Incorrect, houses can move during extreme weather conditions
Incorrect, houses can move during extreme weather conditions
Profits are up… Costs are down!
My brother in wages, we ARE the cost!
thanks, edited my comment to incorporate your corrections
Dear World,
This was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump but I am so sorry I failed you. I tried my best and gave it all the gumption I could muster. It is up to you now to finish the job; and I will offer $150,000 to whomever can complete the job. Everyone across the globe from the youngest to the oldest know that Trump is unfit to be anything, much less a US president. U.S. presidents must at bare minimum embody the moral fabric that is America and be kind, caring and selfless and always stand for humanity. Trump fails to understand any of
To be fair, most people do not live near train yards.
expectation: ramming through antifa protestors
reality: running over your own child in your driveway by accident, killing them
bomb shelter nationalism
Eleven Ways to Kill a Child
by Mallory Wournos
grows legs
Wouldn’t you face problems with importing and registering it in the USA?
If you count the billboards on the side of the road, then yes.
if having to drive yourself was a treat, then nobody would be ordering delivery
Enacting tariffs to protect foreign (American) companies is truly something I haven’t seen before
anti-immigrant race riots/pogroms targeting anyone non-white in britain
Edit: Is the URL not working? Here’s the article: https://archive.ph/vKE3E
Direct link if your IP is blocked by archive.ph: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/aug/08/homeless-senior-citizen-deaths-los-angeles
Littering in the canals is a big problem in Amsterdam. People keep on throwing garbage into the canals like broken bikes and Israelis.