“Israel-Hamas War” Why do they do this? Everyone knows they aren’t going after Hamas and juat using the whole thing to ethnically cleanse the land for their own. As some “final solution” crap. Why does the media insist on these absolute gaslighting labourous terms?
I know it’s rhetorical just sick off seeing them all phrase it like this or "Iran-backed-Yemini-associated resistance group it’s so Winston Smith-ing. Who talks like this. They are doing it to actively remove “Gaza” or Palestine from the converstion. It’s annoying.
You know why they do this, but if you want to violently beat yourself over the head with confirmation of what you already know, read Parenti’s Inventing Reality.
Losing my fucking mind every time talking heads refer to Hamas as terrorists and never once attempt to inform the audience or even imply they’re the only legitimate government Gaza even has
“Israel-Hamas War” Why do they do this? Everyone knows they aren’t going after Hamas and juat using the whole thing to ethnically cleanse the land for their own. As some “final solution” crap. Why does the media insist on these absolute gaslighting labourous terms?
I know it’s rhetorical just sick off seeing them all phrase it like this or "Iran-backed-Yemini-associated resistance group it’s so Winston Smith-ing. Who talks like this. They are doing it to actively remove “Gaza” or Palestine from the converstion. It’s annoying.
You know why they do this, but if you want to violently beat yourself over the head with confirmation of what you already know, read Parenti’s Inventing Reality.
Is Inventing Reality a better read than Manufacturing Consent? I found Chomsky’s book too dense to go through.
I think a lot of people aren’t paying very close attention, so normalizing this phrasing does a lot for how people think about this
Losing my fucking mind every time talking heads refer to Hamas as terrorists and never once attempt to inform the audience or even imply they’re the only legitimate government Gaza even has