this may induce :some-controversy: but we can all agree his accent is :chefs-kiss:

  • BlueMagaChud [any]
    3 years ago

    I really don’t like this radlib, not going to give him a view. Let me guess, “evil red fash tankies shouldn’t be pledging their undying loyalty to putler’s regime like they’re all unequivocally stating everywhere without exception”. Yawn, the compatible left glows on. We like dead nazis and thwarting the imperial hegemon’s ambitions, critical support for those who accomplish it, but it doesn’t change the fact that Russia still needs a new October. Paul is certainly just inventing a straw man to feed his hogs and nurse some left-anticommunist contrarian grievance obsession.

  • Ideology [she/her]
    3 years ago

    I agree with Taimur Rahman’s phrase “reactionary anti-imperialism” used in reference to this sort of thing. No, obviously not communist, but this war is breaking the west like strategically placed TNT in a quarry.

  • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
    3 years ago

    It doesn’t matter whether Russia is anti-imperialist or not, but whether it performs an anti-imperialist function and ultimately serves the cause of anti-imperialism. People like to debate whether this or that org or country is anti-imperialist, treating anti-imperialism as a metaphysical property that’s imbued within something and not as a real material movement towards the end of imperialism.

    I don’t know whether Iran is truly anti-imperialist in the sense that I don’t know whether Khamenei has secret designs in creating a Shia caliphate that covers all of Western Asia or a neo-Achaemenid Empire. But what I do know, based on what has happened and is happening in the material world, is that Iran is playing a pivotal role in undermining Western hegemony by being a key player in the Axis of Al-Quds. I don’t know whether Iran has malicious designs in turning Palestine into an Iranian neocolony, but what I do know is that Iran has done more to help the Palestinian resistance against the Zionist entity than any other country. One is mere speculation while the other is cold reality.

    The sad truth is that anti-imperialist forces, principled or otherwise, within the imperial core is weak and enfeebled enough that the cause of anti-imperialism is advanced through incompetent Western imperialists rather than Western anti-imperialists. Trump’s incompetent buffoonery has done more to undermine Western imperialism than any other anti-imperialist force within the West.

    Perhaps this is one reason why Western leftists love to treat anti-imperialist as a metaphysical property. They retreat to idealism because even aspiring non-Western imperialists who no longer want to play second fiddle to Western imperialism are doing more.

  • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
    3 years ago

    the only pro-russian people are fake lefties like haz and right wingers, this video is about people who don’t exist, attacking positions nobody actually takes

    so it’s peak breadtube

      • zeal0telite [he/him,they/them]
        3 years ago

        It’s good that Russia is creating a bipolar world actually.

        If you had any understanding of imperialism you’d know that this kind of action might genuinely be a breakout moment for those who wish to escape Western influence.

        I’m not going to suggest that Russia is doing this out of the kindness of their hearts for our Communist cause, but if you don’t support what they’re doing then what do you support? What would you rather they’d have done? Sat back and let Western hegemony grow larger and larger while you sit back and think “I’m a good person for thinking war is bad”?

  • Awoo [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Paul is ultraleft. His analysis is dogshit because he doesn’t accept that China is a marxist-leninist state pursuing communism.

    It’s really fucking easy to take the position of opposing Russia if you think communists have absolutely no territory in all the world besides Cuba.

    When you hold this position your analysis is essentially free of all risk, you just oppose everything, EVERYWHERE. You don’t have to worry about the consequences of Russia losing to nato and how that might cause a bunch of nato bases on China’s northern border which will lead to the eventual collapse of China through ops coming at them from every fucking side.

    Yes Russia is capitalist. Yes Russia is not a friend. Yes Russia is bad. But China is the hope of communism in the world today and it will fall if Russia falls because it will not benefit from the policy of wait and see that the west previously performed when the soviet union was overthrown.

    You come up with two completely different strategic ideas about the situation depending on whether you think China is communist and therefore communism has something to lose, or whether you think it’s not and we have absolutely nothing anywhere in the world therefore nothing to lose in fighting class war on all fronts.