Man, that made up news story about a school in Wisconsin providing litter boxes to furry students really did a number on chuds brains huh.
And they’ve been hyper fixated on it ever since. A little weird if you ask me.
Has that actually happened anywhere because I still have people I know telling me it’s happening in my area.
The story I heard is that it’s real, but the buckets of cat litter are actually there for kids to go in during school shooter lockdowns.
Cat litter is also a staple for spill cleanup, particularly when it involves vomit
I’ve heard that same thing but have never seen any sort of confirmation of that being the case.
My sister’s boyfriend told me that it was happening in Scotland, according to his uncle or something. That one lie has spread so far and nobody has bothered to check if it is false
When you don’t know what “anthropomorphic” means.
Getting the dog catcher to arrest my principal because he was acting human-shaped.
deleted by creator
Idea for a bit: accusing anyone who votes “nay” of being a horse furry.
McCarthyism but for furrys
Specifically accuse them of having horse fursonas and being into hyper and muscle stuff, maybe cock vore
Statistically the horse furries gravitate towards these fetishes in higher numbers
My lawyer has advised me to say that I have no idea what any of those terms mean.
My lawyer has advised me to stop contacting him with long explanations detailing precisely what these terms mean, with linked examples and diagrams
Love how they’re like
the kids think they’re animals, this is insane!!! and then the bill literally provisions for the kids to be taken by animal services LOL
“We will bully all transfem students by making them wear frilly dresses and making them use the girls’ bathroom” energy
This is potentially great news for trans people. Bear with me. The right wing will try to find an “acceptable target” to spread hate about, in order to get their foot in the door and spread more hatred and prejudice for other groups. The fact that they’re increasingly focusing on furries means that they realise they’re slowly but surely losing their battle against trans rights and are trying to pivot to another target. I expect to see all their usual claims soon, talking about how furries are sexual predators, weird stuff about bathrooms (they already had that litterbox bullshit) accusations of grooming children, accusations of people being “secret furries” or something. It’ll be rough for them.
Yeah, exactly.
I thought the litterbox was discovered to be camping toilets in case if a mass shooting and q people starting blaming furries to distract from the actual issue
this guy’s like 50 and he’s submitting facebook-tier The One Joke posts to a state legislature
remind me why I’m supposed to respect this dumbfuck country again?
You don’t have to respect it, but you’ve got to admit they have an enormous number of armed chids with genocidal intent
Heavily armed (for a civilian population not involved in a civil war), incredibly stupid and extremely angry about their collapsing standards of living.
i’m starting to believe that i’ve been overestimating the intelligence of the enemy for a long time
Literal fursecution
Also how many tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars were wasted on the labor and materials required for this bill to go through legislature I wonder
it’s not like they were gonna be working on anything important instead
They need to send local police stations more money to defend against HAMAS
For context, aren’t there parts of Oklahoma that had to institute a 4-day school week because they literally couldn’t afford to pay their teachers for 5 days of work per week? Which is only making their teacher drain worse, since a lot of teachers in Oklahoma move to Texas since the pay is much higher and Costs of Living are similar.
Based on responses from a sample of 342 districts nationwide, the most common reason cited as a main rationale for adoption (65.1% of districts) was financial savings; districts argue they are saving money by reducing costs such as transportation, heating, and support staff salaries (Thompson et al., in press). Districts acknowledge that reducing the school week by 1 day, or 20%, would not reduce spending by 20%, as teachers technically work the same number of hours, so their contracts, which comprise the greatest cost for the district, are not affected.
But the brain drain is completely real. Oklahoma pays teachers around $10-20k per year less than all of its bordering states on average. A first year teacher in Tulsa makes $43k per year. For comparison, in Dallas, a first year teacher at minimum makes $56,000. And Tulsa’s not that much cheaper to live in.
literal government anti-furry oppression was not on my bingo card
Thought I would get put away for being a commie way before I got put away for non-threatening animal larping.
animal control pulling up like:
Me running from the dog catcher while my fellow class mates cheer me on
omg what is this from, this sparks some deep childhood something, I think I was scared of this but I have no idea what it is
its the child catcher from chitty chitty bang bang, ngl he scared the shit out of me as a kid.
I saw that movie when I was like 5 and have no recollection of it other than the song lol
First they came for the furries, and I said nothing, for I was not a furry.
(Little-known first line of the Martin Niemöller quote.) I am serious about the sentiment expressed here, though.
Uuuuuh how exactly are they going to enforce that lmao.
So I guess no one is going to be dressing up as anything non-human for school plays?
I hold that it is bad as far as we are concerned if a person, a political party, an army or a school is not attacked by the enemy, for in that case it would definitely mean that we have sunk to the level of the enemy. It is good if we are attacked by the enemy, since it proves that we have drawn a clear line of demarcation between the enemy and ourselves. It is still better if the enemy attacks us wildly and paints us as utterly black and without a single virtue; it demonstrates that we have not only drawn a clear line of demarcation between the enemy and ourselves but achieved a great deal in our work.
The furry situationist theory is becoming more sound
I was going to post this but I got so tired and bored trying to come up with something snappy about how saying things like
“We’re there to educate. We’re not there to teach sexual habits.”
regarding little kids meowing or playing at being a puppy dog is so incredibly perverse. And this joke has been ongoing for years now. Don’t these people have any self awareness at all? It’s like not even fun to point it out.
Eventually we will all be subjected to leaks of this guy’s weird patreon subscriptions or something… He’s the one introducing sex nobody else is.
what part is the “joke”?
the joke is that he’s the one who has children playing = sex on the brain. him and the people like him. they see a child meowing and they immediately start thinking of all kinds of weird sex things. so the joke is that they are telling on themselves, telling how they really think, but trying to project it onto others. but they are the ones being weird pervs.
Gunning for the crucial 12-15 voter demographic I see
“…who engage in anthropomorphic behavior commonly referred to as furries at school shall not be allowed to participate in school curriculum or activities”
I’ve a feeling it’s not only furries being attacked…
The funny thing is this word literally means “having the form of a human” and abstractly it could cover a lot more than just furries.
crackers stumped by their own language example #998734563727857869505836254131525167354749
Hmmm, now the more that’d I think about it, I think the Oklahoma boys are playing game of Among us, and instead of ejection, they’re using execution against any suspected ‘imposters’ ! How quaint of them…
My thought too. It’s a gender affirmation bully bill hidden in a fur suit bill.
And another hit towards kids of neurodivergence.
Shit wasn’t even considering this and I’m currently doing a ND dive as my next obsession…