material_delinquent [they/them]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 30th, 2023



    The Institute for Social Research, colloquially known as the “Frankfurt School,” originally emerged as a Marxian research center at the University of Frankfurt that was bankrolled by a wealthy capitalist. When Max Horkheimer took over the directorship of the Institute in 1930, he oversaw a decisive shift toward speculative and cultural concerns that were increasingly distant from historical materialism and class struggle.

    In this regard, the Frankfurt School under Horkheimer played a foundational role in the establishment of what is known as Western Marxism, and more specifically Cultural Marxism.

    We should note, moreover, that wokeism also has the effect of driving some people into the arms of the right. If the dominant political culture encourages a clan mentality combined with competitive individualism, then it is unsurprising that white people and men have also—as a partial response to their perceived disenfranchisement by the diversity industry—advanced their particular agendas as “victims” of the system. Identity politics devoid of a class analysis is thus absolutely amenable to right-wing and even fascist permutations.

    Both Rockwell and Kites are usually a bit better than this. And I don’t think it’s completely unsalvageable. I just don’t think picking up right-wing dog whistles helps to convince anybody and in fact is actively courting chauvinist sentiment. I’d have to dig a bit for Kites Article that was like that. I don’t think their criticisms of neoliberal capitalist-woke is entirely off, just dogmatic.

  • Everybody kinda expected that was going down, but most were too lazy to put together the pieces. There were definitely enough statements out there for those willing to see. The plans for expatrition are very transparently taking notes from other right-wing governments.

    It’s also not like the governing parties and the CDU are not half-way there already, with criminalization, fearmongering and skirting the limits of bourgeois law to take away the last human rights to asylum they otherwise blabber about. “deportation offensive” was literally a term used by Scholz. Spahn, the little worm, talks about deportations to Rwanda, UK style. Greens defend breaching church doors with chainsaws to drag out panicking refugees. Everybody in these parties celebrated the Common European Asylum System, which tears families apart, puts people in camps, allows for rushed processes (an excuse to dismiss more claims), also, people are getting deported into Afghanistan. I could go on, but you get the idea.