Death to America
ill speak for Americans, but people all over the world beware. beware of foreign influences. dont be xenophobic and afraid of culture. but people need to realize that russia and china are not friendly. China is mainly the enemy of the world, they have their hand dipped in everyones pocket and control most of russia and america imo.
but our foreign enemies are trying to divide us Americans. with political parties, race wars, social issues, just like everything this post has stated.
we need to come together as Americans, no matter our colors, background, views. we need to realize that it truly is us against the world and to turn on eachother is a grave mistake.
Some real brain geniuses over there
beware of foreign influences. dont be xenophobic and afraid of culture. but people need to realize that russia and china are not friendly. China is mainly the enemy of the world
Meme about Evil Russia
“But don’t forget that China is evil, too!!!”
Damn. This liberal got scratched so hard he’s fountaining fascism.
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but our foreign enemies are trying to divide us Americans. with political parties, race wars, social issues, just like everything this post has stated.
Dang, I can’t believe China founded the deeply racist, xenophobic, queerphobic, etc. nation that is the USA in 1776.
What? You didn’t know China was the main instigator of the civil war?
My support for China is going to get a whole lot more critical with this new information.
This is some real blood and soil shit
we need to come together as Americans, no matter our colors, background, views. we need to realize that it truly is us against the world and to turn on eachother is a grave mistake.
we must circle the pikes and sort out who is with US and who is with THEM
Horseshoe theory is real, just instead of communist and fascist it’s radlib and Bircher
And they tell us we’re the one that is brainwashed lol.
lmao liberals literally have become 2000s era neo-cons. “it truly is us against the world” hey genius if you’re the enemy of the entire world that’s not an endorsement. Maybe the foreigners are correct to sow internal division if that’s how you see reality
“I’m not racist but” type beat
I’m not racist but [direct unambigous admission of overt racism]
taps podium clears throat: ahunmiumgmgmnnngg… I’ll speak for Americans… burder… thank you. steps away from podium goes wrong way to exit stage waves as walking back by podium to get off stage the correct way
So many people in the comments unknowingly discovering fascism.
“These foreigners are behind the ideological and moral rot of my great nation, we need to stomp out the influence of these enemies of the civilized world!”
Yeah and what is this cloying sentimentality they try to do with this?
(sobbing)“America is plagued with inequality, with hatred against trans people. The police are racist and our institutions are failing to a cheetoh. Our once great land has become divided. How could China do this to us?”
(Sobbing and saluting an American flag)
Waaaaah the country we specifically founded to be a land for bourgeois slave owners to genocide indigenous people and take their resources is still a racist genocidal psychotic state! How could the scheming Ruskis do this to us!
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Azov Battalion:
Привіт, Dear Liberal
Wanna fight together against the Russian orcs?
Liberals love Ukraine so much they are destroying it. Say, Ukraine magically wins right now, goes back to pre-SMO borders. They’ll still have billions of dollars in foreign currency debt they would have to pay back.
How will they pay it back? Greek/Argentina style probably.
What fresh horror would the Ukrainian equivalent of
So, Zelensky?
Ironically, Zelensky is more like the Trump of Ukraine, low culture celebrity who rode into power on a “all the parties and politicians are broken, we need an outsider” message and then proceeded to be corrupt in office.
a communist family member start randomly spouting about how Ukrainians do have Nazis, that even with Zelenskyy being Jewish he was a Nazi, that Ukrainians WANT to be a part of Russia…
Ukraine does have nazis though? Look at the pictures they put out and look up any of those funny runes. Association of German National Jews Why do they act like minorities can’t be fascists? There’s plenty of notable ones in the republican party. Its not some obscure thing.
Can somebody who is not banned on r/latestagecapitalism post this over there, because those idiots seem bound and determined to get someone who is actively out to harm the country for personal gain elected
r/LateStageCapitalism is a Russian or CCP ran sub where the whole point is to get people so depressed they disengage from American politics.
Jesus that sub is worse than some right wing ones. I consider myself around center left but that sub is insane, it seriously is just making people sad because it controls people.
It sucks because i agree that late stage capitalism is bad, but i didn’t know that late stage capitalism was an actual anti capitalist communist theory that eventually capitalism will always lead to the form that we see it, regardless of social safety nets. I dont hate capitalism i just have a lot of criticisms of how some parts of capitalism affect our society, but thats not allowed in that sub
The idea is that capitalism inherently results in monopolies, duopolies, or oligopolies, and eventually the system continues to try to increase profit until the workers who make the products cannot buy the products, and the system consumes itself.
Maybe absent a regulatory system
There is no such thing as “late stage capitalism”. It is a failed Marxist prophecy.
Why would anyone with respect for themselves go onto an populist leftist sub like that?
I miss the pre internet left wing populism in America. It was about human rights, the environment, ending poverty and legalization of weed.
There is way too much here to comment on. This particular thread goes on too. All deeply unserious people (well that one guy explaining late stage capitalism might be okay).
edit: sorry the formatting sucks
Pre internet left wing America was the Black Panthers and the feds shut them down.
Next you’ll tell me MLK Jr wanted more then legal equality!
I miss when left wing populism was ineffective liberal awareness-raising graciously accepted by all because it could not meaningfully change anything
They want 2 Occupy 2 Wall St, not solidarity with AES. But in their minds they’re the radical left. 白左 gonna 白左
Bit where we insert Cyriллic characters randomly in our comments to pretend the mask is slipping.
Russian Trolls are tricking you into become doomers by pushing the narrative that climate change is real and the U.S. is funding an active genocide!!!
I do find it a bit curious that the Leftist is this lean, blonde, chiseled chad and the Chud is this fat, creepy Groyper. Also, both white dudes.
Obviously, “they’ve fallen for the classic Russian propaganda while my mind is immune to such deprivations!” bit is liberal af. But it does feel a bit like they’re telling on themselves when they make this shit.
Why is everything an investment? So brain poisoned that they can’t even imagine using global power for actual good unless you get a solid ROI.
Well, it is an investment, just in a different way. China knows that the way towards a sustainable socialist future is to develop all global economies, without the mechanisms of imperialism artificially perpetuating poverty and holding back the imperial periphery. If African nations develop into stability and independence it’s good for everyone, if they remain trapped with American and European imperialist institutions it’s only good for the imperialists.
Love MarKKK SSeddon’s implication that Kenya should just not have hospitals.
Saw this on another sub the other day. Good stuff OP.
For those out of the loop:
Basically Russia (and various international actors) are using social media to push a narrative that “your country is bad” and “you should mistrust your institutions”.
Damn, sounds like Russia is correct on this one
“Stating the fact that…”
“Pushing the narrative…”
Political system is explicitly undemocratic, every political institution is biased in favor of the right, both major political parties refuse to support popular legislation that would improve people’s lives
“Why don’t Americans trust their institutions?”
You love your country.
Bad things about your country are foreign lies.
I can’t imagine typing that out and NOT thinking “Wait that doesn’t make sense.” It’s got the “Satan wants you to sin so you can go to hell but also he tortues you for sinning because it’s bad” energy.
Lmao, my brother in Christ, that’s US Foreign policy just before they start mass killing people.
I love the fact that Putin appointed Sergey Kiriyenko, Yeltsin’s Prime Minister in the 1990s who had good relations with the Clintons, to the First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Russian President in October 2016, literally one month before the US election because nobody thought Trump would win and he wanted to improve ties with the new Hillary Clinton’s administration.
Yet somehow the libs still think it was Putin that caused Hillary to lose lol.
Trump didn’t even think he would win. He had to cancel his TV channel plans once he won.
Source? (I want to be able to credibly share this info with libs)
New York Times: Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
Kiriyenko was head of Rosatom from 2005-2016, during which the Clintons were involved in a scandal with the Russian uranium deal. Promoted to Putin’s First Deputy Chief of Staff just one month before Hillary’s supposed victorious election, coincidence? I think not.
Also NY TImes: Donations to the Clinton Foundation, and a Russian Uranium Takeover showing full timeline of how Uranium One came under full control of Rosatom, and how Hillary Clinton’s Secretary of State office was involved in the deal. All of this took place under Kiriyenko’s tenure as the head of Rosatom
Unsurprising the “optimists” are just in denial.
Crackers calling for left-right unity. Time to get crackin’
I appreciate how they made the leftist the hot one ❤️