especially the ones about taking a pay cut and not needing a raise
fuck you, pay me
There’s a pizza place I don’t go to anymore because it has a “joke” sign up that does some bad math to prove no one works enough thus no one deserves days off. Reminds me of this.
I know the sign you’re talking about.
If porky needs me so badly that he would die if a single employee took one unpaid day off, then imagine all the extra cash we can yank out of that pig’s trotters if multiple workers threatened to not go to work unless he parted with some of his precious cash stack.
Sorry bossman, my landlord needs this money more than you. Don’t like it? Take it up with my landlord.
why does every small bean capitalist have a 5 year olds understanding of the world?
The US education system is not conducive to gaining an adult understanding of the world.
Having sold their souls to capital, they long for the last time they experienced real human connection — thus they retreat into an infantile state of mind, desperately trying to claw back that which they lost.
Or something.
Profits are up… Costs are down!
My brother in wages, we ARE the cost!