It’s a class war. It always has been. The 1 percenters use their control of the media to keep the poor and middle classes fighting with each other, so that they . . . the rich, can run off with all the f*cking money.
Ah yeah, an enlightened centrist meme, coming directly from the deranged minds that think trying to take the middle road when one the sides is blatantly against human rights is a moderate position.
Calling out Capitalists as the greatest evil, isnt the centerist take you think it is…
This is obviously a leftist meme making fun of liberal and conservative fighting. It’s from the perspective of someone to the left of liberals, not between liberals and conservatives.
That makes more sense. I was wondering why they were both saying the same thing when typically you’d expect liberals and conservatives to be arguing. Those to the left of liberals see everyone as “liberal,” as in free markets and whatever, not political left/right, or at least the hexbear folks do.
Took me a bit longer than I’d like to admit to get what they were going on about when everyone was called liberal lol
This reads to me like a fairly leftist meme though, just more on the classical Marxist side.
Maybe redrawn where purple hair is trying to get at the rich guy, and Red Hat is getting in the way
Are you saying that If i dye my hair purple people will automatically assume I’m an anti capitalist leftists and not a liberal?!? Lol
Purple hair
Yeah, that raised an eyebrow for me too.
Why is the purple hair causing so many folks to get hung up on this meme calling out the Capitalists that pit the Prolitariat against one anothet in order to distract them from the class war being waged against them? Yall are automatically assuming that purple hair makes the person’s takes similar to your own. Like wtf?
Beacuse it is a trope used by the right to try and discredit opinions that oppose them by relying on a biased meme.
Like the most scene chick I knew in high school grew up to be a prolife tRumper, who still dyes her hair a different color every couple of months. Y’all get way too hung up in optics. Fr fr.
I’m starting to think you’re some variety of nazbol.
Nah fam, race and social issues VERY much matter to me, but we must contexualize them as issues being used to divide the Prolitariat who at the very root of the matter have very similar goals politically, but are very easily distracted from them by right wing grifters using them to keep the Prolitariat divided. I 100% agree that bigots need to be called out and corrected, but i dont believe that is capable of being achieved by arguing against their view in the cultural war. The only way to get them to change their views is by pointing out logical hypocrisies on very root issues they care about, such as Corporations robbing the working class, and thereby slowly building their class conciousness and letting them realize their enemy isnt a liberal/leftist that cares about social issues or refuges seeking a better life, but the Corporations and 1% that have kept their rage misdirected for decades.
If the strategy is to write so much that nobody reads it, it’s working.
Trying to oppress minorities harder is actively a part of class war though. This is like, marxism 101
But fighting Culture Wars is only fighting symptoms, the root cause is Class oppression. Fighting symptoms is not wrong but cant be the end goal. The goal should be to use the Culture Wars to make people realize that.
Are we referring to the same thing when we say culture war? Because I am including actual things besides the annoying media nonsense.
Thats part of it but i was thinking more about anti trans, gay, feminism violence and laws.
The culture wars mean that the methods of coercion differ depending on who you are as a member of the proletariat.
I would suggest reading the book transgender marxism, I think articles 2 and 5 if I remember correctly go into this.