zeal0telite [he/him,they/them]

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Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2020


  • It’s good that Russia is creating a bipolar world actually.

    If you had any understanding of imperialism you’d know that this kind of action might genuinely be a breakout moment for those who wish to escape Western influence.

    I’m not going to suggest that Russia is doing this out of the kindness of their hearts for our Communist cause, but if you don’t support what they’re doing then what do you support? What would you rather they’d have done? Sat back and let Western hegemony grow larger and larger while you sit back and think “I’m a good person for thinking war is bad”?

  • Some dumb start-up actually succeeds and gets him rich.

    Gives him a few excuses to dumb shit like throw parties and drive fast cars around.

    Could make Daisy a yass-queen CEO lol. Or is that too much power for her character?

    Carraway could be some kind of self-help guru that Gatsby hires for himself. Silicon Valley loves that faux-hippy crap, right? Gives an excuse for him to be there (he lives with him because he’s like a life coach) and for him to stand in for the audience. He’s basically there to evaluate his character and so can easily do that without seeming forced.

    Like he starts out with this just being another gig with a weirdo tech bro before actually starting to like him and understand his personality more than he usually does.