Plus it irritates the skin less cause you only really need 1-2 passes (shaving with those multi blade razors takes ages and 3-5 passes in my experience if the hair is anything beyond 1 mm long). Remember to rinse the blade every 1-2 passes too.
Plus it irritates the skin less cause you only really need 1-2 passes (shaving with those multi blade razors takes ages and 3-5 passes in my experience if the hair is anything beyond 1 mm long). Remember to rinse the blade every 1-2 passes too.
No, shareholder interest, which - in the absence of the clear desire of the majority shareholder(s) - is assumed to be profit. So I think the question above is quite important actually
All sucks sites are legitimate military targets by definition - regardless of whether they have anything to do with conventional weapons. MAD is not about ethnics. MAD is about MAD. No one will give a damn whether there were also some pee shooters in the missle silo the destruction of which caused Armageddon. You don’t need sympathy. This brings you one step closer to disaster too.
You my friend have a desecration kink, closely related, but not necessarily paired with a degradation kink. Easy litmus test in a less religious context - does the fact that you’re doing that to someone’s daughter/son actually kinda turn you on?
Android is Linux. It’s all the stuff on top that makes it more secure - 90% of which is covered by flatpak + MAC.
But what if your hard to explain kinks damn near kill you?
My man heard of CJK input methods and thought they were a study guide. Then threw in English and French to confuse the enemy. Props to you dude! That said, you’re a walking i18n nightmare.
This reads to me like a fairly leftist meme though, just more on the classical Marxist side.
Honestly glad some EU businesses started accepting Monero. Closest thing to digital cash I’ve seen. Pretty damn steady price, no marketing bs, almost never makes the news & just sits there doing what it does best - being a convenient, truly anonymous transfer of value. Pretty neat value prop if you ask me.
With the shit that’s typically beeing shilled I agree. But there is genuine value in a bank not taking a ridiculous 5-10% cut of a transaction just because it crosses some invisible geographic line. Also why are transaction fees percentages? Do they charge per bit they have to shift in their database?
Feel free to ping me if I can help, at least in the form of starter configs/small hacks that emulate VS Code workflows or something :)
Personally I was the guy that had thousands of lines of Vim and Emacs configurations, so I really had to do this to manage the time sink (like you I had a stint with VS Code in between that eventually stopped working for me)
Takes a second to get used to the keybindings but after about ~2w you can painlessly switch back and forth between vim and helix pretty much instantly
Skip the masochism, try helix. Switched to that + zellij with about 20 lines of config and never looked back
Oh, dropped a digit. Should have just taken that nap I was gunning for. My mistake!
Hold on, the link you posted says 10 to 100 times more than the natural background extinction rate. That’s very far from "any of the previous mass extinctions in the history of the Earth.
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