the move is to take the gun, put it in his mouth, and blow his brains out.
it’s not gonna be a hard pitch to sell it as a suicide where you tried to stop him and there was a struggle.
kouji71 622 points 3 hours ago
Look at her post history. He’s been abusive since they started dating when he was 27 and she was 18…This account also asked for divorce lawyers in a local forum, writing:
Husband cheated on me with a man. I’m a unemployed SAHM of a 1 year old baby. Was wondering if anyone knew any divorce lawyers in the Broward area.
Entire profile is bleak, guy’s been giving her STDs probably too, fuck.
Just makes it sound like a troll tbh.
It’s a pretty long-standing and consistent troll with a lot of consistency and other posting that also seems to line up. Genuinely might actually be real. Relationships like this really do exist. Basically all the same shit happened to the parents of a girl my sister went to school with.
There’s a lot of fake stories on Reddit, but of course it’s one like this that’s probably real. So fucking sad.
That age difference makes me wish he never became a veteran.
Your first mistake is marrying a soldier
He adamantly refuses to purchase or place his gun in a gun safe.
This guy wants to think he’s John Wick but forgot that no one in charge trusts people like him to be armed 24/7, which is why they lock all the weapons up and do inventory before and after issuing them. John Wick was a marine, though, so maybe he’s just living the crayon eating part of the character
and all john wick’s guns were like buried in concrete in the basement, no?
Yeah, and look what happened! If he’d left a gun on the edge of every piece of furniture in the house instead, those guys would’ve never killed his dog.
Typical communist New York gun control 🤣
Type of dude to refuse to wear a jimmy hat.
John Wick was a marine
“People keep asking if I’m going to buy a lifted F-150 with 28% APR and marry a 19 year old I’ve known for a week and I haven’t really had an answer, but yeah, I’m thinking I’m going to buy a lifted F-150 with 28% APR and marry a 19 year old I’ve known for a week.”
California makes someone criminally liable for keeping a firearm on his or her premises where he or she knows or reasonably should know a child is likely to gain access to the firearm without the permission of the child’s parent or legal guardian, if the child does gain access and carries the firearm off the premises.
A person is also criminally liable for keeping a loaded firearm where he or she knows or reasonably should know that a child is likely to gain access to the firearm without the permission of the child’s parent or guardian, if the child actually does gain access to the firearm and either carries it to a public place, brandishes it in a threatening manner, or if someone is injured as a result of the child gaining access to the firearm. The penalty imposed is significantly greater if someone dies or suffers great bodily injury as a result of the child gaining access to the firearm.
Moreover, a person is criminally liable for keeping any firearm, loaded or unloaded, on his or her premises where he or she knows or reasonably should know a child is likely to gain access to the firearm without the permission of the child’s parent or legal guardian, if the child does gain access to it and carries the firearm to any preschool or school grades K-12 or to any school-sponsored event, activity, or performance.
Now I wonder what the laws in red states are about kids and criminally liability. My hunch is there’s nothing.
NTA, the Founding Fathers fought and died so that you could have the freedom to leave loaded handguns around your personal domicile. Leftist authoritarians hate this, of course.
Leave him. Period.
As a military wife she probably gets uprooted regularly and has no chance to ever build any sort of relationships with people off-base. It’s never that simple.
That’s true, but if this guy does this again (and he will, soon), and the daughter dies, the OP will absolutely go to jail too. For a very long time. Probably longer than if she blew the guys head off
get daughter a nerf gun, train her to shoot at pictures of daddy
That’s a nice way to get a silver lining out of this fucked scenario.
that’s a multiple homocide waiting to happen. honestly terrifying that we let these people participate in society, let alone carry firearms.
Itd be cool if she shot him tho
The first thing that crossed my mind when I read this story. Lady, your daughter is suggesting that a very cool thing happen to your partner.
Unfortunately it would be more likely she’d shoot herself tho
I want to live in a world where the child doesn’t feel regret or grief in shooting this dumb asshole
Grief counselling just consists of showing the child the fathers Facebook posts and telling them they’re braver than the troops because the person they domed was actually probablly armed.
I can’t help but expect her to be murdered by him some day, not necessarily in a fit of rage or something, although that’s possible. I’m assuming he hears a noise in the house and unloads a full magazine into the shadowy stairwell that she was walking up after getting a drink of water.
Or he simply shoots her because he can.
One of my recurring nightmares is “I lost my gun!” I can’t imagine actually leaving a loaded gun just sitting around by accident.
Mister Evrart is helping me find my gun
I only lost my gun irl once, thank you very much! It happened to be right where I left it.
leaving a loaded gun just sitting around by accident
Im pretty sure this person is doing it on purpose though
If it was an accident (and were pre assuming this person actually has a conacience) they’d be horrified.
The fact he immediatly goes into “muh rights” means this person is facilitating their child killing themselves to own the libs.
yeah like doubling down on it and insisting on doing it when told how fucked it is imo he’s doing it on purpose for some insane reason
idk, smells of incompetence to me. Everyone knows to keep their loaded, unsecured firearms under their pillow instead of just letting it all hang out on the edge of the bed.
he blames me for not looking after my daughter
kill him
Always have a safe, never leave a gun unattended and unlocked for any reason. All guns are loaded, that gun you just visually checked the chamber of is especially loaded.
Never have a safe, always leave a gun unattended and unlocked for no reason. Don’t worry about checking if the gun is loaded, it probably isn’t. If you want to be sure, look down the barrel.
Roving gangs of Mexican Isis cartels funded by the Chinese KGB are roving every suburb of America. It’s a warzone out there and youl will get killed and eaten if you don’t shoot first.
You are safest when your gun is as accessible to you as possibly which is why you should never lock it away or keep it hidden. You should always keep it loaded. Let your toddler play with the gun, it builds character and the sooner they get comfortable handling firearms, the sooner they can get their own and help keeping everyone safe.
I can’t believe you’re literally advocating for a toddler to handle a loaded firearm.
Without proper ear and eye protection.
Y’all are fucking monsters. Tinnitus is no joke.
Always check the status of your gun with a few sky pops. Let God know fear for once.
not my fault warden, that one bird shouldn’t have been flying there
my bolt action with the bolt and carrier removed is, in fact, loaded.
The two types of military veterans who do this, desk jockeys who feel they have something to prove because they weren’t combat arms and deeply fucked up combat veterans who are broken in the brain.
I’d say, “she should get a divorce” but the dude would probably try to kill her.