I’d love to see a real plan to ban cars in Manhattan. With street cars/light rail running east to west every few blocks, dedicated bike boulevards and mass investment in the subway it’s eminently doable.
Some reverse commuters would seethe but fuck you, move to the suburbs.
With street cars/light rail running east to west every few blocks, dedicated bike boulevards and mass investment in the subway it’s eminently doable.
Alright that’s one option, alternatively we can sell off the roads to developers so they can make a massive profit and turn NYC into megacity one
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Somewhere off to the side, there is a man with a movie camera, filming a slice of rotten pizza on the pavement.
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Pizza Rat movie.
i hated it, it didn’t have enough murder-fucking for my tastes
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This could all be replaced with a high speed conveyor belt.
I’m on my way
I’m on my way
Home sweet home
Tonight, tonight
I’m on my way
I’m on my way
Home sweet homeRepeat x1000 because there’s a lot of traffic, so you’ll be on your way for awhile.
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