just one more intervention bro. I promise bro just one more intervention and it’ll bring back Pax Americana bro. bro. just one more intervention. please just one more. one more intervention and the end of history will surely come bro.
tag yourself… i’m RED CHINA.
Ah the famous evil Red China, so different from the peaceful Blue China
Blue China
Chinese Taipei*
Vote Blue China no matter who China.
In this alternate scenario Taiwan is the real China!
i’m definitely “gayana”
China, Russia, and Nicaragua supporting Venezuela just because they’re bad and bad people all work together like thanos
leave it to redditors to presumably-intentionally-homophobically misspell the name of the country they’re trying to support 🤦
also, they’re imagining a 7 month war, and Lula sending troops to fight for Exxon?
Brazil has historically treated Guyana as a satrap of its own regional control. And there’s a very real possibility that the Brazilian military dictates the terms to Lula, as they’ve already had their share of coups. So its more an Exxon-affiliated military commander working on behalf of Western economic interests to undercut Maduro’s influence in their zone.
I also really don’t think Venezuelans are interested in open war with a much larger and richer neighbor, for precisely the same reasons a lot of Ukrainians had no interest in fucking with Russia. Setting aside the ideological politics of the area, this would be a bloodbath for all involved and would undercut any hope of a unified Latin America. The divide-and-conquer imperialist strategy is the biggest weapon westerners have on their side when dealing with the Global South.
A single, unified South America would operate as a counterweight on par with the US, China, and Russia. These border wars are essential in keeping that future from happening.
“Red China” has me dying 💀💀💀💀
first thing i saw. i needed a good laugh
Stupid tankie, its flag is red so no lies detected
Fam is in 1950
What the fuck makes these people think Brazil would invade Venezuela?
Yanks assume that reality is like a video game where the goal is world conquest. Therefore every other big nation is just as power hungry and bloodthirsty as theirs.
I’m really happy kisisnger is dead.
No one to figure all the shit out in a semi stable way for US interests. They’re going to shit! 🎉
Love how these Reddit bros continue to stan for Guaido, a man so pathetic even the US doesn’t even really back him anymore
Fucker isn’t even official opposition, he’s Some Guy who declared himself such
The extended bit where he would sneak into parliament by climbing the fence, then get thrown out really adds legitimacy
Holy shit the dumbest part isn’t even in the OP. They think Texas, Florida, and all the rust belt will go for Biden. Pure cope.
It’s Alternate History, not Predictions. Isn’t posting future stuff a way of saying it won’t happen that way?
There’s alternate history and then there’s fantasy.
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r/alternativehistory is just a place where redditors go to express their hatred of history and humans outside the international community
Brandon as president in 2024?
Oh boy I can’t wait for Slava Ukraine 2.0!
nice , acording to dark forest lore USA gonna get wasted by venezuela gurilla cruise missiles and its gonna end with Maduro beeing a “Wallwatcher” with great autoritarian Powers over the Planet.
Wallfacer Maduro asking UN to give him unlimited hydrogen bombs lol.
Buddy, that “result” goes against all of written history. And that is before you gave joint command to Joe Biden and Juan Guaidó.
Juan Guaido
Do the CIA/OAS handlers even have any faith left in him?
They’ve been backing someone else already lmao. Bro had the easiest job and fumbled it. Infinite chair throws on Juan Guaido
Really hoping Maduro doesn’t act like a dumbass and walk right into an obvious trap.