Where’s that 1984 calendar meme when you need it?
Codifying a definition of Judaism that inherently means thinking that genocide is cool and good - what could go wrong
If you’re not a colonizer are you actually Jewish? The government doesn’t think so.
“If you’re not Isreali we won’t protect you against antisemitism because you’re not a real jew” and 1000 other examples on why Zionism is fundamentally anti-Semitic
It implies that the Holocaust was done in self-defense.
Can’t wait until this is extended to mean that criticizing slavery and colonialism, and eventually nazism are banned because not thinking those atrocities are good actually is “anti-white.”
Sure, we’re the snowflakes but they keep expecting US to just silently put up with constant hostility without complaint while they outlaw any verbal retaliation.
Not sure if it was mentioned in this article, I skimmed it a couple of times, but the working definition of antisemitism:
It requires the Department of Education to use the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance working definition of antisemitism when enforcing federal anti-discrimination laws. The working definition says antisemitism is in-part “a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews.” The definition includes denying Jewish people their right to self-determination by claiming that the State of Israel is a racist state and drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.
Uh… how oddly specific of them to say that calling Israel a racist state and comparing them to Nazis is antisemitic. Its almost like the only purpose of this updated definition is to give Israel a blank check to do as much genocide as they want
My “I am not a fascist ethnostate” shirt has a lot of people asking questions that are already answered on the shirt.
They couldn’t give less of a shit about actual antisemites because that’s like half the republican base but they won’t tolerate criticism of israel because it’s doing god’s work genociding the muslims and it’s the place where the rapture is supposed to kick off.
Worse, this protects actual antisemites! When everyone is antisemitic, no one is. They’re destroying the meaning of the word by doing this.
Yeah I worry about this. It’s already hard to talk about this stuff, now fascists will be more likely to assume I’m in league with them if I express my disapproval of this stuff.
it’s doing god’s work genociding the muslims and it’s the place where the rapture is supposed to kick off.
Honestly I think it’s less about that and more about the fact that Israel acts as a money-laundering scheme for America’s military industrial complex (along with Ukraine and other proxy conflicts). Also, the US military is so intertwined with the Israeli military that they essentially act as the same organization. “Unsinkable aircraft carrier” is a good descriptor.
As if their God would accept them if it existed.
Every day these demons find a way to make me hate this country a little bit more. If it wasn’t so evil it would be impressive. I didn’t even know I could hate this country more but here we are.
I would love to commit treason
The bill passed 320-91
Democrats opposed it
In the 118th Congress, the current party alignments as of April 29, 2024, are as follows:
217 Republicans (plus 2 Delegates and the Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico) and
212 Democrats (plus 3 Delegates), and 6 vacant seats.
If we presume all Conservatives voted Yes, we’re looking at a minimum of 103 out of 212 libs that voted Yes
Ed: lmao, complete voting record on that bill; 133 libs voted for it
320 libs voted for it
True, I should’ve said ‘Dems’ lol
In the House on Tuesday morning, the Illinois Republican Mary E Miller acted as speaker pro tempore to oversee debate on the Republican antisemitism awareness bill.
As a choice, it was not without irony. Miller made headlines in 2021, when as a newly elected member of Congress she was forced to apologise after saying in a speech at the Capitol: “Hitler was right on one thing. He said, ‘Whoever has the youth has the future.’ Our children are being propagandised.”
So basically the entire US political establishment has decided that saying “Hitler was right” and echoing conspiracy theories of Jewish Marxists corrupting the youth is just a “difference in opinion” whereas pro-Palestinian activists should be shut down without debate.
Okay, are we gonna be consistent and say criticizing any state that (claims) to represent an entire ethnic group is anti-that-ethnic group then? Criticizing China is now Sinophobic! And don’t you dare speak I’ll of Albania!
With most libs, the point of criticizing China is Sinophobia.
Yes but they don’t think that. They “hate the government not the people”.
Or more accurately, I’d say that they believe if they say they “hate the government not the people” they can say whatever racist things they want and it is ok.
This is gonna create a “boy who cried wolf” effect for antisemitism.
Unfortunately, people are now gonna have a difficult time taking instances of actual antisemitism seriously, and that’s really fucking sad.
That’s part of the point. They want to arrest protestors and muddy the waters on anti-semitism. It’s really fucked up.
Now we need to start specifying which Zionist Entity we are talking about. ZENA (Zionist Entity North America) or ZEME (Zionist Entity Middle East).
America is so concerned about antisemitism that you are allowed to praise Nazi Germany but are not allowed to criticize Israel
Ok. I’m done. Fuck this.
They’re fucking dabbing on us
In the House on Tuesday morning, the Illinois Republican Mary E Miller acted as speaker pro tempore to oversee debate on the Republican antisemitism awareness bill.
As a choice, it was not without irony. Miller made headlines in 2021, when as a newly elected member of Congress she was forced to apologise after saying in a speech at the Capitol: “Hitler was right on one thing. He said, ‘Whoever has the youth has the future.’ Our children are being propagandised.”
Oh, that’s okay. I don’t criticize Israel very much anymore. I jump straight to “Death to Israel, death to all Zionists” which isn’t criticism so much as it is an attempt at manifestation
Chanting “Jews wil not replace us” is totally fine, though.
Can’t get these boners to do any meaningful legislation. But look how fast they jump into gear for the fascist state and push something through