Do conservatives actually have a weird obsession with AI art, or is it just that it gets shared a lot here?
I could understand these people using it all the time, because it is art without the art, without the deeper meaning, it is just “pretty pictures” and conservatives hate the idea of anything having deeper meaning, everything must be a surface level analysis to them.
Fashies despise and refuse to understand art and culture, and therefore they’re easily suckered by fifth-rate imitations of it.
I think it’s less about making art in any sense than it is a way of visualizing ideology. The aesthetic issues and overall goofiness aren’t an issue to them because they want to express the brainworms. Same reason that John McNaugton paints Trump in that weird, realist style you also see with religious stuff, like this (CW: Drug Use):
I guess they can’t have deeper meaning behind their work because to express deeper meaning one needs to actually have something deeper behind it. There is a skull on the table because…drugs bad? All the imagery just reinforces the central idea, that taking drugs is bad because if you’re shooting, jesus is the one really getting high.
edit: My rambling actual point is that they can’t really express things in the abstract, everything has to be literal. AI is incapable of abstracting deliberately, as it just follows a prompt, so it is likely that they like it for this reason, there is no deeper meaning behind conservative art, and there is no deeper meaning behind AI art.
its a memento mori innit. kinda badass.
During the height of covid and the conservative reaction againat vaccine mandates, I had briefly thought it may had something to do with being afraid of the “ouchie”, and this work sorta reaffirms that. Without that fear, this painting doesn’t make any sense, just Jesus getting high on this guy’s behalf.
That’s fucked up. I paid for that heroin and Jesus wants to be a free loader
Shooting heroin next to my decorative skull
Who wouldn’t
Also it’s not decorative, it’s important for my phrenological studies
I think conservatives tend to have less artists. Its not like the current order treats most artists with much respect. This results in less art, but also less respect for paying artists (who are often seen as bohemian hippy types, however true that is). So AI art is a happy outcome for conservatives.
We had just sat down for our meal of large bread in basket and apples when mother and father brought out the books.
They did not read from the books every time we ate, but enough to make every meal a source of tension. Growing hunger became a source of dread, of physical illness, as my body learned that the approach of the family meal could mean the reading of the book.
They said it was to praise and thank something greater than ourselves, but I always wondered why it was that our praise was never earned, but always demanded.
Our mother and father were true followers, I needed only to see their untarnished bodies to know their holiness, if it could be called that.
We sang the hymns and, as I had learned I must do, I forced myself to feel joy, to turn myself into something like a machine. I was sitting to my father’s left, he did not know the tricks I leveraged and thought I was true and kept me close to him.
My brother had always struggled with the hymns, I had worried for him as time after time it seemed he slipped further. This time I heard a quaver in his voice, and broke my own note to glance at him. His hands were melting into themselves, a blending of flesh like wax that he struggled to ignore, even as the pain took his focus. I felt another finger grow from my own hand, and knew that offering him help would be my own undoing.
I closed my eyes and put my hand on my fathers thigh, and sang all the louder. By the end of our song I no longer had a brother, but the flesh that could still flinch was taken outside and buried.
I have since looked closer at the original image
Please, do not look too close. Too some, witnessing is an invitation.
To perceive is to remember. To remember is to dissolve into Nothing. From Nothing comes The One.
We already had a show like this
Dear Jesus thank you for this delicious meal of bread and apples.
and the glasses filled with air
and I think that one kid on the left is about to eat a harmonica
I know it’s passed to make fun of AI hands but this is fucking ridiculous
No girl those hands are horrifying, and there’s an extra arm
Eeyyyy, every night we have a panettone with a glass of chinotto and read Boby Pascoly
also, the wife character must have large bazongas
Love to gather my mutant children around the table so my wife can shriek curses from the BOBY MEGOLY
This is what happens when they get Rockwell to illustrate Lovecraftian fiction.
Isn’t that just Moral Orel?
the wholly babble
Judas Priest the kids’ fingers are all fucked up.
Those kids are inbred as fuck. It makes sense. The girl on the left side is married already it seems. Probably to the father.
She’s got half a ring.
The children used to rub their 6 fingered hands up and down my leg until my BOBV turned PASCOLY.
Let us read from the Booy Pasooly
Always Sunny in Philadelphia is just that actually.
Surely the free market will provide
(but also Blue Bloods exists and is peak conservative TV, so whatever)