I could not recommend AnySoftKeyboard to my mum. I could recommend Florisboard, tho.
Openboard is virtually dead from what I can see. So that leaves Florisboard as the only open source alternative (that I know of) that could really be used by the masses. And the world would actually be a way better place if we all opensource freaks could install Florisboard on our family/friends phones and them barely noticing anything weird.
The problem is… no word suggestions yet. It’s been years and we are still lacking what is almost an essential feature of a phone’s keyboard.
I wish I could really work on it, but I lack the knowledge to do so; so I hope I am bringing some attention to the project.
Is there any other alternative I am unaware of?
Definitely one of the biggest things keeping me from switching from gboard to an open source keyboard is that I use my keyboard for not just English, but Japanese (12 key and handwriting recognition), Chinese (both simp. and trad. pinyin and handwriting recognition), Korean, and French and I have yet to find an open source keyboard that has all of those wrapped under a single keyboard.
Man I just want an open source keyboard where changing language settings ISN’T a single key next to the spacebar.
I hate starting a perfectly legible sentence in one language and then suddenly getting weird completions in another, just because I fat-thumbed the spacebar too much to the left.
That would also be amazing. There have been plenty of times I wanted to hit an apostrophe or z, x, or c and accidentally switched to another language. It’s annoying.
My man heard of CJK input methods and thought they were a study guide. Then threw in English and French to confuse the enemy. Props to you dude! That said, you’re a walking i18n nightmare.
I’m definitely one of those people who can barely speak, read, write any CJK or French, but I at least still use them from time to time. Especially as a vocaloid fan (for CJK).