Eric Trump, is that you?
Eric Trump, is that you?
Awh, the Plymouth Prowler is actually one of my favorite cars. 😅
Lies! You read the rules, just not as soon as you should have.
It’s not the right answer, but all the same, my head said:
Queen bees and Dodo birds
… - I think that checks out.
Nah, Portland’s guy is the unipiper!
No, as both gravitational and em waves travel at the speed of light, the “we’re all screwed” things we could ever observe would only ever be slowed-down/distorted (by things that could even do such a thing like a black hole) as they approach us.
So it’d be a happy little surprise (short of worm-holes or tachyons existing), on year 26,000.
That’s not too say life as we know it would end immediately. We might make it generations before the real chaos affected us on earth. On a smaller scale, if the sun blipped out of existence, sure, we’re 💯 doomed and we’d know it after 8.3 minutes, but some of us might make it a solid week before all life on earth was expunged 😅.
Tap to close is great!
I think the issue is Connect not differencing tap vs long press; where long press would not close, and could then be used for scrolling, zooming, and screen activity to prevent screen timeout.
Great article! Thanks for the share.
Kinda sounds like a great way to launder money.
I knew it wasn’t you all along! 😜
I agree, gross! That’s why I only buy and eat the finest live animals. 🤣🤣🤣