Just for fun, listen to the clip and guess if Matt makes the case for fascism in it.
For extra fun, read the replies
Personally I find it entertaining to see the look on my highly educated lib aunts face when I agree with her they should all be in jail but also criticize them for not going far enough
That zip tie guy with his mom didn’t use a single one of those fuckers
worst sedition movement ever
They broke in and bore witness to the idols of their capitalist gods and fell to their knees. Imagine if the black bloc got in there
They beat a cop to death with a fire extinguisher.
Only one?
Critical support
Lmao, where in that quote does it say he wants Fascism over liberalism. Libs proving again they care about the Capitol raid because it shattered the image of America and not because they actually care about doing anything that prevents the rise of Fascism itself.
Hot take: Libs’ real beef with Chapo is not any political reason, it’s the fact that they don’t like Hamilton or the West Wing.
Anti-Chapo people once again proving themselves to be one of the most deranged segments of Twitter.
Most of the time they don’t even understand what they’re trying to say.
Matt makes explicitly Marxist arguments that to the uninitiated libs are literally alien. This person certainly has no idea what fascism means or “the left” really wants, so they interpret materialist analysis that these CHUDs had no plan and thus could never have accomplished anything meaningful as “agreeing with fash”. This then gets spread around their lame Twitter circle like a game of telephone.
Again, what would the CHUDs have accomplished if they had simply occupied the Capitol for a prolonged period? The answer is nothing. Merely occupying one building will not magically force the entire apparatus of state to capitulate to your outlandish demands. The only way they could have actually done a coup is if the military then threw in with them, in which case you have much bigger problems than CHUDs in the capital; regardless, there was zero chance of this happening. Meanwhile these same libs were probably falling over themselves to exalt the generals who came out to condemn Trump the other day, zero cognitive dissonance involved.
On the pod they brought up that it seems like the protesters’ plan was to appeal to the politicians they thought were sympathetic to them and ask them to do the right thing i.e. just the liberal strategy except a little more chaotic.
What “plan” they had was the fantasy that those sympathetic politicians would unilaterally abolish elections, which they don’t have the power to do either individually or as a group, and would not do even if they could. Only the military can do that, so they would have had better prospects targeting the Pentagon. So essentially no plan, they were trying to alter reality by willing it into existence.
Probably controversial here, but as annoying as these libs are, this analysis from Matt is dogshit. “Commentary doesn’t have a material impact on politics” is a completely banal observation that he cynically employs to dismiss any sort of criticism that he’s failed to properly identify the class character of the riots.
Do you mind explaining how he’s failed to properly identify the class character of the riots? He’s mentioned it being largely petite-bourgeois small business owners (etc) with a mix of others because it’s not centered around class, because America does not experience life through the lens of class.
In what way do you think there is a class nature to this that goes beyond that? To me this is entitled white people throwing a temper tantrum like their sports team lost, with probably some cops and a small handful of others who actually would do more if the mass had more militancy
It’s that he’s identified them as petite-bourgeois but seems to believe that they don’t have class consciousness that is baffling to me. These people are completely aware that the state exists to serve their interests and their primary issue with the Biden victory is that its contingent on the working class having any say in politics at all. It’s why they have people literally saying “why are the police shooting us, they are supposed to be shooting BLM” and wearing “Camp Auschwitz” shirts. He seems to want to depoliticize their motives because it would mean admitting that there is any daylight between the slow creep towards fascism under Democrats and the complete seizure of power for the capitalist class under these extremists, and when pressed on it he just starts shrieking at the camera that none of it matters and everyone needs to log off, like a baby throwing their toys out of the pram.
The petite-bourgeois doesn’t have class consciousness though, because if they did they would have gone to do this as a more concrete class movement, which this wasn’t even if the DC protests disproportionately made up of members of the petite-bourgeoisie.
If they were conscious, they would have gone en masse with the explicit purpose of making more demands than keeping Trump in power. Even if they believe Trump is better for them, this still isn’t class consciousness because they would need to have an understanding of their actual class relation, not just “less regulation more good”.
The pandemic decimated and swallowed huge numbers of petite-bourgeois small businesses and landlord operations, which will be scooped up by the bourgeoisie. These chuds have no fucking idea Trump’s management of the pandemic was more harmful to their class standing than Biden drooling behind Fauci would be.
They have no idea what their actual class interests are. Just because the source of their (increasing and relative*) immiseration is distinct from the lower classes doesn’t mean they get it. These were reactionary hogs who wanted Trump as part of cultural domination, and were simply more petite-bourgeois because they had disproportionate access to travel to DC.
They milled around like a class field trip only with approval from the police to have some fun. They’re not class conscious.