My ecological disaster is so cute though 🥺
My ecological disaster is so cute though 🥺
I’m very torn. On one hand, this model of forgiveness is truly saint-like. I remember having an intense conversation about Puyi (China’s last emperor, and subsequently a Japanese puppet ruler) and how the people ultimately forgave him. I might try to dig it up later.
On the other hand, the precious garden that is Earth is being deconstructed down to its component chemicals in order to make a handful of people extremely rich along the way. There is no word that can properly encapsulate the crime being perpetrated against all present and future life. Ecocide? Omnicide? It will make the horrors of the previous century into a mere prologue for what is to come. Everyone who is aiding and abetting this cosmic crime deserves the most savage punishments that the human mind can dream up, and it still wouldn’t atone for a fraction of the misery they’re working so diligently to create. And as much as I’d like to appeal to my own better nature, I simply can’t convince myself otherwise.
I’m trying to find a link to the actual video, does anyone have it handy?
If an alty trans girl was driving that thing, I’d be proposing immediately.
Wait what the fuck about a diabetes cure?
Divine light severed. You are a flesh automaton powered by neurotransmitters.
Awh sweet, Patty is confirmed cool? Hell yeah
#Tradle #830 2/6
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 https://oec.world/en/games/tradle
This stumped me at first. Its plant-based exports gave no real clues, and its small petroleum output threw me off a bit. But manufacturing this amount of medical material and at this high dollar value called for a pretty sophisticated economy, so I guessed Switzerland at first. Belgium and the Netherlands just didn’t feel right, and I know the UK has a greater petroleum export profile. That left the good old Emerald Isle.
Someone here compared liberals to dogs in that they only understand tone, and content doesn’t really register.
After NASA canceled the shuttle program, the Russians and their Soyuz were the only means of manned travel to and from the station for years. I don’t know how the Ukraine war has impacted that working relationship, or to what degree it pushed NASA to contract work out to these shitty fucking companies. But if it comes down to it, I’m sure something will be arranged for American astronauts to come home via Baikonur as they’ve done so many times before.
Could be a chapter’s opening quote in some future history book.
I’m excited! It’s genuinely fun to clown on the various losers / nerds / prudes who who are horrified that we Alphabet Mafia types have personality and sexuality beyond sassy gay caricatures and easily digestible stereotypes.
I volunteer
I need a livestream or something of MAGA dipshits crying and shitting themselves. Someone hook me up
We are all wine moms on this blessed day
Conveniently timed to match the escalating national anger over not trying to stop a genocide! Good thing the Egyptians are a passive and meek people.
Allowing protests to take place as a social gas flare? Makes sense
I don’t think there’s a way of stopping this nonviolently