A Kamala presidency:
Weed - Illegal
Xanax - Sold in vending machines nationwide
Still a W
Best mental healthcare for the public any president has ever done
To get the Xanax you’ll need a special ID card, which you will only get if you have a small business.
My small business is buying Xanax
My small business is selling piss and shit to the local sewage treatment company
remember when she called joe biden racist during one of the debates lol
I almost forgot that it was A DEBATE. IT WAS A DEBATE. hahah A DEBATE.
Moleman’s my favorite character. I like insanely unlucky dudes who get their ass beat all the time
Kamala couldn’t beat hitler for President
Well hitler would get more than 50% in Amerika tbh
I wonder if she’s any more popular than she was in 2020 when she was the first to drop out of the primary. I don’t have any better sense of her as a politician or what her platform would represent compared to Genocide Joe. All she’s done across the past three years has been show up to work excessively intoxicated and try to stumble through a speech that would have been unpopular/not important enough for the president to give. Her only vocal supporters are the most unhinged goobers on twitter and there are like 9 of them.
She’d probably be just another empty vessel for the neocons in the party to puppet. The same evil rhetoric but voiced by a bumbling wine aunt.
I think we all know that as president she would establish a student loan debt forgiveness program for Pell Grant recipients who start a business that operates for three years in disadvantaged communities.
that’s what she promised she’d do, so in actuality she’d do even less
Politics is about compromise after all
Nikki Haley is beating Trump before Kamala
The absolute worst VP choice they could’ve made back in 2020 and now it comes back to bite them. Pretty much anyone in that field would have a better chance against Trump (with the exception of maybe Warren) than Kamala
the wheels on the bus are turning, turning, turning towards freedom
And definitely not coming off…
And most certainly did not just fall out of a coconut tree.
deleted by creator
We need a Kamala x Hillary ticket. Hillary will be Kamala’s Dick Cheney
Hillary is no Dick Cheney. I actually think she is completely clueless on everything. But it would be funny to see what she comes up with.
It would be incredibly funny how badly she’d lose to Trump. Hillary would legitimately be a better choice.
Kamala “I can’t speak in public without stage-fright giggles” Harris, leader of the free world.
Clearly she (just) needs more propranolol.
her staff must have been bugging the shit out of the white house staff
I can just imagine the communications staffer looking over their shoulder at her after writing this and yelling “alright???”
“If I had a nickel for every time Donald J. Trump beat a woman in a presidential election, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t much, but it’s weird that it happened twice.”
I’m not voting for Biden or Harris.
Because I’m Australian.
being australian is a vote for trump
You should
this NICE LADY over here! kala- ka- kum- ahh i’m sorry… Karlama! she changes my diaper every day jack!
Now her I can vote for