Germans have always been saying this (“es geht” or “geht so”), btw.
Germans have always been saying this (“es geht” or “geht so”), btw.
Putin must have dirt on Trump. I doubt Trump cares about anyone but himself.
Had the best day of my life on it and then found out the next day why it is called “suicide sunday” in the scene.
The dunkey podcast / youtube channel?
First to poop opens a trapdoor under the other guy
Trent Reznor backwards is Ron Zertnert
I recommended looking up the problems with self hosting a mail server first. Just go with Tuta imo, its cheaper and easier.
Is that the superstar Rich Evans?
Mullvad and IVPN are cheaper. I am not a shill, this is just a genuine recommendation.
Edit: It’s not a lot better here, but at least you dont have to die.
A straw man fallacy (sometimes written as strawman) is the informal fallacy of refuting an argument different from the one actually under discussion, while not recognizing or acknowledging the distinction.[1] One who engages in this fallacy is said to be “attacking a straw man”.
Source: Wikipedia
You didn’t even try to understand what I am trying to say. I am on your side on this. If they dont want to be called that, I am not going to do that. I still think it is disrespectful.
Oh man I am going to get burned at the stakes for this comment.
I have ADHD, depression and a tendency for addiction, all diagnosed by a medical professional and not just because I feel like it. I am fine with being called mentally ill.
Is a neurodivergence that usually stops you from reproducing naturally and gender dysphoria a mental illness? Without any disrespect I would say yes and that’s fine. In my opinion it even validates hormone treatments and your insurance should pay for it. Do whatever makes you feel good about yourself.
I find it quite disrespectful to others that they have such a problem with that label.
Edit: Just to be clear, this is NOT about hate comments, or trying to justify them in any way.
Carhartt beanie time
You can’t give the full power to the people and count on them to make informed decisions. So you end up voting for experts to represent them and you can bet on the endless greed of humans - you and me included - to stuff their own pockets as much as possible off the people below them. The only hope is to write a fair social and tax system into the constitution, which will make big companies move to tax havens, so you end up with kinda what we already have in europe. Nothing will change, at best you get the bare minimum to survive and some relative luxury as a minimum wage worker.
Do they have cybertruck factories in ireland?
If I hadn’t been given benzos and been monitored 24/7 in a hospital I probably would have died. Alcohol withdrawal can literally kill you alone, not to mention poly withdrawal.
Edit: Also a delir is the most disgusting feeling ever, worse than physical pain imo.
I know I am like a week late, but holy shit physical withdrawal can be unfathomably brutal. I literally thought about killing myself, just so I dont have to go through it again. You are in a constant state of thinking it is impossible to take it any second longer. And once you’ve made it through acute withdrawals and you think you’ve made it - nope - welcome to post acute withdrawals, motherfucker. You’re going to feel like shit for months.
Edit: Opioids and alcohol in my case.
Paul Blart Paulos
Mall Paul Cop
You can via adb ( android debug bridge ) , no root needed, but you need a pc or shizuku. Although if he has a pixel device he should just install GrapheneOS imo. Edit: puxel -> pixel