Finally a real world manual.
Plug your USB in and spam that key while turning on your PC.
Finally a real world manual.
Plug your USB in and spam that key while turning on your PC.
Depending on the severity the mood should switch back to zero rather quickly
Uhm, and where does he store his shaving utensils on that carpet? Or is he still too young to grow a beard?
Each or combined? Because the combined prices are already that high and people still buy it.
Oh, it would have been great if they made the same thing as real book stores. Different categories and putting thought in their collection including niche topics. I love exploring random books in book stores and libraries
Better than N64 Turok multiplayer split screen on a mini CRT
What oxygen does to your lungs is what Rust does to your brain
Sie sind pauschal, das ist unser Problem an vielen Ecken, nicht nur bei Cannabis. Es betrifft nur die niedrigen und mittleren Einkommen.
Wie weiter oben bereits angemerkt, eine soziale Staffelung muss her. Sonst sind das wieder Gesetze um die unteren Schichten in Zaum zu halten.
Aber solche Probleme mit Deckelungen und pauschalen Strafen haben wir in allen Bereichen. Je höher das Einkommen, desto mehr verlieren viele Regelungen und Gesetze ihre Relevanz.
Ich bin mir bei ihm nicht sicher, ob er sowas wirklich ernst meint und in seiner kleinen, eigenen Welt lebt oder ob er schon an dem Punkt angekommen ist, an dem ihm alles egal ist und er nur noch aus Spaß in der Politik ist und Realsatire lebt.
Full stack for babies shudders
That’s the part of this story I’m really fascinated by. Or he already has a very specific collection of items and that’s why he got asked. Some people collect the weirdest stuff.
The archive must grow
If I may ask, which app is this about?
A stat for logged in users would be nice.
I loved every second of it and the multiplayer made fun as well. Especially that you could make nearly endless physics experiments with your enemies. It was utilizing the source engine really well.
Aren’t there really any numbers on this? I’d really like to know how aircraft carriers and container ships and other vehicles compare
Like rouennaise sauce?