and scrawl “Mammals” on the wall and pee under that.
I seriously don’t know what the hell the “Birds and the bees” even refers to beyond an olde movie cliche.
The British call women “birds” sometimes. Idk.
Well, bees have stingers, which penetrate…
Except male bees have no stingers, and almost all bees are female… So I guess that would leave us fellas as being the birds?
Birds are cool I guess
If you don’t have a cloaca you can’t use birds
I know some of these words
A cloaca is kinda like an anus that you also piss and reproduce with.
So anybody with a cloaca can just go around and use birds?
It’s that what you’re saying?
Have an open mind. It’s 2024 for crying out loud. If they identify as a bird then of course they use birds rooms.
Bees for pees, birds for tuds.
Can’t remember who originally said that but it had me creasing.
Why not just make every bathroom a one occupant room? Just because someone has the same genitals as me doesn’t mean I want them to hear me fart.
I once was in the restroom when my (then) boss (plus later doctor father) came to the toilet and farted as loudly as humanly possible. It was very satisfying. Happy that guy is not my boss anymore, he thought his scientific staff are his personal slaves.
What is a doctor father?
Because men piss on the seat, and women get pissy about piss on the seat.
There’s a reason the seats are liftable. It’s to lift before you piss and if you pissed on the rim, then just use the nearby faucet to wash it down, then drop the seat back down when leaving.
The problem is not men, but people who don’t think of the next person using the thingy.I was in a hostel for multiple years and I used to was the toilet before and after the deed.
Women also piss on the seat, some squat over the seat to avoid touching it.
It’s cute that you think women’s bathrooms aren’t an absolute train wreck.
Tell that to the women I work with that had us roll back the 12x gender neutral toilet stalls into 5x men + 5x female + 2x genger neutral. Top complaint was “using a stall after a man has used it is disgusting”. The second highest complaint was that it smells like someone poo’d in the toilet… which is a strange complaint for a toilet.
I’m going in and committing to whatever I find inside.
It’s not the right answer, but all the same, my head said:
Queen bees and Dodo birds
… - I think that checks out.
If you carry and deposit pollen - use the Bees, if you are laying eggs - use the Birds, else use the floor.
But bees also lay eggs, and birds also carry and deposit pollen
Also male birds don’t lay eggs 🥚🥚
And only the queen bee lays eggs, any bee out and foraging around is a sterile female.
Isn’t it mostly just hummingbirds that would get involved with pollen? Or are there others?
That’s an easy one. Just wait for someone to come out and you’ll know the answer.
Androgyny person leaves.
If Spongebob has taught me anything, it’s that that won’t work.
But what if they didn’t know and just winged it themselves?