Gotta start wondering if Joey and the DMC et al are losing on purpose at this point. It would take nothing to win this presidency against Trump. 8 mean the barest break in the beatings would be enough for us plebs. But i think they kinda liked the open grift not to mention the donation train.
In a perverse way, a Trump presidency would legitimize the Dems (and this false democracy) for that much longer.
Democrats are trying very hard to win while playing by the rules of capital and empire. They can’t pivot to winning policies not because they are trying to lose, but because all the people who’d seriously consider those policies are drummed out of the party.
This but also capitalism has reached a very late stage in the US and Bernie-esque policies, while probably still achievable in a practical sense, are probably enough of a threat to the interests of capital that it might have motivated Business Plot reboot or it’s possible that it would disturb the fragile balance of the market enough that it might be enough to cause the house of cards to start collapsing.
Think like if the US nationalised healthcare or intervened in the real estate market and started providing public housing - there’s a non-zero chance that this would pop a bubble in the market that would cause a ripple effect throughout the other bubbles like in the finance industry such as BlackRock which might just level entire sections of the US economy.
I’m lowkey hoping that Tesla goes belly-up in the near future and this is the catalyst for exactly what I’m describing above.
Trump might destroy our alliance with Europe and weaken NATO and cause general chaos amongst the imperialists
I had some degree of faith in this before but idk, he seemed to get reined in somewhere along the way after he started to stray too far from obstructing US foreign policy and into actively undermining it (think how he flipped on his position on the DPRK for some indiscernible reason - either he was on a grift and trying to woo the DPRK government and he entered into the following phase of trying to railroad his objectives with them and they said “Lol no” so Trump decided that they were terrible because they weren’t willing to play ball in exactly how he demanded they should, or the CIA had had enough of his shenanigans and decided to show him the Zapruder extended cut or they dug up the Epstein Cinematic Universe movies that he was on set for during the recording and they said pull your shit in or we’re really going to make you into a star.)
Whatever the truth of the matter is, I feel like his policy on this stuff shifted pretty significantly and kinda out of nowhere. The dude’s clearly the most stable genius out there though so it’s hard to tell whether there’s something behind the scenes directly shaping these changes or if he’s just a wrecking ball careening that’s careening between one thing and the next.
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presidents actually have immense amounts of power (on paper) regarding treaties, alliances, war and foreign policy
I also remember during the Trump term a bunch of articles with titles like “the brave people on Trump’s cabinet who ignore his stupid ideas.”
Clearly it’s far from total control since Trump still tore up the Iran deal and raised tensions in Israel, Korea and elsewhere, but I believe the deep state will defend NATO from him if they have to.
Nothing I would love to see more than a chud civil war between the Nat Sec deep state types and the Trump hogs. Heighten those contradictions baby
Gotta start wondering if Joey and the DMC et al are losing on purpose at this point
Of course they are
It’s easier to do $1000 a plate fundraising dinners about how evil the Trump Republicans are when you’re fighting against them, far harder to do that shit when you’re in power
I think biden knows he would not have won even if he did not allow any genocide so he is doing whatever he wants to do. I remember his polling sucked even before all of this
It’s our fault though and not the fault of the guy doing a massive genocide. No it’s the lefts fault as always
The left in the US is simultaneously pathetically weak and big enough to completely change the results of the elections
My Voting for Jill Stein in Michigan counts for 100x the votes of other states. Bask in my POWER to make liberals collapse. They call me The Delegate
They call me The Delegate
We should
but no, not like that
Damn, I guess doing genocide on live stream has consequences?
Netanyahu: thanks Joe Biden for the gifted subscriptions, thank you
Smash that “like” button!
I bet Biden wants to ban Tiktok so bad he can taste it.
“Israel-Hamas War” Why do they do this? Everyone knows they aren’t going after Hamas and juat using the whole thing to ethnically cleanse the land for their own. As some “final solution” crap. Why does the media insist on these absolute gaslighting labourous terms?
I know it’s rhetorical just sick off seeing them all phrase it like this or "Iran-backed-Yemini-associated resistance group it’s so Winston Smith-ing. Who talks like this. They are doing it to actively remove “Gaza” or Palestine from the converstion. It’s annoying.
You know why they do this, but if you want to violently beat yourself over the head with confirmation of what you already know, read Parenti’s Inventing Reality.
Is Inventing Reality a better read than Manufacturing Consent? I found Chomsky’s book too dense to go through.
I think a lot of people aren’t paying very close attention, so normalizing this phrasing does a lot for how people think about this
Losing my fucking mind every time talking heads refer to Hamas as terrorists and never once attempt to inform the audience or even imply they’re the only legitimate government Gaza even has
The top comment at that site
Trump wants the genocide to happen faster.
That makes me angry, sad, and depressed all at the same time.
Damn so what’s Biden doing to slow down the genocide?
he’s getting VERY mildly annoyed with Bibi behind closed doors
Then Biden better pull his fucking support for Israel so we can keep Trump out of the whitehouse
Yeah at what point do you talk about pErSoNaL rEsPoNsiBiLiTy with Biden. There is no way Biden and every single person around him isn’t aware how badly his policies w/r/t Gaza are killing him with voters. And yet he continues on. If you know you are doing something to tank your chances of winning and you do it anyway, why is your eventual loss on us leftists?
He’s saving it for an October surprise, because they don’t actually care about Palestinians, only the election.
I wish we had an October Surprise.
Biden’s unconditional support for Israel is a vote for Trump. That’s a statement that will break Blue MAGA brains.
That would still be insufficient.
Biden should bomb the Zionist entity into the sea if he wants votes.
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Just like he likes her…
I had to go there and do that to myself. Didn’t I. Yuck.
I’ve mentioned this before, but no lib has been able to explain the mechanics of how Trump could be worse than Biden on Gaza; because Biden already has his foot mashed down on that gas pedal.
Biden is giving Israel all the weapons they could want and then some. The administration is providing cover for the Zionist entity at institutions like the UN and ICJ, as well as domestically in press conferences and PR. There is not one iota of evidence that Biden has applied any pressure whatsoever on Netanyahu. So… what else is there for a president to do? Literally the only way a president could go any further would be to (openly) put US troops on the ground and bombers in the air. But everything about Trump’s past indicates that’s definitely a bridge too far even for him.
Well at least they admit Biden wants the genocide
he’s gonna get blown out in the lowest-turnout election in modern American history
In the lib brain - American civil religion is the most important thing in the universe and voting is a sacred covenant. The typical r/politics redditor the night of election day will unironically say…
Look, if people had turned out - Biden would have won and our democracy would have saved. But they didn’t so we fucking get Trump again.
I’ll want to say - I dunno - isn’t the super-low turnout Biden’s fault?
The Democratic Party cannot fail, it can only be failed
And then we’ll see these same types salivating at the thought of Trump’s policies hurting minorities because “They should’ve voted for Biden.”
It’s wild how there’s so much entitlement inherent to that attitude:
“Um Sweaty, don’t you realise that you’re morally obligated to vote or else you will get my disapproval?”
“Um Sweaty, don’t you realise that you’re morally obligated to vote for Our Guy™ or else you will get my disapproval?”
“…gosh, why are all these people so out of touch??”
There’s a non-insignificant chance that if they managed to scold everyone into voting that people might actually vote Trump in protest and they’d need to reckon with that instead of, you know, chastising people even more. I don’t think it would be likely enough to happen but the fact is that it’s not completely off the cards. It’s more likely that you’d see a swing towards third party candidates and spoilt votes that they’d get infuriated over people “ruining democracy” by not adhering to the demands that these voters play by their arbitrary rules and they’d lament how the Dems “could have” won that swing state if only that 0.5% of spoilt votes had actually gone to Biden.
In a broader sense this is why countries like Israel play with shorter sentences for refusing conscription and why there’s a lot of leniency built into how long you are imprisoned for and why imprisoning conscientious objectors for short-ish periods serves a structural function that supports the state; if you jail conscientious objectors for like 10+ years then you turn those very disaffected non-participants mostly into bitterly disaffected recruits who then start resorting to becoming Chelsea Manning figures or they start a culture of the ol’ classic Vietnam War fragging of commanding officers (tyfys to those brave Vietnam War veterans unironically btw) , either of which is far more disruptive than having the government put a tiny percentage of resistors into a temporary time-out.
(Not shitting on any conscientious objectors here tho. I have nothing but love and support for them and I support their committment and personal sacrifices they make on ethical and political grounds. Just speaking about how the government structures and mitigates the threat these people are capable of posing.)
In a similar sense, if you’re “conscripting” people into being compelled to vote then you risk blowback from that. And I’m not talking like countries that have “compulsory” voting where the government sends you stern letters or they make you pay small fines for not voting here.
Matt Christman with those sage predictions again…
You guys are weird, abortion is on the ballot in many states and is a far bigger deal to the vast majority of Americans than anything happening in Gaza.
Not that what is happening in Gaza Isn’t horrible or important but the reality is most Americans don’t care that much. Bidens gonna win mainly because abortion is on the ballet, and yes I will come back to this post when he wins to remind you I was right.
abortion is on the ballot in many states
Who should I vote for if I want to protect women’s bodily autonomy? The party that is limiting it, or the party that shrugged and said they won’t do anything to protect it?
Yeah this is where I’m at. Why exactly is abortion on the ballot during Biden’s term? Shouldn’t we blame this problem on him then? Biden has very clear steps he could take to protect abortion. He could put clinics on federal land, or pack the supreme court with 10 pro-choice judges. He could do anything other than absolutely nothing.
It’s also not on the ballot in my state of Texas.
Dems have shown they do not give a shit about abortion rights, they didn’t enshrine Roe so they could beat you over the head with it.And hey FUCK YOU FOR DOWNPLAYING GENOCIDE. “Uhhh yeah what is happening is Gaza is totally horrible or important or whatever, but have you considered some bad things might happen to meeeeee?”
There’s a line in the sand and the line is genocide. Next you will say “trump is worse” IM NOT VOTING FOR TRUMP. This whole “uhhhh the gop is worse” has now led you to support genocide instead of demanding the lowest of fucking bars be upheld.GOOD POST
Biden is losing in polls at around the margin of voters who are deeply invested in what’s going on with Gaza. He’s lost the support of virtually every Muslim in America, and that’s important in states with a lot of Muslims like Michigan and Minnesota. He’s rapidly losing support among younger people, who are also the ones most interested in abortion rights.
I actually do think Biden may win, but my gut says it’ll be a very funny situation where he wins the electoral college while losing the popular vote.
In this moment I am euphoric
Thank you, I don’t know if it’s because I made a mistake or what but I’m happy to bring you pleasure
He is mocking you by quoting a cringe copypasta
I’m pretty sure it’s your level of delusion.
Why are you pretending that Biden isn’t currently in power and hasn’t been in power for the past 4 fucking years? Why has he done jackshit about abortion as of yet, and why do you think he’ll do something once reelected?
the reality is most americans don’t care that much
let it burn
Not that what is happening in Gaza Isn’t horrible or important but the reality is most Americans don’t care that much.
I wish no harm on the American ruling class. My enemy is the American people.
Bidens gonna win mainly because abortion is on the ballet, and yes I will come back to this post when he wins to remind you I was right.
I’ll remind you constantly when he loses
Fair enough, talk to you after the election!
most Americans don’t care that much.
Our foriegn policy has direct effects on global markets. Our excessive sanctions squeeze supply and drive up prices. Our overt and covert meddling in the Global South effect prices and eventually mass migrants. They’ll get
mad at the “invasion at the border” but they refuse to take that next logical past the nose leap and ask what is the root cause of this? They’ll move armies of trucks and tractors for symptoms, but refuse to see America for the damned monster it is despite people through the generations pointing to exactly the problem
Fascists that control the finacial class in this country.
Smedley Butler warned us they wanted to do a fascist coup. Eisenhower warned us of the investor-defense Military Industrial Complex. Kennedy warned us that those who are unable to protest in their nations for peaceful change will result in violent overthrows. Wesley Clark said we were taken over by a Policy Coup by the Project for a New American Century
It takes maaybe a few hours of cursory education to see finance corrupt politicians and finance manipulating foreign policy and how that directly effects prices at home.
The knock on effects of this war and subsequent consequences in the Middle East, Africa, and Europe will directly be felt in American pocketbooks forever. Once it inflates, capital wants to lock in those inflated prices. That is the nature. Every dollar they earn, have earned, will earn is now worth less because they didn’t give a shit about some brown people being genocided.
Legitimate question: is abortion on the ballot in Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, or Georgia?
Because if not, then it’s entirely irrelevant. Totally irrelevant. As much as everyone talks about voting (or not voting} for Biden or Trump, for the overwhelming majority of Americans who don’t live in a swing state their voting for president is pointless. So unless abortion is on the ballot in swing states it’s a non-factor.
Abortion does motivate people, and that factors into it if it’s on the ballot in swing states. But when you look at presidential candidates you would be hard pressed to find a candidate with as bad of numbers that Biden has inside and outside of his party. Not even LBJ had as bad of numbers and he dropped out of the race because he knew how unpopular he was.
Edit: According to this map, the only swing state where abortion might be on the ballot is Arizona; and Nevada if you count that as a swing state.
It’s going to be in the ballot in Arizona, I haven’t checked the others
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Bidens gonna win mainly because abortion is on the ballet,
Roe v Wade was lost under Biden’s administration.
Biden had control of the house and senate when he was elected and did nothing to protect the right to abortion.
Democrats have been running on promises to codify Roe v Wade into law for decades. Curiously, they never actually try to make good on it when they get into office on that promise.
You have to be a grade-A sucker to believe Biden is going to do fuck-all about women’s rights if he gets re-elected.
I think I failed to convey my original point. The comment I responded to said this will be the lowest-turnout election in history and Biden will lose.
Because abortion is actually going to be on the ballot in numerous states I think this may be one of the highest turnouts ever, and I think the people turning up to vote yes on protecting abortion will also vote for Biden, regardless of what he actually does for abortion.
Fingers crossed if he wins they will actually make it federal law, but that’s not what I meant when I said abortion is on the ballot.
It’s only on the ballot in one marginal swing state. You’re just wish casting, this is isn’t analysis.
When you are wrong, when it turns out you’ve been a fool and are more wrong with this prediction than you can currently imagine, will you remember this?
Will you take a single solitary moment to reflect about the foolishl reasoning that brought you here?
If Biden wins it will be because he convinced morons like you that “Abortion is on the ballot”. It must be nice to have no thoughts and just repeat advertising slogans. Do you just have “Eat Fresh” playing on loop in your head as well?
If abortion is on the ballot, then go vote for that actual policy in your state. There is no way to guarantee that Democrats protect abortion rights even if elected, and their track record is piss poor. Electing Biden will do nothing about abortion in individual states, and we know that because he isn’t doing shit about those restrictions now.
I mean I’ll be voting for Biden mainly because Trump’s a dictator wannabe (you guys like that right?) and Biden has sorta done an okay job supporting Ukraine with military aid, which I also support. Abortion is on the ballot in my state so I will be voting to support that as well.
Biden has sorta done an okay job supporting Ukraine with military aid, which I also support
You support a fascist coup regime
I’ll be voting for Biden
You support genocide
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don’t believe Ukraine is a fascist coup regime, in fact I think that’s a better description of Russia except the coup part, Putin just has total control anyway.
Either way since you seem to support Russia I will just state how much I love seeing the significant material and personnel loss Russia is suffering in the invasion. It is astonishing how significantly Ukraine has degraded their capabilities and displaced their status as one of the best armies in the world, and I honestly cannot wait to see what Ukraine does next.
I don’t know what my favorite part is, Ukraine destroying/disabling Russia’s entire black sea fleet (they are too scared to use their remaining ships since they have lost so many) or that Ukraine has removed 10% (maybe up to 15% so far of Russia’s refinery capacity with drone strikes, and that number will continue to grow.
I don’t believe Ukraine is a fascist coup regime
Lmao “concerned” about genocide and cheering on fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian child. Fuck you for being excited about war.
I doubt you will since you probably dislike me but check out the song Vicarious by Tool, read the lyrics.
It’s funny you highlight Ukraine’s losses when Russia’s are significantly higher. Ukraine gets to fight for their land as long as Ukraine wants to, you don’t get to say “oh think of the Ukrainian children” like you care for them.
Who gives a shit what you believe. Educate yourself before you open your mouth.
The current government of Ukraine was literally installed via a coup in 2014. Do you not know your history? The US government hand-picked their stooges to run the place, a conversation between then assistant secretary of state victoria nuland and some other ghoul was leaked confirming this very thing
Why do you think both Trump and Bidens corruption scandals were embroiled in Ukraine?Do not speak on things you do not know of. History didn’t start on October 7th nor did it start at the invasion of ukraine.
The fact that you try to make this about Russia is only worse, you’re employing a poor rhetorical trick to misdirect the conversation to one of moral value with no relation to material analysis. No one here supports Russia, this a LGBTQ safe space you fucking idiot. We’re just not blind dogs for the US empire, uncritically cheering as hundreds of thousands are pointlessly thrown into a meatgrinder in order to sustain the imperialist west for a few meagre seasons more.
Instead of trying for yet another poor dunk, try to employ your empathy or curiosity and consider (and then INVESTIGATE GODDAMMIT) why we might believe what we believe. You’re a fucking idiot if you think we’re cheering for Putin. Learn what critical support entails and learn why people argue that it is better NATO loses instead of Russia.
Well I do appreciate some of the insight in this comment, I was under the impression hexbear supported Russia and I was confused about that given the state of LGBT rights there. I even considered making a post here asking that exact question!
I’ll do some more reading on Ukraine’s current government but doubt my overall opinion on supporting them will change.
Definitely, unlike you who loves freedom and democracy, we hate all people and think they should be lorded over by an unaccountable dictator who society has no influence on the decision of, no matter how unpopular that person is, we just want to force them through!
Wait that’s Biden
Fuck Trump.
Of course you would support continuing the wars, it’s your favorite past-time, liberal. You claim people don’t care about foreign policy, and yet here you are, making a vote based on foreign policy.
Yeah, yeah, we know what you care about.
My understanding of what a liberal is is just the first paragraph on Wikipedia and I assume that’s not exactly what you think of as a liberal?
I’m not sure what I am politically, I’ve never given it much thought. I just vote based on who’s available to vote for and what they support specifically.
On here we use global definition of liberal. This mean that they support private property, capitalism, current world system, and the bourgeois rule. They can want anything from the strict austerity to the social democracy. Liberalism is the official ideology of the United States Constitution. Every politician in the United States is a liberal. Two party system do not allow anyone who is not a liberal to run.
My understanding of what a liberal is is just the first paragraph on Wikipedia
Hey I have a hard time parsing tone on text, are you doing a bit? You’re legally required to tell me if you’re doing a bit. This is great stuff.
I also don’t really know what a tankie is
Truly honestly not doing a bit
Trump’s a dictator wannabe (you guys like that right?)
Ah fuck, you got us. Superb dunk.
How can it be that you guys are all writing the same tired dogbrained cardboard cutout milquetoast shit, yet you all think you’re somehow the first to do it? How can you be this much of a basicass lib and still think you have any unique or new thoughts to share? At least try, please. Spend like 20 minutes of effort learning what the viewpoint you’re critiqueing is, your dunks would be so much better. You guys never do though, and why? Are you afraid you might learn something?
Yeah bro everyone here loves Trump.
I think you’re joking but I honestly have no idea what you folks are saying 68% of the time
Love to be proud of my ignorance. What a fucking dumbass.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ you all just use lingo, jokes, and references I don’t understand, I’m not proud to be ignorant but ok
the reality is most Americans don’t care that much
But we do. And thats we refuse to vote for genocide enablers but I understand condemning genocide is a skill issue for you
Lmao bidens going to win because abortion is on the ballot
You’re an absurd person, do you know that?
Do you know that Biden is personally responsible for helping block enshrinning abortion rights into law at least twice?
Do you even pay the slightest attention to the actions these people take, or do you just cheer and clap while reading press statements and Twitter posts
Gullible fool
You guys are weird, abortion is on the ballot in many states
Yeah in specific state ballots you dumb fuck lmao, that doesn’t magically translate into turnout for the general election, especially considering Roe vs Wade was lost under Biden’s watch and he doesn’t support “abortion on demand” as he calls it
Do you even support abortion, feels like you just picked an issue at random to try and engineer a gotcha, despite the fact you clearly had no idea about Biden’s stated position lmao try again
I do support abortion, it’s on the ballot in my state and I’ll be voting yes!
I picked abortion to comment on because it’s the biggest issue amongst most American voters (in my eyes), abortion will get people to vote in general and that likely includes voting for a president.
Haha, it will be funny to see who was on the copium after the election. Me or hexbear, talk to you in November!
No matter who wins we lose
Yes that is true, the downfall of America is all that will satisfy hexbear
Genuine question no joke 100% serious, how old are you? I’m now 90% sure I’ve been talking to a minor
if i was a single issue voter for abortion, I wouldn’t vote for a lifelong anti-choice democrat who allowed abortion rights to be revoked under his presidency.
A lifelong anti-choice democrat who allowed abortion rights to be revoked under his presidency AND THEN, in the run-up to his re-election campaign, had the fucking brain genius idea to say in the past year:
“I’ve never been supportive of, you know, ‘It’s my body, I can do what I want with it’,”
Democrats: If you don’t vote for our antique candidate who literally opposes women’s bodily autonomy, the other antique guy who also opposes women’s bodily autonomy might get in!
Biden is literally the current president, his party could save abortion right now if they wanted to
No but you see… Civility… Bipartisanship… More bombs for Israel.
I just saw this evergreen headline…
“Angry” Biden stays the course on Israel
I said it before and I’ll say it again, we’re in for a repeat of Reagan - Carter
I see they have stopped using edging in headlines, in favor of leading. Shame. I wish the news were more horny.
I’m waiting for the first candidate to goon themselves to victory.
I forgot about that.
Has anyone said “tankies” on the news channels yet?
Polls are only real if they’re in favor of Biden
This gave me a good laugh
Democrats let America down by running a guy just as bad as Trump. Their incompetence, far-right policies, genocide funding and refusal to run an electable candidate have made Americans lose faith in voting at all. Liberals refusing to go left are every bit to blame if Trump wins.
refusing to go leftare every bit to blame if Trump wins.
@Gluebear mentioned the White House Iftar dinner. Here’s a full write up with selected quotes:
Why Biden’s iftar dinner unraveled amid Gaza war
Edward Ahmed Mitchell, the deputy director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), also said the event was nixed because so many people chose not to attend, including invitees who had initially agreed to go.
“The American Muslim community said very early on that it would be completely unacceptable for us to break bread with the very same White House that is enabling the Israeli government to starve and slaughter the Palestinian people in Gaza,” Mitchell told Al Jazeera.
Several Muslim American activists said the meeting will be another futile “photo-op”, arguing that the Muslim community has made its position known over the past six months.
“These photo-ops that they’re doing — these discussions that they’re doing to somehow show they still have the Muslim community’s support — are just pathetic attempts to make themselves look good at a time where their true colours have been seen,” Habehh told Al Jazeera.
A key issue with such talks, activists say, is that the administration has been handpicking whom to meet with. A Muslim advocate close to the administration presented a list of credible Palestinian American leaders to invite for a meeting at the White House last year, but the government rejected the suggested individuals, one source told Al Jazeera.
Simultaneously “lol Hexbear MAGA are furious they can’t stop people from voting!” literally another thread here recently.
They wont be able to press those two buttons.
And with their bottomless stupidity, Dems will attempt to overcome this defeat by moving further right to appease “moderate” conservatives rather than courting the progressives that should be energizing their base.
I haven’t seen this mentioned anywhere, but yesterday was the White House Iftar dinner for Ramadan and no one came
He’s gonna get cooked so badly
oh, so the russian hexbots are trying to get us to not vote for hillary? not falling for THAT again 🙄