Lack of flavor? You obviously have never tasted the bouquet of flavor that is poor quality tap water in
I love trace amounts of uranium in my water supply
Mhyes top notes of benzene and unctuous mouthfeel
Mmmm old lead pipe flavour, the best
Lead actually tastes sweet tho
Biggest reason Americans avoid water is how shitty it tastes from tap in so many places
America’s Amaro
There are many complaints you can make about American tap water, but lack of flavor is not one of them.
still can’t believe he didn’t even drink it
like, get fake ‘local tap water’ and drink it, or you know, just drink one actual fucking sip, you aren’t going to instantly die from one sip as a 50 year old man
I prefer to think about the deranged brainstorming sessions they had. “If i gulp the water, people will call it staged! If I sip too little they’ll say I didn’t drink enough. Alright, I’ll split the difference and do the worst possible option: not drink the water AND go for a “tiny baby sip” look. That way I look like a total asshole”
Classic obungler bungling drinking water
Barfsack Ocrumbo
I can’t there’s lead in it.
That’s flavor
It’s carcinolicious!
This is cruel. The cold would hurt them because teeth are luxury bones so all American teeth are very sensitive.
Teeth are luxury bones even in a lot of countries with universal healthcare, like Australia and the UK.
Nooo, don’t drink it!! It’s a Commie trap!
Nothing better on a hot summer day than a tall glass of MILK. I am a WHITE MAN and WHITE MEN drink MILK.
What is this “milk” you speak of? You mean white water?
Skin milk
I get that from my local milk man but it’s a crapshoot whether he delivers to the front door or the back door
Did it at least go through a Britta first?
No, straight from the tap!
To be fair most American tapwater is poisoned
This is not true. Most American cities have clean tap water.
The idea that most American tap water is poisoned is a myth propagated by bottled water companies.
Clean tap water is a luxury that most of the world does not have. You should enjoy it while it’s still here.
Additionally, American bottled water comes from the exact same municipal supply that tap water comes from, they just charge an extra 2000% mark up for adding extra microplastics from the bottle.
Can back this up. It’s even a joke among New Yorkers that their tap water is almost magical. However, this is very much a mixed bag, as we can see with Flint.
Ok, fair enough. I’m not American so I guess I had been given that impression by stories about Flint.
I find it wild how much it varies in the US. In Australia I just drink from the tap in any town or city and most rural properties. Some people still have those filters and things though
What do you mean lacking in all flavor? It is packed with delicious micro-plastics! For free!
Jokes on you, the copepods make the water delicious.
I honestly didn’t know people hating water because of the lack of taste was a thing until my partner met one of her friends who has that exact problem. She cannot stand drinking water unless it has one of those flavor pouches in it
aww yiss finally some good fucking sipppp
that is my actual favorite beverage
My tap water tastes like chlorine.