Look at him smoking cigarettes, guy knows what he’s doing
I’ll take the dinner offer and then ask to stay forever.
ARTICLE 26. The D.P.R.K. affords the right of asylum to foreign nationals persecuted for fighting for democratic principles or national liberation movements, or for the interests of the working people or for freedom of scientific and cultural activities.
$500k and then use it to get to North Korea or Dongbei and then be their version of Yeonmi Park (except actually accurate)
Dinner. He will find me incredibly charming and will let me stay in NK and talk shit about America, like a reverse Yeonmi Park.
Dinner, the movie rights alone for my subsequently ghostwritten My Dinner with Jong Un book will go for more than $500k
I really don’t get why someone in his position smokes when it’s illegal in the DPRK and he’s a figurehead (i.e. appearing before people is his job)
It’s not wholesale illegal in the DPRK, just in public areas iirc.
$500k, wtf do I have to say to Kim? What would he have to say to me? I like Korean food but I can get great as Korean food like ten miles from my house.
$500k on the other hand would fix most of me and my families problems for a while, maybe even leave me with a little to throw at some leftist org.
$500k, wtf do I have to say to Kim? What would he have to say to me?
Me: "So uhhh, how is it being the head of state?
Kim: “이 사람이 무슨 말을 하는지 전혀 모르겠습니다.”
“Kim, please help me settle this struggle session on a niche communist internet forum I post on! We very much respect your opinion!”
“Outdoor cats? What the fuck does this have to do with communism?”
Money is temporary but quality Korean food lives inside me forever.
Money can buy many Korean food.
Dinner with Kim cannot be commoditized by your worthless fiat dollars. The spirit of communism is too strong.
500k. I don’t speak Korean.
Actually, with 500k I coould get a ticket to Korea and invite Jong Un to dinner or something. Who knows, maybe he’d say yes, idk what the guy’s schedule is like.
I’m sure he speaks English. If anything his Kino dad showed him some movies.
Went to private school which was taught in english despite being in switzerland.
He’s a world leader that has to deal with the west all the damn time and also his dad and grandfather were also that guy, it would be weird if he didn’t know English, but also a total Chad move
No doubt he can speak it. It’s like Xi. He can speak English fluently but refuses to in any meeting with English speaking leaders. It’s tactical, you can hear them speak in English, take the time to reflect on what they said while it’s translated and then give your reply. You don’t ever make a mistake in English that gets picked apart or used as propaganda. You don’t appear to be degrading yourself to foreign leaders to hardliner nationalists in your country.
Makes sense. I’d do the same.
On the other hand apparently when Merkel and Putin would talk on the phone privately, they would both try to swap the language of the conversation to the others (both of them fluent in the others language) as a power move. Like I speak your countries language flawlessly don’t underestimate me.
Once again I would totally do the same.
I think his Kino dad was more interested in Korean/Cantonese/Russian/German-language films than the English-language ones.
He’s also the son and grandson of world leaders who have been in constant diplomatic conflict with English speaking countries. I’m sure they’ve picked some up here and there.