My main account is @WeirdWriter
@antonim @reversebananimals I’m honestly not sure how Amazon thought GR was gonna make them money? I mean, if I wanna buy a Kindle book/book from Amazon, I never go to Goodreads. I just go there to look up series and books by authors and then just use my libraries to get the books. I knew even back then GR would **never** make Amazon money.
@JaymesRS Thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for! I just wish the books had synopsis on the pages, though. This is actually great!
@Taztrophe @books You could also go to the main instance, find a book with a lot of reviews and start foowing the people with the most interesting reviews. I don’t think you can subscribe to whole instances yet
@antonim As for me, I use Bookwyrm and my libraries timeline feature in Libby.
@renard_roux @foss Do you know if it can output in Shun mamuscript format with a plugin?
@rkw_social @MacroCyclo I think so as well, yes. LibreOffice is the most maintained FOS solution to Microsoft Word. Microsoft has a billion times better accessibility support, but then again, big tech is always lightyears ahead of accessibility support, sadly! Still, I hope that tide is shifting.
@Jaluvshuskies No, it’s an alternative front end. Technically speaking, Mastodon/Hometown/Glitch are the Twitter of the Fediverse. I am on Hometown.
@hendrik @Blackbeard Keep an eye on the RBlind folks because they are working on patches to solve this problem but yes, the community of developers could/should step in to make it work. There’s also KBin
@ramin_hal9001 @foss You have a point
@ApathyTree @SilentStorms Couldn’t agree more! Ironically, this is what we tried to do before the TwitterMigration, over here on the Mastodon part
@ApathyTree @SilentStorms Ironically, this is what we tried to do before the TwitterMigration, over here on the Mastodon part
@omarciddo It’s especially ironic because these very Disabled people would be the biggest champions of FOSS if FOSS software was designed to be accessible from the ground up, or at least more development tools made it easier to do these things but the very people that could benefit the most from FOSS are completely shunned/left to fend for themselves constantly, while still unable to use your FOSS software at all, and then people wonder why big tech continues to capture that market. @foss
@Skooshjones @privsecfoss @foss Also, another reason why big tech catches on, every time, is not so much that the UX is glossy but that Zoom, Apple, etc, all know that #Accessibility is needed to, 1, be dominant. As people look for stuff and tools that are accessible to Disabled users, Apple and Zoom come up a lot because they knew that capturing accessible design was a great way to capture a huge portion of users and otherwise. 2. Accessible design works for everybody. Seriously, having a far cleaner UI is better for everybody, including developers when they need to change code later.
@Big_Lanids @foss Is there a hosted version somewhere?
@Badabinski Both have accessibility patches and foundations that make them far more accessible than Reddit ever was but we need to ensure that foundation holds as more developers submit patches for both without accessibility awareness or care from outside developers.
@jdp23 Yes. Accessibility is a good start on KBin but more still needs to be done. Like, for example, I would wrap all comments to a post in a nested list item that is ordered so that way we can tell which comment is a hierarchy to another comment. I am also a little worried that others will submit code requests and additions that are not as successful as his original design, and then it’s approved, and then this one’s accessible thing is not as accessible anymore thanks to a third party contribution. Not saying that it will happen. I’m just worried because I’ve seen it happen previously
@shinnoodles For me, it counts as a boost I believe, but I honestly mostly look at mentions because my notifications constantly explode with boosts, favorites, and or likes/upvotes. Neat, though! Can’t wait until Wordpress fully joins the Fediverse. That’s gonna be really wild!
@Taztrophe @antonim @EnglishMobster @books Correct! You can follow accounts but not instances or books. I’m not even sure how one would like to even subscribe to a book, like, would you want it to be like a group and get notified every time someone reviews? I actually can make that suggestion in the Github, so we will see! But yes, you follow users on Bookwyrm, not books or instances.