@literature how do you find new books to read? For me, it’s YouTube channels, blogs like lovely Audiobooks, the Libro FM blog and the Audible blog. I listen to audiobooks
I previously used to browse some subreddits and ask for reccs, but that plan is in a liminal phase at that moment.
Same here. We’ll, the part about subreddits at least. We ought to be able to as for recommendations here in this community though, no?
@astromd Are there any other book communities in KBin or Lemmy that I can subscribe to? I can subscribe with this account even though it’s a Hometown account
I recently started looking up awards winner lists on Wikipedia. I’ve found some great sci-fi on the list of Philip K Dick and Hugo award winners.
Every year there is a book published with the Hugo award winners and other awards. Obviously, this is the short story categories. But I found it a great way to find interesting stories and authors I should branch out towards.
@bnotwen I will try that next! I typically am not eager to read award winners but that is a great resource
Libro.fm, Powells blog, LibraryThing (which has both user and automatic recommendations, and user-generated lists that are good for titles in specific genres or specific topics or all the winners of a particular award), New York Times book reviews, the Guardian book reviews, Tor.com, book sites that I happen on when searching for book reviews of titles I’m interested in. I just added a few books to my TBR from a Metafiction list on LibraryThing.
I look up books on some topic I’m interested at the moment (Nowadays I’m reading a lot about classical composers), or a genre or some author. I search for an audiobook on youtube (I’ve listened to a lot of audiobooks there) or if there’s any pdf/similar format of the book I can download.
I also look at what people in the fandoms I’m in like and take a look at these books/book series/comics/manga/etc
Newest releases on pirate site of my choice.
I just follow “literature news”, where whatever is exciting in the literature, or just corresponds to someone’s hobby horse inevitably shows up. I’m pretty happy to have found sources that align well with my tastes
- Papierstau Podcast (warning: German)
- Information (warning, Danish)
- European Review of Books
I used to wander through my local Borders bookstore, looking for interesting covers. I still do that occasionally at Barnes & Noble (since Borders no longer exists), but somehow it’s just not as much fun.
Modern Mrs Darcy, my RSS list of book blogs, Book Riot, Lit Hub, Electric Lit, Arts & Letters Daily, Goodreads, StoryGraph. I was getting recs from a handful of subreddits, for genre fiction too. I read physical and ebooks. Edit to add: I also have a few authors I autobuy/read their newsletters so I can get their newest book whenever it comes out.